31 research outputs found

    Evolution variable dependence of jet substructure

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    Studies on jet substructure have evolved significantly in recent years. Jet substructure is essentially determined by QCD radiations and non-perturbative effects. Predictions of jet substructure are usually different among Monte Carlo event generators, and are governed by the parton shower algorithm implemented. For leading logarithmic parton shower, even though one of the core variables is the evolution variable, its choice is not unique. We examine evolution variable dependence of the jet substructure by developing a parton shower generator that interpolates between different evolution variables using a parameter α\alpha. Jet shape variables and associated jet rates for quark and gluon jets are used to demonstrate the α\alpha-dependence of the jet substructure. We find angular ordered shower predicts wider jets, while relative transverse momentum (pp_{\bot}) ordered shower predicts narrower jets. This is qualitatively in agreement with the missing phase space of pp_{\bot} ordered showers. Such difference can be reduced by tuning other parameters of the showering algorithm, especially in the low energy region, while the difference tends to increase for high energy jets.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Quark-gluon discrimination in the search for gluino pair production at the LHC

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    We study the impact of including quark- and gluon-initiated jet discrimination in the search for strongly interacting supersymmetric particles at the LHC. Taking the example of gluino pair production, considerable improvement is observed in the LHC search reach on including the jet substructure observables to the standard kinematic variables within a multivariate analysis. In particular, quark and gluon jet separation has higher impact in the region of intermediate mass-gap between the gluino and the lightest neutralino, as the difference between the signal and the standard model background kinematic distributions is reduced in this region. We also compare the predictions from different Monte Carlo event generators to estimate the uncertainty originating from the modelling of the parton shower and hadronization processes.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, 1 table; v2: statistical treatment improved and figures update

    Associated jet and subjet rates in light-quark and gluon jet discrimination

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    We show that in studies of light quark- and gluon-initiated jet discrimination, it is important to include the information on softer reconstructed jets (associated jets) around a primary hard jet. This is particularly relevant while adopting a small radius parameter for reconstructing hadronic jets. The probability of having an associated jet as a function of the primary jet transverse momentum (pTp_T) and radius, the minimum associated jet pTp_T and the association radius is computed upto next-to-double logarithmic accuracy (NDLA), and the predictions are compared with results from Herwig++, Pythia6 and Pythia8 Monte Carlos (MC). We demonstrate the improvement in quark-gluon discrimination on using the associated jet rate variable with the help of a multivariate analysis. The associated jet rates are found to be only mildly sensitive to the choice of parton shower and hadronization algorithms, as well as to the effects of initial state radiation and underlying event. In addition, the number of kTk_T subjets of an anti-kTk_T jet is found to be an observable that leads to a rather uniform prediction across different MC's, broadly being in agreement with predictions in NDLA, as compared to the often used number of charged tracks observable.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures; v2: Figures of 2D joint distributions included, additions to text and Refs., version to appear in JHE

    New physics searches at the ILC positron and electron beam dumps

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    We study capability of the ILC beam dump experiment to search for new physics, comparing the performance of the electron and positron beam dumps. The dark photon, axion-like particles, and light scalar bosons are considered as new physics scenarios, where all the important production mechanisms are included: electron-positron pair-annihilation, Primakoff process, and bremsstrahlung productions. We find that the ILC beam dump experiment has higher sensitivity than past beam dump experiments, with the positron beam dump having slightly better performance for new physics particles which are produced by the electron-positron pair-annihilation.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figure