84 research outputs found
Action Research: Hypnotherapy to Overcome Pain and Anxiety in Colon Cancer Patients
Hypnoterapi action research on pain management and anxiety based colon cancer patients in the problems of pain and anxiety often expressed by colon cancer patients who have undergone surgery and is in the process of chemotherapy, anxiety will increase when individuals face the threat of a life change as a result of disease and duration of the treatment process. The root of the problem in this research is how hypnotherapy reduce pain and anxiety in patients with colon cancer in a surgical disease inpatient unit RSU Banyumas. Design a qualitative research approach action research/action research using Elliot›s Action Research Model, which consists of the process of identifying the initial idea, searching and analyzing facts about pain and anxiety, making planning hypnoterapi, action hypnoterapi, evaluate the success or failure of interventions hypnotherapy, revise ideas, the steps are performed in three cycles. Formulation of the problem in this research is «How to decrease pain and anxiety in patients with colon cancermafter hypnotherapy in the inpatient surgical disease RSU Banyumas». Data processing and data interpretation using NVivo software Based on the data obtained during the application of the three cycles of action showed that hypnotherapy is eff ective in reducing pain and anxiety in patients with colon cancer who are undergoing chemotherapy inpatient unit RSU Banyumas. Decrease in pain every cycle between 4 to 6.3, while the average decrease anxiety between 7 to 15.8. Conclusions in hypnotherapy research helpful in reducing pain and anxiety of patients who suff er from colon cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy in RSU Banyumas. Researchers hope hypnoterapi intervention can be arranged with a standard operating procedure nursing care in the health facilities and can be learned by nurses through nursing education curriculum.Keywords: hypnotherapy, colon cancer, pain, anxiety
Action Research: Hypnotherapy to Overcome Pain and Anxiety in Colon Cancer Patients
Hypnoterapi action research on pain management and anxiety based colon cancer patients in the problems of pain and anxiety often expressed by colon cancer patients who have undergone surgery and is in the process of chemotherapy, anxiety will increase when individuals face the threat of a life change as a result of disease and duration of the treatment process. The root of the problem in this research is how hypnotherapy reduce pain and anxiety in patients with colon cancer in a surgical disease inpatient unit RSU Banyumas. Design a qualitative research approach action research/action research using Elliot›s Action Research Model, which consists of the process of identifying the initial idea, searching and analyzing facts about pain and anxiety, making planning hypnoterapi, action hypnoterapi, evaluate the success or failure of interventions hypnotherapy, revise ideas, the steps are performed in three cycles. Formulation of the problem in this research is «How to decrease pain and anxiety in patients with colon cancermafter hypnotherapy in the inpatient surgical disease RSU Banyumas». Data processing and data interpretation using NVivo software Based on the data obtained during the application of the three cycles of action showed that hypnotherapy is eff ective in reducing pain and anxiety in patients with colon cancer who are undergoing chemotherapy inpatient unit RSU Banyumas. Decrease in pain every cycle between 4 to 6.3, while the average decrease anxiety between 7 to 15.8. Conclusions in hypnotherapy research helpful in reducing pain and anxiety of patients who suff er from colon cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy in RSU Banyumas. Researchers hope hypnoterapi intervention can be arranged with a standard operating procedure nursing care in the health facilities and can be learned by nurses through nursing education curriculum
