350 research outputs found

    Study of nuclear correlation effects via 12C(p,n)12N(g.s.,1+) at 296 MeV

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    We report measurements of the cross section and a complete set of polarization observables for the Gamow--Teller 12C(p,n)12N(g.s.,1+){}^{12}{\rm C}(\vec{p},\vec{n}){}^{12}{\rm N}({\rm g.s.},1^+) reaction at a bombarding energy of 296 MeV. The data are compared with distorted wave impulse approximation calculations employing transition form factors normalized to reproduce the observed beta-decay ftft value. The cross section is significantly under-predicted by the calculations at momentum transfers qq \gtrsim 0.5 fm1{\rm fm^{-1}}. The discrepancy is partly resolved by considering the non-locality of the nuclear mean field. However, the calculations still under-predict the cross section at large momentum transfers of qq \simeq 1.6 fm1{\rm fm^{-1}}. We also performed calculations employing random phase approximation response functions and found that the observed enhancement can be attributed in part to pionic correlations in nuclei.Comment: 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Lett.

    Measurements of the charge-to-mass ratio of particles trapped by the Paul Trap for education

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    Paul traps are devices that confine particles using an oscillating electric field and have been used in undergraduate experimental classes at universities. Owing to the requirement of a high voltage of several thousand volts, no cases of use in middle and high schools are available. Therefore, we developed an all-in-one-type Paul trap device that included a high-voltage transformer. The Paul trap can be equipped with three different types of electrode attachments, ring-type, and linear-type , and the trap image can be observed using a built-in web camera. For example, the charge-to-mass ratio of particles was measured with different types of attachments, and it was shown that reasonable values could be obtained. This type of trap is currently used at several educational facilities in Japan.Comment: 6 pages, 12 figure