983 research outputs found

    Interplay between disorder and local field effects in photonic crystal waveguides

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    We introduce a theory to describe disorder-induced scattering in photonic crystal waveguides, specifically addressing the influence of local field effects and scattering within high-index-contrast perturbations. Local field effects are shown to increase the predicted disorder-induced scattering loss and result in significant resonance shifts of the waveguide mode. We demonstrate that two types of frequency shifts can be expected, a mean frequency shift and a RMS frequency shift, both acting in concert to blueshift and broaden the nominal band structure. For a representative waveguide, we predict substantial meV frequency shifts and band structure broadening for a telecommunications operating frequency, even for state of the art fabrication. The disorder-induced broadening is found to increase as the propagation frequency approaches the slow light regime (mode edge) due to restructuring of the electric field distribution. These findings have a dramatic impact on high-index-contrast nanoscale waveguides, and, for photonic crystal waveguides, suggest that the nominal slow-light mode edge may not even exist. Furthermore, our results shed new light on why it has hitherto been impossible to observe the very slow light regime for photonic crystal waveguides.Comment: 4 page lette

    Theory of disorder-induced multiple coherent scattering in photonic crystal waveguides

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    We introduce a theoretical formalism to describe disorder-induced extrinsic scattering in slow-light photonic crystal waveguides. This work details and extends the optical scattering theory used in a recent \emph{Physical Review Letter} [M. Patterson \emph{et al.}, \emph{Phys. Rev. Lett.} \textbf{102}, 103901 (2009)] to describe coherent scattering phenomena and successfully explain complex experimental measurements. Our presented theory, that combines Green function and coupled mode methods, allows one to self-consistently account for arbitrary multiple scattering for the propagating electric field and recover experimental features such as resonances near the band edge. The technique is fully three-dimensional and can calculate the effects of disorder on the propagating field over thousands of unit cells. As an application of this theory, we explore various sample lengths and disordered instances, and demonstrate the profound effect of multiple scattering in the waveguide transmission. The spectra yield rich features associated with disorder-induced localization and multiple scattering, which are shown to be exasperated in the slow light propagation regime

    Photonic Crystal Nanobeam Cavity Strongly Coupled to the Feeding Waveguide

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    A deterministic design of an ultrahigh Q, wavelength scale mode volume photonic crystal nanobeam cavity is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. Using this approach, cavities with Q>10^6 and on-resonance transmission T>90% are designed. The devices fabricated in Si and capped with low-index polymer, have Q=80,000 and T=73%. This is, to the best of our knowledge, the highest transmission measured in deterministically designed, wavelength scale high Q cavities

    Radiation from elementary sources in a uniaxial wire medium

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    We investigate the radiation properties of two types of elementary sources embedded in a uniaxial wire medium: a short dipole parallel to the wires and a lumped voltage source connected across a gap in a generic metallic wire. It is demonstrated that the radiation pattern of these elementary sources have quite anomalous and unusual properties. Specifically, the radiation pattern of a short vertical dipole resembles that of an isotropic radiator close to the effective plasma frequency of the wire medium, whereas the radiation from the lumped voltage generator is characterized by an infinite directivity and a non-diffractive far-field distribution.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Current noise of a quantum dot p-i-n junction in a photonic crystal

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    The shot-noise spectrum of a quantum dot p-i-n junction embedded inside a three-dimensional photonic crystal is investigated. Radiative decay properties of quantum dot excitons can be obtained from the observation of the current noise. The characteristic of the photonic band gap is revealed in the current noise with discontinuous behavior. Applications of such a device in entanglement generation and emission of single photons are pointed out, and may be achieved with current technologies.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. B (2005

    Radiation pattern of a classical dipole in a photonic crystal: photon focusing

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    The asymptotic analysis of the radiation pattern of a classical dipole in a photonic crystal possessing an incomplete photonic bandgap is presented. The far-field radiation pattern demonstrates a strong modification with respect to the dipole radiation pattern in vacuum. Radiated power is suppressed in the direction of the spatial stopband and strongly enhanced in the direction of the group velocity, which is stationary with respect to a small variation of the wave vector. An effect of radiated power enhancement is explained in terms of \emph{photon focusing}. Numerical example is given for a square-lattice two-dimensional photonic crystal. Predictions of asymptotic analysis are substantiated with finite-difference time-domain calculations, revealing a reasonable agreement.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Polarization switching and nonreciprocity in symmetric and asymmetric magnetophotonic multilayers with nonlinear defect

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    A one-dimensional magnetophotonic crystal with a nonlinear defect placed either symmetrically or asymmetrically inside the structure is considered. Simultaneous effects of time-reversal nonreciprocity and nonlinear spatial asymmetry in the structure are studied. Bistable response is demonstrated in a such system, accompanied by abrupt polarization switching between two circular or elliptical polarizations for transmitted and reflected waves. The effect is explained in terms of field localization at defect-mode spectral resonances and can be used in the design of thin-film optical isolators and polarization transformation devices.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    Impact of heavy hole-light hole coupling on optical selection rules in GaAs quantum dots

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    We report strong heavy hole-light mixing in GaAs quantum dots grown by droplet epitaxy. Using the neutral and charged exciton emission as a monitor we observe the direct consequence of quantum dot symmetry reduction in this strain free system. By fitting the polar diagram of the emission with simple analytical expressions obtained from kâ‹…\cdotp theory we are able to extract the mixing that arises from the heavy-light hole coupling due to the geometrical asymmetry of the quantum dot.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
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