Kemampuan dasar dalam matematika seperti pemecahan masalah dan komunikasi matematik masih jauh dari yang diharapkan dalam standar isi dan standar proses. Kenyataan di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa tujuan pembelajaran matematika yang diamanatkan dalam kurikulum masih jauh dari harapan. Kemampuan matematik siswa pada setiap jenjang pendidikan masih kurang dikategorikan rendah. Rendahnya hasil belajar siswa menjadi gambaran terhadap mutu pendidikan matematika. Hal ini tidak dapat dianggap sepele sehingga perlu mendapat perhatian yang serius. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut diperlukan penerapan prinsip belajar yang bisa merubah kebiasaan belajar siswa agar meraih prestasi yang membanggakan. Penggunaan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw berhasil dilaksanakan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan komunikasi matematik siswa pada siswa kelas IX SMP Negeri 8 Probolinggo. Tujuan umum penelitian ini memperoleh informasi tentang pengaruh pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw terhadap peningkatan kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan kemampuan komunikasi matematik siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Hasil penelitian ditunjukkan siklus II, hasil tes berbentuk uraian I berkaitan dengan kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan komunikasi matematik siswa berdasarkan perhitungan skor rata-rata diperoleh skor rata-rata kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa kelompok eksperimen sebesar 71,99, kelompok kontrol 66,63, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematik siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw lebih baik daripada kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran konvensional
Based Permenkes RI. No. 1109 of 2007 legalized complementary therapies carried out in health facilities, Permenkes RI No. HK.02.02 / Menkes / 148/1/2010 on the Implementation of License and Nurse Practice, hypnotherapy has become a complementary therapy used by nurses. Qualitative research design was used with action research approach to implement the method hypnotherapy. The study population was patients who had undergone colon cancer surgery and is undergoing chemotherapy who experience pain and anxiety. The study was conducted for 6 weeks in the Banyumas General Hospital, with purposive sampling technique gained 6 participants. The research instrument used in-depth interviews and participant observation after getting the hypnotherapy intervention. Data processing and data interpretation using NVivo software research shows the level of pain and anxiety hypnotherapy respondents declined after 1-3 cycles, the average decrease in pain every cycle between 4 to 6.3, while the average decrease anxiety decrease between 7 to 15.8. Conclusions in hypnotherapy research helpful in reducing pain and anxiety of patients who suffer from colon cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy in Banyumas General Hospital. Keywords: hypnotherapy, colon cancer, pain, anxiety
Pengaruh Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Jigsaw Terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Dan Komunikasi Matematik Siswa
Matematika adalah salah satu subjek kurikulum yang memiliki hubungan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari. Oleh karena itu, pembelajaran matematika diharapkan untuk mengembangkan (1) sikap logis, (2) analisis dan konsisten berpikir, (3) perhitungan yang akurat, (4) kerja yang be1tanggungjawab, (5) responsifbicara, dan tidak membuat siswa mudah menyerah dalam melakukan sesuatu. Dengan memiliki kemampuan yang
demikian ini diharapkan siswa dapat meningkatkan cara memecahkan masalah dan berkomunikasi matematis baik dalam dunia pendidikan maupun dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Salah satu cara untuk mengembangkan kemampuan yang demikian adalah dengan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw. Di dalam pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw ini kelas dibagi menjadi beberapa kelompok kecil yang beranggotakan empat atau lima
siswa. Tiap kelompok diberi tugas yang sama yang terditi dari beberapa topik sesuai dengan banyak anggota kelompok. Masing-masing siswa dalam satu kelompok belajar
memilih satu topik pembelajaran yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya. Setelah itu setiap siswa yang mendapat tugas yang sama dengan siswa kelompok lain bergabung membentuk kelompok baru yang dinamakan kelompok ahli. Mereka membahas topik
pembelajaran yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya sampai tuntas. Setelah itu mereka kembali ke kelompok asal dan mengajari anggota kelompok asal lain secara bergantian.
