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    金沢大学医学部・付属病院はじめに:我々は、中枢神経の神経細胞の移植実験を行ない、移植細胞とホストの神経系との相互関係を、神経栄養因子という概念を念頭に置いて考察してきた。昨年度までは、ラット胎仔青斑核より採取したノルアドレナリン(NA)作動性神経細胞を成熟ラット前頭葉皮質内に移植し、移植細胞によるNA産生が、移植部位に投射するホスト内因性NA神経の事前の除去の有無により影響を受けるかるか否かを検討してきた。結果は否であった。本年度は、移植部位を海馬とし、海馬の主要な求心性および遠心性神経経路の一つである脳弓・海馬来(F-F)の切断が、移植細胞のNA産生に与える影響を検討した。材料と方法:胎生16日ラット胎仔脳より脳幹部分を切りだし、青斑核NA神経細胞を含む神経細胞浮遊液を作製、成熟ラット海馬内に移植した。ホストとなる成熟ラットは、それに加える処置により次の4群に分けられた。なお4群とも、以下の実験開始に先だって実験側の上頚神経節切除を受けた。第1群:前処置なしで移植のみ施行。第2群:前処置も移植も施行せず。第3群:前処置としてF-F切断を行ない、その1週間後に移植を施行。第4群:F-F切断のみを施行し移植はなし。各群とも移植後6週の時点に合わせて屠殺し、海馬内のNA濃度を測定した。比較はt検定によった。結果:海馬NA濃度は第1群210±110ng/gtissue(n=9),第2群207±83(n=3),第3群139±63(n=9),第4群65±51(n=3)であった。考察と結論:第1群および第2群のNA濃度は、脳弓経由の内因性NA神経投射が無傷なため、F-F切断を受けた第3群および第4群に較べ高値であるが、第1群と第2群の間に差は認められず、F-F切断のない場合には移植された神経細胞によるNA産生はほとんどないものと考えられた。一方、第3群と第4群間の差は有意であり、移植細胞によるNA産生が確認された。同系統(ここではNA系)の破壊のみでは栄養効果の発現が認められないのに対し、多系統の求心性および遠心性の神経系が障害された場合には、海馬内に移植細胞に対する栄養効果(栄養因子)の発現する可能性が示唆された。Neuronal cell suspension containing noradrenergic locus coeruleus (LC) neurons was prepared from embryonic rat brain and was transplanted in adult rat brain. Meanwhile the transplanted neurons provide their product (s) to the recipient, their activities are also influenced by the condition of the recipient. It is supposed that lesions inflicted on the neuronal tissue result in the increase of neurotrophic factors in the surrounding neuronal tissue. Influences of recipient neuronal tissue exerted on the transplanted noradrenergic neurons were examined in either condition that the recipient had had any neuronal lesion or it had been intact when the neurons were transplanted.Two series of experiments were designed according to the site of the transplantation and the sort of the lesion. In the first series, the embryonic neurons were transplanted in the frontal cortex, and the recipient animals received ipsilateral electrical LC lesion before (the pre-lesioned group) or after (the post-lesioned group) the transplantation. The LC lesion reduced the intrinsic NA content in the frontal cortex to about 20% of that of the normal animals. The NA content beyond this residual level were thought to be synthesized by the transplanted neurons. The amount of NA synthesized by the transplanted neurons was almost equivalent in the pre-lesioned group and in the post-lesioned group, suggesting that the preceding removal of intrinsic noradrenergic innervation in the site of transplantation exerted no trophic effect on the synthesis of NA by the transplanted neurons.In the second series, the neurons were transplanted in the hippocampus, and the recipient animals received ipsilateral fimbria-fornix (FF) transection before (the pre-transected group) or after (the post-transected group) the transplantation. In this series, animals received the removal of the ipsilateral superior cervical ganglion 3 weeks prior to the beginning of the experiment in order to eliminate the ingrowth of peripheral sympathetic nerve fibers into the hippocampus following the FF transection. The FF is the rout of various afferent and efferent nerve fibers to and from the hippocampus, including the LC to hippocampal noradrenergic fibers. The NA content in the hippocampus decreased following the FF transection. The NA synthesized by the transplanted neurons was also calculated in this series. The amount of NA synthesized in the pre-transected group surpassed that in the post-lesioned group. The result indicated that the FF transection yielded the increase of trophic activity toward noradrenergic neurons in the hippocampus.We concluded from the overall experiments that the elimination of the mono-component nervous system (LC noradrenergic projection) in the recipient animal could not stimulate the activity of the transplanted noradrenergic neurons, but the lesion extended over several components of afferent and effrent nerve fibers could do so.研究課題/領域番号:03670414, 研究期間(年度):1991 – 1993出典:研究課題「ラット大脳皮質内移植青斑核神経細胞に対する神経栄養因子」課題番号03670414(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) (https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/report/KAKENHI-PROJECT-03670414/036704141993kenkyu_seika_hokoku_gaiyo/)を加工して作


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    金沢大学医学部研究課題/領域番号:58770576, 研究期間(年度):1983出典:研究課題「神経筋接合部におけるカルシウムおよびカルモジュリンの役割に関する形態学的研究」課題番号58770576(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) (https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-58770576/)を加工して作