51 research outputs found

    The ultrastructure of the main lateral nerve cords and accompanying elements of Triaenophorus nodulosus (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea)

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    The ultrastructure of lateral nerve cords (LNC) of Triaenophorus nodulosus has been studied. 4 of the 6 types of neurones earlier reported for cerebral ganglia are present in LNC: multipolars, bipolars, unipolars and «light»; neurosecretory cells of the 7th type lie in transverse commissures. The growth and formation of LNC occur at the expense of undifferentiated cells found on the cord periphery among mature neurones. LNC are surrounded with specialized envelopes made of cell processes of excretory vessels and a fibrillar matrix formed at early stages of cestode development. In large axons, cisternae of the cross reticulum are detected, which can serve as ultrastructural marker of the synapse. Two types of muscle innervation are determined. The direct innervation of muscular fibres is realized by peripheral neurosecretory neurones, which form contacts of the paracrine type. The central or sarco-neural innervation of muscular libers occurs in LNC via the entering muscular processes

    An Analysis of Effectiveness of the Work Aimed at Development of Inclusive Culture in the Students of the North Caucasus Federal University

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    В статье рассматриваются основные механизмы и инструменты развития инклюзивной культуры в рамках реализации инклюзивного образования в вузе.The article describes the urgency of the development of inclu-sion, and specifically, inclusive educa-tion, as one of the priorities of the modern state policy of our country. The study focuses on one of the key components of its development - inclusive culture - within the framework of the views of the mentality that has formed on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as an important component of the universal culture of a humanist society. According to the urgent aspects of the topic, the main issues related to the diagnosis and development of inclusive culture among students (first-year undergraduate full-time students) are described on the example of the North Caucasus Federal University


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    The thematic core facilities plan, CCU of Orel state agrarian university "Genetic resources of plants and their use" for a joint program with Shatilovskay of Institute of leguminous and cereal crops, of field and vegetation experiments on the study of specific features of manifestation of the activity of transpiration leaves of soybean are achieved. The object of the study were 10 varieties of soybeans that were grown on plots of 15 m2 in four replications. Seeding was carried out breeding seeder calculated 600 thousand of viable seeds per hectare. the way the plots were allocated systematically with offset. The care of crops was carried out in accordance with the recommended regional events. It was demonstrated that leaf transpiration activity of the culture increases sharply in the transition of plants to the generative period of development, reaching a maximum in the phase of mass fruit formation, when the most active growth and, consequently, the demand for assimilate. The intensity of transpiration of leaves during this period of plant development was by 8.22 mmol H2O/m2c. The highest transpiration activity was typical for the upper leaves located in the generative sphere of plants, the lowest - activity was fount for the lowerst leaves. On the 5th node from the bottom, its value was 2.2 times lower compared to the assimilating leaves at the top of the plants (3-4 knots top). Thus, the most intensive evaporation of the water by leaves are held from 9:00 to 13:00 hours Moscow time. The intensity of transpiration in this period amounted to an average of 5.42 mmol H2O/m2c, which was 19.9% higher than in the morning (from 7:00 to 8:00) and 42.3% in the afternoon (from 15:00 to 17:00).В рамках тематического плана ЦКП Орловского ГАУ «Генетические ресурсы растений и их использование» по совместной программе с Шатиловской СХОС ФГБНУ ВНИИ зернобобовых и крупяных культур, проведены полевые и вегетационные опыты по изучению видовых особенностей проявления активности транспирации листьями сои. Объектом изучения служили 10 перспективных сортов сои, которые выращивали на делянках площадью 15 м2 в четырехкратной повторности. Посев осуществляли селекционной сеялкой из расчета 600 тыс. всхожих семян на га. Способ размещения опытных делянок – систематический со смещением. Уход за посевами выполняли в соответствии с рекомендуемыми для региона мероприятиями. Установлено, что транспирационная активность листьев культуры резко возрастает при переходе растений к генеративному периоду развития, достигая максимума в фазу массового образования плодов, когда отмечается наиболее активный их рост и, соответственно, спрос на ассимиляты. Интенсивность транспирации листьев в данный период развития растений составляла 8,22 mmol H2O/m2c. Самой высокой активностью транспирации отличались верхние листья, расположенные в генеративной сфере растений, а самую низкую имели нижние. На 5 узле снизу ее величина была в 2,2 раза меньше, по сравнению с ассимилирующими листьями в верхней части растений (3-4 узлы сверху). При этом наиболее интенсивное испарение воды листьями проходило с 9:00 до 13:00 часов по московскому времени. Интенсивность транспирации в этот период составляла в сред- нем 5,42 mmol H2O/m2c, что было на 19,9% выше, чем в утренние часы (с 7:00 до 8:00) и на 42,3% – в послеобеденные (с 15:00 до 17:00)

