2 research outputs found

    Caesarean myomectomy in a patient with multiple maternal and fetal comorbidities: a rare interesting case report

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    Caesarean myomectomy has been traditionally discouraged due to the fear of complications like intractable haemorrhage, peripartum hysterectomy, and increased postoperative morbidity. Recently, a number of authors in their studies have shown that myomectomy during caesarean section does not increase the risk of haemorrhage or postoperative morbidity, if adequate haemostatic methods are used and done by skilled surgical hands. Caesarean myomectomy was performed in a case of elderly primigravida with 36-week gestation with chronic hypertension with polyhydramnios with anterior wall pedunculated fibroid of 8.6×7.2×8 cm and multiple small fibroids in the anterior wall, fundus and subserosal plane. Caesarean myomectomy is a safe and effective procedure in a tertiary care centre at hands of an experienced surgeon

    Didelphys uterus: an interesting case report of pregnancy in a rare Mullerian anomaly

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    Mullerian duct anomalies (MDAs) are congenital defects of the female genital system that arise from abnormal embryological development of the Mullerian ducts. A didelphys uterus, also known as a double uterus, is one of the least common amongst the MDAs. This report discussed a case of pregnancy with uterus didelphys. This patient was a 27-year-old primigravida with 34.2-week gestation with spontaneous conception who presented with decreased fetal movements. On examination patient had a non-communicating, thick vaginal septum extending from the introitus to the cervix was seen and two cervices one on each side of the septum were located. The patient underwent emergency lower segment caesarean section in view of foetal distress and doppler changes. Intra-operatively, evidence of didelphys uteri was seen. Intraoperative and post-operative period was uneventful. A fetus of 1790 gram was delivered, with APGAR 9/10. There were no renal anomalies on subsequent ultrasonography