169 research outputs found

    Typical ranks for 3-tensors, nonsingular bilinear maps and determinantal ideals

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    Let m,nβ‰₯3m,n\geq 3, (mβˆ’1)(nβˆ’1)+2≀p≀mn(m-1)(n-1)+2\leq p\leq mn, and u=mnβˆ’pu=mn-p. The set RuΓ—nΓ—m\mathbb{R}^{u\times n\times m} of all real tensors with size uΓ—nΓ—mu\times n\times m is one to one corresponding to the set of bilinear maps RmΓ—Rnβ†’Ru\mathbb{R}^m\times \mathbb{R}^n\to \mathbb{R}^u. We show that RmΓ—nΓ—p\mathbb{R}^{m\times n\times p} has plural typical ranks pp and p+1p+1 if and only if there exists a nonsingular bilinear map RmΓ—Rnβ†’Ru\mathbb{R}^m\times\mathbb{R}^n\to\mathbb{R}^{u}. We show that there is a dense open subset O\mathscr{O} of RuΓ—nΓ—m\mathbb{R}^{u\times n\times m} such that for any Y∈OY\in\mathscr{O}, the ideal of maximal minors of a matrix defined by YY in a certain way is a prime ideal and the real radical of that is the irrelevant maximal ideal if that is not a real prime ideal. Further, we show that there is a dense open subset T\mathscr{T} of RnΓ—pΓ—m\mathbb{R}^{ n\times p \times m} and continuous surjective open maps ν ⁣:Oβ†’RuΓ—p\nu\colon\mathscr{O}\to\mathbb{R}^{u\times p} and σ ⁣:Tβ†’RuΓ—p\sigma\colon\mathscr{T}\to\mathbb{R}^{u\times p}, where RuΓ—p\mathbb{R}^{u \times p} is the set of uΓ—pu\times p matrices with entries in R\mathbb{R}, such that if Ξ½(Y)=Οƒ(T)\nu(Y)=\sigma(T), then rankT=p\mathrm{rank} T=p if and only if the ideal of maximal minors of the matrix defined by YY is a real prime ideal

    Typical rank of mΓ—nΓ—(mβˆ’1)nm\times n\times (m-1)n tensors with 3≀m≀n3\leq m\leq n over the real number field

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    Tensor type data are used recently in various application fields, and then a typical rank is important. Let 3≀m≀n3\leq m\leq n. We study typical ranks of mΓ—nΓ—(mβˆ’1)nm\times n\times (m-1)n tensors over the real number field. Let ρ\rho be the Hurwitz-Radon function defined as ρ(n)=2b+8c\rho(n)=2^b+8c for nonnegative integers a,b,ca,b,c such that n=(2a+1)2b+4cn=(2a+1)2^{b+4c} and 0≀b<40\leq b<4. If m≀ρ(n)m \leq \rho(n), then the set of mΓ—nΓ—(mβˆ’1)nm\times n\times (m-1)n tensors has two typical ranks (mβˆ’1)n,(mβˆ’1)n+1(m-1)n,(m-1)n+1. In this paper, we show that the converse is also true: if m>ρ(n)m > \rho(n), then the set of mΓ—nΓ—(mβˆ’1)nm\times n\times (m-1)n tensors has only one typical rank (mβˆ’1)n(m-1)n.Comment: 20 page

    Perfect type of n-tensors

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    In various application fields, tensor type data are used recently and then a typical rank is important. Although there may be more than one typical ranks over the real number field, a generic rank over the complex number field is the minimum number of them. The set of nn-tensors of type p1Γ—p2Γ—β‹―Γ—pnp_1\times p_2\times\cdots\times p_n is called perfect, if it has a typical rank max⁑(p1,…,pn)\max(p_1,\ldots,p_n). In this paper, we determine perfect types of nn-tensor.Comment: 11 pages, no figure

    Rank of tensors with size 2 x ... x 2

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    We study an upper bound of ranks of nn-tensors with size 2Γ—β‹―Γ—22\times\cdots\times2 over the complex and real number field. We characterize a 2Γ—2Γ—22\times 2\times 2 tensor with rank 3 by using the Cayley's hyperdeterminant and some function. Then we see another proof of Brylinski's result that the maximal rank of 2Γ—2Γ—2Γ—22\times2\times2\times2 complex tensors is 4. We state supporting evidence of the claim that 5 is a typical rank of 2Γ—2Γ—2Γ—22\times2\times2\times2 real tensors. Recall that Kong and Jiang show that the maximal rank of 2Γ—2Γ—2Γ—22\times2\times2\times2 real tensors is less than or equal to 5. The maximal rank of 2Γ—2Γ—2Γ—22\times2\times2\times2 complex (resp. real) tensors gives an upper bound of the maximal rank of 2Γ—β‹―Γ—22\times\cdots\times 2 complex (resp. real) tensors.Comment: 13 pages, no fugiur

