145 research outputs found

    ヨボウ ト リハビリテーション : ギョウセイ ノ タチバ カラ

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    Stroke is the third leading cause of death and a leading cause of adult disability in theJapan and the Tokushima Prefecture. Preventing stroke is the most important strategy forreducing the mortality from this disease, the suffering number of disability and also thedisability-related cost.Major modifiable causal risk factors for stroke include hypertension, diabetes, cigarettesmoking, alcohol consumption, atrial fibrillation and obesity.Current policies and practices for stroke prevention include both high-risk andpopulation-wide components. The high-risk approach requires detection and managementof these risk factors, once established in the affected individuals. The population-wide approachuses interventions intended to shift the distribution of risk favorably in those populationsin which a given risk factor has become prevent. The approach of the Health andMedical Service Law for Elderly (Rou-jin Hoken Hou) is the former. The approach of thenew policy of health promotion (Kenkou Nippon 21) is the latter. “Kenkou Nippon 21” is theprevention agenda for the nation. It is designed to achieve the goal, increase quality andyears of healthy life.Rehabilitation is the essential medical service for after stroke patient. The goal of a rehabilitationprogram for the patient is to provide for optimal physical, psychologic, physiologic,and social adaptation. It is important in this regard that the physical restoration activitynot be terminated abruptly at discharge, but that maintenance program be developedwhich can be continued by the patient on his return home. Namely, it is important toestablish the care system for stroke patient in the community following hospital discharge.The ten-year strategy to make up the framework of Tokushima prefecture in 21 century“Shin Chouki Keikaku” was established in 1997. It was designed to improve the health,welfare and medical service systems include the rehabilitation system in community

    Pulmonary Manifestations of Plasma Cell Type Idiopathic Multicentric Castleman Disease: A Clinicopathological Study in Comparison with IgG4-Related Disease

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    Plasma cell type idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease (PC-iMCD) occasionally manifests as parenchymal lung disease. This study aimed to elucidate the detailed clinicopathological features of lung lesions in PC-iMCD and compare the findings with those in immunoglobulin (Ig) G4-related disease (IgG4-RD), the most difficult differential diagnosis of PC-iMCD. We analyzed the clinicopathological findings and immunohistochemical expression patterns of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and Igs in lung specimens from 16 patients with PC-iMCD and 7 patients with IgG4-RD. Histologically, pulmonary PC-iMCD could not be differentiated from IgG4-RD based on lesion distribution patterns, the number of lymphoid follicles and obliterative vasculitis, or fibrosis types. The eosinophil count was higher in the IgG4-RD group than in the PC-iMCD group (p = 0.004). The IgG4/IgG-positive cell ratio was significantly higher in the IgG4-RD group (p < 0.001). The IgA-positive cell count and IL-6 expression intensity were higher in the PC-iMCD group than in the IgG4-RD group (p < 0.001). Based on these findings, we proposed a new diagnostic approach to differentiate lung lesions of PC-iMCD and IgG4-RD. Our approach can be utilized to stratify patients with suspected lung-dominant PC-iMCD to identify candidates for strong immunosuppressive treatment, including IL-6 blockade, at an early stage

    Evaluation of oral immunotherapy efficacy and safety by maintenance dose dependency: A multicenter randomized study

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    Background Generally, oral immunotherapy (OIT) aims for daily administration. Recently, the efficacy of treatment with OIT at a low dose has been reported. However, the optimal dose and the evaluation of dose-dependent OIT outcome have not been described. Methods A multicenter, parallel, open-labeled, prospective, non-placebo controlled, randomized study enrolled 101 Japanese patients for treatment with OIT. We hypothesized that target dose OIT would induce short-term unresponsiveness (StU) earlier than reduced dose OIT. StU was defined as no response to 6200 mg whole egg, 3400 mg milk, and 2600 mg wheat protein, as evaluated by oral food challenge after 2-week ingestion cessation. To compare the two doses of OIT efficacy, the maximum ingestion doses during the maintenance phase of OIT were divided into 100%-dose or 25%-dose groups against their target StU dose, respectively. A total of 51 patients were assigned to the 100%-dose group [hen's egg (HE) = 26, cow's milk (CM) = 13, wheat = 12] and 50 to the 25%-dose group (HE = 25, CM = 13, wheat = 12). Primary outcome was established by comparing StU at 1 year. Secondary outcome was StU at 2 years and established by comparing allergic symptoms and immunological changes. Results The year 1 StU rates (%) for the 100%- and 25%-dose groups were 26.9 vs. 20.0 (HE), 7.7 vs. 15.4 (CM), and 50.0 vs. 16.7 (wheat), respectively. The year 2 StU rates were 30.8 vs. 36.0 (HE), 7.7 vs. 23.1 (CM), and 58.3 vs. 58.3 (wheat), respectively. There were no statistically significant differences in StU between years 1 and 2. The total allergic symptom rate in the 25%-dose group was lower than that in the 100%-dose group for egg, milk, and wheat. Antigen-specific IgE levels for egg-white, milk, and wheat decreased at 12 months. Conclusions Reduced maintenance dose of egg OIT showed similar therapeutic efficacy to the target dose. However, we were not able to clearly demonstrate the efficacy, particularly for milk and wheat. Reducing the maintenance dose for eggs, milk, and wheat may effectively lower the symptoms associated with their consumption compared to the target OIT dose. Furthermore, aggressive reduction of the maintenance dose might be important for milk and wheat, compared to the 25%-dose OIT

