20 research outputs found

    Evaluation of antioxidant activity of the purified peptides from hydrolysis of rotifer (Brachionus plicatilis)

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    Rotifers are an important group of zooplankton in aquatic ecosystems that contain relatively high amounts of unsaturated fatty acids, proteins and peptides. Rotifers, especially Brachionus plicatilis species, are one of the important live food sources for marine fish larvae in aquaculture. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant activities of purified peptides from B. plicatilis. Antioxidant peptides of the B. plicatilis have been hydrolyzed by Alcalase, α¬Chymotrypsin, Papain, Neutrase, Pepsin, and Trypsin. Their antioxidant activity was evaluated by the free radical inhibitory effect of diphenylpicrylhydrazyl (DPPH). Also the sequential chromatography method was used for extraction and purification of the peptides. The results showed that peptides obtained from the pepsin hydrolysate have a higher inhibitory effect than other peptides. Pepsin showed 58% inhibitory effect in 0.015 mM DPPH. Finally, the pepsin hydrolysate constitutes were purified and isolated by gel-filtration chromatography (Sephadex G-250) and reverse-phase liquid chromatography on Eurospher C18 column (250×4.6 mm), respectively. The results of this study have been recognized the high antioxidant activities of extracted hydrolysate from B. plicatilis and their feasibility of using them in food industries as a food complement

    Planktonic decapods (Natantia Group) in Khur-e-musa creek (Khouzestan Province), Iran

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    This project was designed to study the distribution und density of planktonic decapods (Natantia Groups) in Khur-e-musa creek. Sampling was carried out during the period of October 1998 till July 1999, and identified species were classified to two suborders. Suborder Penaeidae consisted of 2 families and 5 genera and suborder Caridea consisted of 6 families and 6 genera. The dominant genera were of family Sergestidae with 32.43% and Alpheus of family Alpheidae with 36.88%. It was observed during this study that spawning or these genera take place in the spring season

    Identification and effect of monsoon on family Ocypodidae in the intertidal zone in Gulf of Oman, Hormozgan Province

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    This study was carried out in three inter tidal zones in the Iranian coast of Gulf of Oman, in 2010 to identify the species belonging to Family Ocypodidae and to investigate effect of monsoon on ecology of crabs. Two species of genus Uca (U. sindensis and U. iranica) from Jask and Khour-Khalasi study area and one species of genus Ocypode (O. rotundata) from Vanak beach were identified. The results were used to verify previous reports on species identification. Monsoon was found to affect distribution and frequency of these crabs. The maximum and minimum relative density were observed in pre-monsoon (May, 9.33 individual/m2) and monsoon (September, 6.38 individual/m2), respectively. Dense distribution of Uca was found in the muddy beaches of Khour-Khalasi and the genus Ocipode in the sandy beaches of Vanak area

    Biodiversity of macroscopic brown algae coastal area of Bushehr Province

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    The aim of this study was distinguish of biodiversity and abundance of brown algae in the coastal zone of the Bushehr province in the Persian Gulf during warm and cold seasons. The most and lowest density of brown algae was observed in the spring (33±20 Number in m^2) and in the autumn (17± 9Number in m^2), respectively. The highest density was belong to Cystoserriamyricawith (41±25 Number in m^2) and it also was dominant species among the six identified species of brown algae. The comparison result of diversity indices in different zone showed that the most amuont of Margalef index (0/438), and dominance and low diversity using primer software observed in within the mid tidal zone. The maximum value of the Shannon index (0/94) was belonged to the low and mid litoral zone. Seasonal comparison of diversity indices showed, the Most of species richness and dominance was revealed at autumn and highest indices of Shannon (0/76) was observed at spring. Totally, Species richness was the highest and lowest in the Nuclear power Plant and Ganaveh stations in two seasons respectively

    Comparisons of anti-radical and antibacterial potential among macro algae from northern coasts of the Persian Gulf

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    The purpose of study was to evaluate the anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial activities of three species of green, brown and red algae from northern coast of the Persian Gulf, The study was performed using DPPH, FRAP, PMD and RP tests for anti-oxidant capability and disk diffusion and plate methods of ethanol extraction for anti-bacterial ability. In the current investigation, The best anti-oxidant activity and inhibition potential of DPPH free radicals and RP were shown in ethanol extract of Entromorpha intestinalis green algae and lowest values was detected in Cystoseira myrica brown algae.The highest anti-oxidant activity was measured by FRAP test in green algae E. intestinalis and the lowest anti-oxidant activity was obtained in the red algaeGracilaria corticata.The highest anti-oxidant activity with PMD test was found in the red algae G. corticata. However, anti-oxidant activity of the green algae E. Intestinalis was shown high activity with DPPH, FRAP, RP tests. Hydro-alcohol extraction of sea weed did not show any anti-bacterial properties