    Typical ranks of semi-tall real 3-tensors

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    Let mm, nn and pp be integers with 3≀m≀n3\leq m\leq n and (mβˆ’1)(nβˆ’1)+1≀p≀(mβˆ’1)m(m-1)(n-1)+1\leq p\leq (m-1)m. We showed in previous papers that if pβ‰₯(mβˆ’1)(nβˆ’1)+2p\geq (m-1)(n-1)+2, then typical ranks of pΓ—nΓ—mp\times n\times m-tensors over the real number field are pp and p+1p+1 if and only if there exists a nonsingular bilinear map RmΓ—Rnβ†’Rmnβˆ’p\mathbb{R}^m\times \mathbb{R}^n\to\mathbb{R}^{mn-p}. We also showed that the "if" part also valid in the case where p=(mβˆ’1)(nβˆ’1)+1p=(m-1)(n-1)+1. In this paper, we consider the case where p=(mβˆ’1)(nβˆ’1)+1p=(m-1)(n-1)+1 and show that the typical ranks of pΓ—nΓ—mp\times n\times m-tensors over the real number field are pp and p+1p+1 in several cases including the case where there is no nonsingular bilinear map RmΓ—Rnβ†’Rmnβˆ’p\mathbb{R}^m\times \mathbb{R}^n\to\mathbb{R}^{mn-p}. In particular, we show that the "only if" part of the above mentioned fact does not valid for the case p=(mβˆ’1)(nβˆ’1)+1p=(m-1)(n-1)+1

    Maximal and typical nonnegative ranks of nonnegative tensors

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    Let N1,…,NdN_1, \ldots, N_d be positive integers with N1≀⋯≀NdN_1\leq\cdots\leq N_d. Set N=N1β‹―Ndβˆ’1N=N_1\cdots N_{d-1}. We show in this paper that an integer rr is a typical nonnegative rank of nonnegative tensors of format N1Γ—β‹―Γ—NdN_1\times\cdots\times N_d if and only if r≀Nr\leq N and rr is greater than or equals to the generic rank of tensors over C\mathbb{C} of format N1Γ—β‹―Γ—NdN_1\times\cdots\times N_d. We also show that the maximal nonnegative rank of nonnegative tensors of format N1Γ—β‹―Γ—NdN_1\times\cdots\times N_d is NN

    A simple estimation of the maximal rank of tensors with two slices by row and column operations, symmetrization and induction

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    The determination of the maximal ranks of a set of a given type of tensors is a basic problem both in theory and application. In statistical applications, the maximal rank is related to the number of necessary parameters to be built in a tensor model. Based on this classical theorem by Bosch we will show the tight bound for 2 x n x n tensors by simple row and column operations, symmetrization and mathematical induction, which has been given by several authors based on eigenvalue theories.Comment: 17 pages, no figure

    Holonomic Decent Minimization Method for Restricted Maximum Likelihood Estimation

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    Recently, the school of Takemura and Takayama have developed a quite interesting minimization method called holonomic gradient descent method (HGD). It works by a mixed use of Pfaffian differential equation satisfied by an objective holonomic function and an iterative optimization method. They successfully applied the method to several maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) problems, which have been intractable in the past. On the other hand, in statistical models, it is not rare that parameters are constrained and therefore the MLE with constraints has been surely one of fundamental topics in statistics. In this paper we develop HGD with constraints for MLE

    Tensor rank problem in statistical high-dimensional data and quantum information theory:their comparisons on the methods and the results

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    Quantum communication is concerned with the complexity of entanglement of a state and statistical data analysis is concerned with the complexity of a model. A common key word for both is "rank". In this paper we will show that both community is tracing the same target and that the methods used are slightly different. Two different methods, the range criterion method from quantum communication and the determinant polynomial method, are shown as an examples.Comment: 6 pages, presented at "The 21st Quantum Information Technology Symposium (QIT21)", Chofugaoka Chofu-shi, Tokyo, Japan, November 4th, 200

    Tests of Non-Equivalence among Absolutely Nonsingular Tensors through Geometric Invariants

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    4x4x3 absolutely nonsingular tensors are characterized by their determinant polynomial. Non-quivalence among absolutely nonsingular tensors with respect to a class of linear transformations, which do not chage the tensor rank,is studied. It is shown theoretically that affine geometric invariants of the constant surface of a determinant polynomial is useful to discriminate non-equivalence among absolutely nonsingular tensors. Also numerical caluculations are presented and these invariants are shown to be useful indeed. For the caluculation of invarinats by 20-spherical design is also commented. We showed that an algebraic problem in tensor data analysis can be attacked by an affine geometric method.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures, 5 table
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