    Pavlov's Cockroach: Classical Conditioning of Salivation in an Insect

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    Secretion of saliva to aid swallowing and digestion is an important physiological function found in many vertebrates and invertebrates. Pavlov reported classical conditioning of salivation in dogs a century ago. Conditioning of salivation, however, has been so far reported only in dogs and humans, and its underlying neural mechanisms remain elusive because of the complexity of the mammalian brain. We previously reported that, in cockroaches Periplaneta americana, salivary neurons that control salivation exhibited increased responses to an odor after conditioning trials in which the odor was paired with sucrose solution. However, no direct evidence of conditioning of salivation was obtained. In this study, we investigated the effects of conditioning trials on the level of salivation. Untrained cockroaches exhibited salivary responses to sucrose solution applied to the mouth but not to peppermint or vanilla odor applied to an antenna. After differential conditioning trials in which an odor was paired with sucrose solution and another odor was presented without pairing with sucrose solution, sucrose-associated odor induced an increase in the level of salivation, but the odor presented alone did not. The conditioning effect lasted for one day after conditioning trials. This study demonstrates, for the first time, classical conditioning of salivation in species other than dogs and humans, thereby providing the first evidence of sophisticated neural control of autonomic function in insects. The results provide a useful model system for studying cellular basis of conditioning of salivation in the simpler nervous system of insects

    Structural and Biochemical Features of Eimeria tenella Dihydroorotate Dehydrogenase, a Potential Drug Target

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    Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHODH) is a mitochondrial monotopic membrane protein that plays an essential role in the pyrimidine de novo biosynthesis and electron transport chain pathways. In Eimeria tenella, an intracellular apicomplexan parasite that causes the most severe form of chicken coccidiosis, the activity of pyrimidine salvage pathway at the intracellular stage is negligible and it relies on the pyrimidine de novo biosynthesis pathway. Therefore, the enzymes of the de novo pathway are considered potential drug target candidates for the design of compounds with activity against this parasite. Although, DHODHs from E. tenella (EtDHODH), Plasmodium falciparum (PfDHODH), and human (HsDHODH) show distinct sensitivities to classical DHODH inhibitors, in this paper,we identify ferulenol as a potent inhibitor of both EtDHODH and HsDHODH. Additionally, we report the crystal structures of EtDHODH and HsDHODH in the absence and presence of ferulenol. Comparison of these enzymes showed that despite similar overall structures, the EtDHODH has a long insertion in the N-terminal helix region that assumes a disordered configuration. In addition, the crystal structures revealed that the ferulenol binding pocket of EtDHODH is larger than that of HsDHODH. These differences can be explored to accelerate structure-based design of inhibitors specifically targeting EtDHODH

    Identification of CD4−CD8− Double-Negative Natural Killer T Cell Precursors in the Thymus

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    BACKGROUND: It is well known that CD1d-restricted Valpha14 invariant natural killer T (NKT) cells are derived from cells in the CD4(+)CD8(+) double-positive (DP) population in the thymus. However, the developmental progression of NKT cells in the earlier stages remains unclear, and the possible existence of NKT cell presursors in the earlier stages than DP stage remains to be tested. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here, we demonstrate that NKT cell precursors that express invariant Valpha14-Jalpha18 transcripts but devoid of surface expression of the invariant Valpha14 receptor are present in the late CD4(-)CD8(-) double-negative (DN)4 stage and have the potential to generate mature NKT cells in both in vivo and in vitro experimental conditions. Moreover, the DN4 population in CD1d knock-out (CD1dKO) mice was similar to those with an NKT cell potential in wild-type (WT) C57BL/6 (B6) mice, but failed to develop into NKT cells in vitro. However, these precursors could develop into NKT cells when co-cultured with normal thymocytes or in an in vivo experimental setting, indicating that functional NKT cell precursors are present in CD1dKO mice. CONCLUSIONS: Together, these results demonstrate that thymic DN4 fraction contains NKT cell precursors. Our findings provide new insights into the early development of NKT cells prior to surface expression of the invariant Valpha14 antigen receptor and suggest the possible alternative developmental pathway of NKT cells

    Toro Times: Raising Our Voices!

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    During the Spring 2019 semester, Dr. Noah Asher Golden\u27s Teaching of Writing K-12 students partnered with the Journalism class at Yorba Academy for the Arts. Through collaboration over a four-month period, Chapman\u27s future teachers and Yorba\u27s junior high journalists engaged a deep writing process to write a series of features, editorials, and news articles related to a number of global issues. Thank you to Principal Preciado-Martin, former principal Tracy Knibb, Mrs. Andrea Lopez, Mrs. Kori Shelton, and the Lloyd E. and Elisabeth H. Klein Family Foundation for supporting this project.https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/yorba-chapman/1004/thumbnail.jp