    Value components of students’ patriotic potential

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    Background. Nowadays, Russia faces colossal tasks to ensure further progressive socio-economic and socio-cultural development in the new dynamically changing conditions. Patriotism, acting as strategic resource for maintaining integrity of the country and important component of society consolidation, enters the priorities circle and actualizes the problem of formation and development of patriotic potential value foundations of various social groups, especially young people. The purpose of the study is to analyze the value components of patriotic potential of modern student youth. Materials and methods. Based on analysis of documents, laws and statutory instruments, results of quantitative and quali-tative authors’ research among youth of the Penza region (2020), secondary analysis of data from other studies (VTsIOM and regional studies), sociological analysis of state and devel-opment of patriotic values of modern student youth was carried out. Results. Based on studies’ results, average level of patriotism among student youth was identified; structure of patriotic potential combines emotional-assessment and activity components of patriotism; for most of student youth, patriotism is love for the country, respect for traditions, work for good of the Motherland. Conclusions. The study showed that purposeful work is needed to develop value components of patriotic potential of student youth, which can be realized through clearly structured system of patriotic events in universities, creating appropriate university environment and improving quality of pedagogical support for development of students’ patriotism

    The ultrastructure of the main lateral nerve cords and accompanying elements of Triaenophorus nodulosus (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea)

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    The ultrastructure of lateral nerve cords (LNC) of Triaenophorus nodulosus has been studied. 4 of the 6 types of neurones earlier reported for cerebral ganglia are present in LNC: multipolars, bipolars, unipolars and «light»; neurosecretory cells of the 7th type lie in transverse commissures. The growth and formation of LNC occur at the expense of undifferentiated cells found on the cord periphery among mature neurones. LNC are surrounded with specialized envelopes made of cell processes of excretory vessels and a fibrillar matrix formed at early stages of cestode development. In large axons, cisternae of the cross reticulum are detected, which can serve as ultrastructural marker of the synapse. Two types of muscle innervation are determined. The direct innervation of muscular fibres is realized by peripheral neurosecretory neurones, which form contacts of the paracrine type. The central or sarco-neural innervation of muscular libers occurs in LNC via the entering muscular processes

    The ultrastructure of the main lateral nerve cords and accompanying elements of Triaenophorus nodulosus (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea)

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    The ultrastructure of lateral nerve cords (LNC) of Triaenophorus nodulosus has been studied. 4 of the 6 types of neurones earlier reported for cerebral ganglia are present in LNC: multipolars, bipolars, unipolars and «light»; neurosecretory cells of the 7th type lie in transverse commissures. The growth and formation of LNC occur at the expense of undifferentiated cells found on the cord periphery among mature neurones. LNC are surrounded with specialized envelopes made of cell processes of excretory vessels and a fibrillar matrix formed at early stages of cestode development. In large axons, cisternae of the cross reticulum are detected, which can serve as ultrastructural marker of the synapse. Two types of muscle innervation are determined. The direct innervation of muscular fibres is realized by peripheral neurosecretory neurones, which form contacts of the paracrine type. The central or sarco-neural innervation of muscular libers occurs in LNC via the entering muscular processes

    The ultrastructure of the main lateral nerve cords and accompanying elements of Triaenophorus nodulosus (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea)

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    The ultrastructure of lateral nerve cords (LNC) of Triaenophorus nodulosus has been studied. 4 of the 6 types of neurones earlier reported for cerebral ganglia are present in LNC: multipolars, bipolars, unipolars and «light»; neurosecretory cells of the 7th type lie in transverse commissures. The growth and formation of LNC occur at the expense of undifferentiated cells found on the cord periphery among mature neurones. LNC are surrounded with specialized envelopes made of cell processes of excretory vessels and a fibrillar matrix formed at early stages of cestode development. In large axons, cisternae of the cross reticulum are detected, which can serve as ultrastructural marker of the synapse. Two types of muscle innervation are determined. The direct innervation of muscular fibres is realized by peripheral neurosecretory neurones, which form contacts of the paracrine type. The central or sarco-neural innervation of muscular libers occurs in LNC via the entering muscular processes


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    International conventional views on a problem of pubertal uterine bleeding are elucidated in the article. Clinical peculiarities and risk factors, diagnostic methods and therapy of pubertal uterine bleeding in girls is thought out considering multiple factors of pathogenesis and concomitant diseases. Revealed principles of interdisciplinary treatment of girls with uterine bleeding by pediatricians and gynecologists for children and adolescents are designed to facilitate early of premorbid health status, features of reproductive organs development and genital organs state. These steps would allow to hamper pathology progression and result in better levels of reproductive health in mothers in the future.Key words: uterine bleedings in puberty, adolescent girls, gynecology diseases, duagnostics and treatment