Permasalahan utama dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pengaruh pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan komunikasi matematis siswa. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuasi eksperimen dengan populasi siswa kelas IX SMP Negeri 8 Kota Probolinggo tahun pelajaran 2014/2015 dengan sampel kelas IX.1 dan kelas IX.3. Data yang diperlukan dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan
dengan dua macam cara yaitu ( 1) memberikan tes pada siswa dan (2) melakukan obsevasi terhadap pelaksanaan pembelajaran. Tes yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tes kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan tes kemampuan komunikasi
matematisl. Analisis data dilakukan secara kuantitatif yaitu dengan menghitung statistik deskriptif skor pretest, skor posttest, dan skor N-Gain meliputi skor terendah, skor tertinggi, rata-rata, dan simpangan baku.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematik siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw lebih baik daripada kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran
konvensional, (2) kemampuan komunikasi matematik siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw lebih baik daripada kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran konvensional, dan (3) interaksi pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw dengan kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan kemampuan komunikasi matematik siswa sangat kuat dan positif, artinya pada pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw, semakin baik hasil belajar pemecahan masalah matematis, maka semakin baik pula hasil belajar komunikasi matematisnya
Schiff bases attached L-glutamine and L-asparagine: First investigation on antimutagenic and antimicrobial analyses
WOS: 000336498100007PubMed ID: 23687951This study was conducted to evaluate the antimutagenic and antimicrobial activities of Schiff bases attached L-glutamine and L-asparagine. Antibacterial activities of the compounds against S. aureus, Sh. dys. typ 7, L. monocytogenes 4b, E. coli, S. typhi H, S. epidermis, Br. abortus, M. luteus, B. cereus, P. putida, and antifungal activity against Candida albicans were studied. These compounds were investigated for antimutagenic properties against Aflatoxin BI (AFBI) using micronuclei (MN) assay in human lymphocyte cell culture in vitro. The protective role of these compounds against AFBI-induced MN is probably related to its doses.Gazi University Research FundGazi University [05/2010-03]is research was supported by the Gazi University Research Fund (Project number: 05/2010-03)
The effect of ohmic heating pretreatment on drying of apple
[EN] In this study, effects of ohmic pretreatment on the drying rates and color kinetics of apple were investigated. Apple slices were treated at different electric field strengths (20-30 and 40 V/cm) at 60°C for 1 min. Drying process was applied at 60˚C-2 m/s by using a tray-dryer. ΔE and moisture content were calculated. These values were fitted to the semi-theoretical thin-layer drying and the zero and first-order kinetic model. The shortest drying time was found samples treated with 30 V/cm. Wang&Singh model gave the superior fit to the experimental data. ΔE fitted well to the zero-order kinetic model.Kutlu, N.; Yilmaz, MS.; Arslan, H.; Isci, A.; Sakiyan, O. (2018). The effect of ohmic heating pretreatment on drying of apple. En IDS 2018. 21st International Drying Symposium Proceedings. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1487-1494. https://doi.org/10.4995/IDS2018.2018.7375OCS1487149
Effect of high power ultrasonic treatment on whey protein foaming quality
High power ultrasonic energy at 20%, 40% and 60% amplitude was applied on whey protein suspension at concentrations of 100, 150 and 200 g kg−1 for 5, 15 and 25 min to improve its foaming quality. Ultrasound-treated whey protein suspension at 200 g kg−1 showed improvement in terms of increased foaming capacity by 18%, foam stability by 35%, consistency index by 18%, storage modulus by 17%, loss modulus by 26% and viscosity by 21% compared with untreated whey protein. For maximally ultrasound-treated samples of 60% amplitude treated for 25 min, the improved whey protein foams also had a 46% increase in the number of more evenly distributed fine bubbles which had a size smaller than 0.0025 mm3 as imaged using X-ray microtomography
Air mass trajectories and land cover map reveal cereals and oilseed rape as major local sources of Alternaria spores in the Midlands, UK.
Transport of Alternaria spores from both local agricultural and remote areas has been implicated as a source of these spores in urban areas. The purpose of this study was to understand the relative contribution of local sources versus long distance transport on Alternaria spore concentrations, with applicability to Alternaria and other spore sampling sites worldwide. This was achieved by comparing two spore sampling sites in the cities of Worcester and Leicester in the UK, ~90 km apart, over a three year period (2016-2018) and focusing on a period of time when both sites experienced high spore counts. The study found 61 and 151 days of clinical significance (>100 spores/m³ air) at Worcester and Leicester, respectively. The spore concentrations were considerably higher in Leicester than in Worcester. Analysis of the crop map showed higher amounts of winter barley and oilseed rape near to Leicester compared to Worcester. HYSPLIT modelling during the episode revealed that the air masses arrived at both Leicester and Worcester from Ireland and the Atlantic Ocean. Long distance transport probably had a small but equal contribution to the observations at both sites. HYSPLIT particle dispersion simulations showed that the spores were dispersed and deposited from local sources. The results indicate that substantially higher concentrations of Alternaria spores occur in areas with high amounts of cereals and oilseed rape compared to those with lower amounts, or with different crops
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