303 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the softness and its impression of visual stimuli in VR space

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    To examine the softness and impression of visual objects in VR (Virtual Reality) space, the impression of the visual stimuli in VR space was measured using the subjective evaluation of a seven-rank scale by changing with each the value of the deformation resistance of the stimuli, of shapes, and colors. The value of the deformation resistance of the stimuli expresses the degree of deformation to return to the original of the object when touching it in VR space. The lower value indicates the larger deformation like pudding and the higher one is the smaller one like thick rubber they were used three types of values lower and higher, and no-deformation of the objects. The shapes of objects as the stimuli were three shapes (sphere, cube, pyramid). The colors of the stimuli were selected from five colors (red, green, green, gray, and white) and they have used two types of the feeling of materials (matte and metallic) in each color. Ten participants were asked to subjectively evaluate the softness and impression of the stimulus. In the results, the evaluation changes from soft to hard by increasing the values of deformation resistance in all the stimuli in VR space. It is suggested that the degree of the deformation to return to the original can express the softness of objects when touching them in VR space even though the user does not touch them physically. It also discussed the relationship between softness and its impression of the stimuli in VR space

    Inference of potential genetic risks associated with large-scale releases of red sea bream in Kanagawa prefecture, Japan based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA analysis

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    Since 1978, millions of hatchery-reared red sea bream (Pagrus major) juveniles have been released in Sagami Bay and Tokyo Bay in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. The stock enhancement program has contributed to total catch; however, no information regarding the genetic interactions with wild counterparts is available. Here, we combined 15 microsatellite loci and mitochondrial D-loop sequencing to characterize the genetic resources of red sea bream in Sagami Bay and Tokyo Bay and to elucidate the potential harmful genetic effects associated with fish releases. Both types of markers evidenced higher levels of genetic diversity in wild samples (SB and TB) compared with offspring before stocking (H07 and H08) as well as a hatchery-released sample recaptured in Sagami Bay (HR). Microsatellite F (ST) estimates and Bayesian clustering analysis found significant genetic differences among samples (F (ST) = 0.013-0.054), except for the two wild samples (F (ST) = 0.002) and HR vs. H07 (F (ST) = 0.007). On the other hand, mitochondrial-based Dcurrency sign (ST) suggested haplotypic similarity between SB, H07, and HR. The low effective number of females contributing to the offspring over multiple generations may be responsible for the lack of haplotypic differentiation. Moreover, the putative hatchery origin to three fish (8 %) without deformity in the inter-nostril epidermis was inferred for the first time. Our results showed the usefulness of combining nuclear and mitochondrial markers to elucidate genetic interactions between hatchery-released and wild red sea bream and warned about potential harmful genetic effects should interbreeding takes place

    MYCL promotes iPSC-like colony formation via MYC Box 0 and 2 domains

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    iPS細胞作製過程における初期化因子MYCLのタンパク質ドメインの機能解析. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-12-20.Protein domain structures affect the quality of stem cells. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-12-20.Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) can differentiate into cells of the three germ layers and are promising cell sources for regenerative medicine therapies. However, current protocols generate hiPSCs with low efficiency, and the generated iPSCs have variable differentiation capacity among different clones. Our previous study reported that MYC proteins (c-MYC and MYCL) are essential for reprogramming and germline transmission but that MYCL can generate hiPSC colonies more efficiently than c-MYC. The molecular underpinnings for the different reprogramming efficiencies between c-MYC and MYCL, however, are unknown. In this study, we found that MYC Box 0 (MB0) and MB2, two functional domains conserved in the MYC protein family, contribute to the phenotypic differences and promote hiPSC generation in MYCL-induced reprogramming. Proteome analyses suggested that in MYCL-induced reprogramming, cell adhesion-related cytoskeletal proteins are regulated by the MB0 domain, while the MB2 domain regulates RNA processes. These findings provide a molecular explanation for why MYCL has higher reprogramming efficiency than c-MYC

