2 research outputs found

    Maternity swimming at Misasa Hospital of Okayama University Medical School. -Third report. The physiological changes before and after the maternity swimming-

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    第一報において妊婦水泳に関する妊婦の認識について報告し,第二報において妊婦水泳の現状とその適応について報告したが,その後も症例は順調に増加しており,現在までの参加人数は49名に達した。今回は妊婦水泳が母体と胎児の循環器系にどのような影響を与えるかを調べるために,妊婦水泳の前後におけるnon stress test(NST)と母体の血圧と脈拍数の変化を分析した。対象は妊娠5カ月以降の21名の正常妊婦とした。1.母体の脈拍数は水泳後に増加するものが約80%と明らかに多かったが,血圧は水泳前後で大きな差はみられなかった。2.NSTでは,水泳後に胎児基準心拍数の増加するものが妊娠中期で55.2%,後期で62.3%と多かった。胎児心拍数のlong term variability(LTV)は水泳後に減少するものが妊娠後期で 48.4%を占めた。3.胎動回数は水泳前後でほぼ一定であった。腹緊回数が水泳後に増加した例が妊娠後期で42.4%を占めた。これらの結果のうち,水泳後の胎児基準心拍数の増加とLTVの減少について生理学的見地より若干の考察を加えた。The physiological changes before and after the maternity swimming were retrospectivelly analyzed in 151 records. Following findings were observed after maternity swimming: 1. An increase in maternal pulse rate was observed in 116 cases (76.8%) out of all the cases. 2. Maternal blood pressure increased in 81 cases (53.6%) and decreased in 60 cases (39.7%). 3. An Increase In baseline of fetal heart rate was found in 92 cases (60.9%). 4. Long term variability (LTV) decreased in 67 case s (44.3%) and increased in 21 cases (13.9%). 5. The number of cases with increased fetal movement was almost similar to the number of cases with decreased movement. 6. The rate of uterine contraction increased in 66 cases (43.7%), but there were no cases to need any treatment. The conclusion was as follows: 1. No dangerous changes were observed in non stress test (NST), maternal pulse rate and maternal blood pressure. 2. The increase of baseline of fetal heart rate and the decrease of LTV were characteristic changes of NST after the maternity swimming