    Study of morphology and density of Diogenes sp. (Anomura: Diogenidae) in Bahmanshir Estuary (NW Persian Gulf)

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    Taxonomic studies on the Anomura larvae of the Persian Gulf are relatively few. This research has been done on larval stage of Diogenes sp. (Anomura: Diogenidae) on coastal waters of Bahmanshir River. Anomura is a group of decapod crustaceans, including hermit crabsthat are cosmopolitan and could be found from coastal waters to 5000 m in depth. The larval stages differ among families of Anomura. Anomura larval samples collected by plankton net (mesh size of 300 µm) from seven stations in February 2011 to October 2012. Planktonic larval were sampled from the Bahmanshir River in north of the Persian Gulf. The larval stages illustrated and described in detail for Diogenes sp. Finally Diogenes sp. were identified and their schematic figures were made using Camera Lucida. Maximum value of the average abundance of larvae (12.3±3.4 ind.m^3) was recorded in May. Also positive relationship between salinity with frequency of Diogenes sp. were found significantly using spearman correlation coefficients (P<0.05)

    Study of ecology and taxonomy of Cnidarian medusae (Malagazzidae, Phialellidae and Phialucidae) in northwestern Persian Gulf (Bahrakan coasts)

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    In order to study of Cnidarian medusae populatiopn dynamic in Bahrakan waters (Northwestern Persian Gulf), planktonic samples were collected from 6 stations during July, August, October of 2010 and December, February, April of 2011. Sampling was conducted with 300µm mesh size plankton net. Water quality parameters such as salinity, pH, temperature and dissolved oxygen were measured. In this study 6 species belonging to 3 families (Malagazziidae ،Phialellidae ،Phialellidae) were identified .The medusae density was the highest in July (60.97±2.56) and lowest in August (2.01±0.76). Octophialucium funerarium is the first report in the Iranian waters of the Persian Gulf. In The result of Correlation test showed that the temperature has the higher relationship whit density of medusas (P<0.01)

    The study characterization of morphology and abundance of zoea larval stages of two species of the family Epialtidae (Crustacea: Brachyura) in the coastal waters of Hengam Island (The Persian Gulf)

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    This research has been done on larval stage of two species of Epialtidae's Family on coastal waters of Hengam Island (The Persian Gulf) in 2011. Sampling is done by plankton net with 300 μm mesh size by method of diagonal traction from bottom to surface in 6 station for a year from winter 2011 to autumn 2012. This research is done based on morphological characteristics, such as overall shape and appendages of larvae in the lab by contrast phase inverted microscope of the first zoea larval stages of species Menaethuis monoceros and second zoea of Menaethiops nodulosus was studied. Larval species density studied at different stations and seasons were calculated. The highest average density respectively with 22/33 and 72/7 individual per m3 in the summer was calculated

    Antioxidant capacity and phenolic and flavonoid content of macro algae in the northern coasts of the Persian Gulf in Bushehr province

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant properties of hydroalchoholic extractions of three species of green, brown and red algae. The highest and the lowest total phenol contents was in L. snyderia (113/9±0/69 mg gallic acid per gram of extract) and the green algae E. intestinalis (72/36±6/05 mg gallic acid per gram of extract) respectively. The highest values of total flavonoid was founded in the red algae L. snyderia (41/05±1/95 mg Rutin per gram of extract) however, the lowest values was (12/7±0/41 mg Rutin per gram of extract) in the brown alga C. trinodis. L. snyderia showed the most antioxidant activity, and C. trinodis had lowest amounts of antioxidant potential by the radical, azinobis ethylen benz thiazoline sulphonic acid (ABTS) test. There were significant differences between anti-oxidant activities of algae according the ABTS test

    Study of distribution and diversity of Polychaeta due to impact bottom trawling in Bahrakan fishing area (Persian Gulf)

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    The study took place to survey the changes in diversity and distribution of Polychaetes in fishing area of Bahrakan, due to the trawling. Sampling was taken before (15 May) of trawling and two weeks (5 Sep) and three months (14 Nov) after trawling in 2010, in three period in Bahrakan coast. Therefore, eighteen stations placed with the depth of 6 meters and 10 meters.The amount abundance Polychaetes had decreased significantlyin both depths two weeks after trawling (P0.05). Only in 10m depth, abundance Polychaetes after three months comparing to two weeks after trawling had increased significantly (p<0.05). Changing biomass Polychaetes was similar to Changing abundance. After the trawling, small size individuals became dominant.Abundance Species ofCossura longicirrattahad increased in both depths in two weeks after the trawling. Also in both depths, Shannon Diversity and Margalef Species Richness indices showedprocess decreasing and Simpson dominant Index showedprocess increasing. In both depths, Pielou Evenness Index two after trawling had increased. While, after three months comparing to two weeks after trawling had decreased and most effects of trawling were on 6m depth