    Autistic Traits and Brain Activation during Face-to-Face Conversations in Typically Developed Adults

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    BACKGROUND: Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, restricted interests, and repetitive behaviours. The severity of these characteristics is posited to lie on a continuum that extends into the general population. Brain substrates underlying ASD have been investigated through functional neuroimaging studies using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). However, fMRI has methodological constraints for studying brain mechanisms during social interactions (for example, noise, lying on a gantry during the procedure, etc.). In this study, we investigated whether variations in autism spectrum traits are associated with changes in patterns of brain activation in typically developed adults. We used near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), a recently developed functional neuroimaging technique that uses near-infrared light, to monitor brain activation in a natural setting that is suitable for studying brain functions during social interactions. METHODOLOGY: We monitored regional cerebral blood volume changes using a 52-channel NIRS apparatus over the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and superior temporal sulcus (STS), 2 areas implicated in social cognition and the pathology of ASD, in 28 typically developed participants (14 male and 14 female) during face-to-face conversations. This task was designed to resemble a realistic social situation. We examined the correlations of these changes with autistic traits assessed using the Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ). PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Both the PFC and STS were significantly activated during face-to-face conversations. AQ scores were negatively correlated with regional cerebral blood volume increases in the left STS during face-to-face conversations, especially in males. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrate successful monitoring of brain function during realistic social interactions by NIRS as well as lesser brain activation in the left STS during face-to-face conversations in typically developed participants with higher levels of autistic traits

    Timing of CRISPR/Cas9-related mRNA microinjection after activation as an important factor affecting genome editing efficiency in porcine oocytes

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    Recently, successful one-step genome editing by microinjection of CRISPR/Cas9-related mRNA components into the porcine zygote has been described. Given the relatively long gestational period and the high cost of housing swine, the establishment of an effective microinjection-based porcine genome editing method is urgently required. Previously, we have attempted to disrupt a gene encoding alpha-1,3-galactosyltransferase (GGTA1), which synthesizes the alpha-Gal epitope, by microinjecting CRISPR/Cas9-related nucleic acids and enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) mRNA into porcine oocytes immediately after electrical activation. We found that genome editing was indeed induced, although the resulting blastocysts were mosaic and the frequency of modified cells appeared to be low (50%). To improve genome editing efficiency in porcine oocytes, cytoplasmic injection was performed 6 h after electrical activation, a stage wherein the pronucleus is formed. The developing blastocysts exhibited higher levels of EGFP. Furthermore, the T7 endonuclease 1 assay and subsequent sequencing demonstrated that these embryos exhibited increased genome editing efficiencies (69%), although a high degree of mosaicism for the induced mutation was still observed. Single blastocyst-based cytochemical staining with fluorescently labeled isolectin BS-I-B-4 also confirmed this mosaicism. Thus, the development of a technique that avoids or reduces such mosaicism would be a key factor for efficient knock out piglet production via microinjection. (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.ArticleTHERIOGENOLOGY.108:29-38(2018)journal articl

    Lipid flippase dysfunction as a therapeutic target for endosomal anomalies in Alzheimer's disease

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    Endosomal anomalies because of vesicular traffic impairment have been indicated as an early pathology of Alzheimer'vertical bar disease (AD). However, the mechanisms and therapeutic targets remain unclear. We previously reported thatbCTF, one of the pathogenic metabolites of APP, interacts with TMEM30A. TMEM30A constitutes a lipid flippase with P4-ATPase and regulates vesicular trafficking through the asymmetric distribution of phospholipids. Therefore, the alteration of lipid flippase activity in AD pathology has got attention. Herein, we showed that the interaction between beta CTF and TMEM30A suppresses the physiological formation and activity of lipid flippase in AD model cells, A7, and App(NLG-F/NLG-F) model mice. Furthermore, the T-RAP peptide derived from the beta CTF binding site of TMEM30A improved endosomal anomalies, which could be a result of the restored lipid flippase activity. Our results provide insights into the mechanisms of vesicular traffic impairment and suggest a therapeutic target for AD