773 research outputs found

    On Anomaly-free Supergravity as an Effective String Theory

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    The equations of motion of anomaly-free supergravity are shown to fulfil (to all orders in α\alpha') a differential condition corresponding to the one relating the Weyl anomaly coefficients for a non-linear sigma model representing a (heterotic) string propagating in a non-trivial background. This supports the possibility that anomaly-free supergravity could provide the complete massless effective theory for the heterotic string.Comment: 7 pages, Latex, CERN-TH.6686/9

    Quantum and classical criticalities in the frustrated two-leg Heisenberg ladder

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    This talk was about the frustration-induced criticality in the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on the two-leg ladder with exchange interactions along the chains, rungs, and diagonals, and also about the effect of thermal fluctuations on this criticlity. The method used is the bond mean-field theory, which is based on the Jordan-Wigner transformation in dimensions higher than one. In this paper, we will summarize the main results presented in this talk, and report on new results about the couplings and temperature dependences of the spin susceptibility.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, talk presented at the Theory Canada 3 conference in 2007, submitted to the Canadian Journal of Physic

    Multi-plateau magnetization curves of one-dimensional Heisenberg ferrimagnets

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    Ground-state magnetization curves of ferrimagnetic Heisenberg chains of alternating spins SS and ss are numerically investigated. Calculating several cases of (S,s)(S,s), we conclude that the spin-(S,s)(S,s) chain generally exhibits 2s2s magnetization plateaux even at the most symmetric point. In the double- or more-plateau structure, the initial plateau is generated on a classical basis, whereas the higher ones are based on a quantum mechanism.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures embedded, to appear in Phys. Rev. B 01 August 200

    Singular Liouville fields and spiky strings in \rr^{1,2} and SL(2,\rr)

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    The closed string dynamics in \rr^{1,2} and SL(2,\rr) is studied within the scheme of Pohlmeyer reduction. In both spaces two different classes of string surfaces are specified by the structure of the fundamental quadratic forms. The first class in \rr^{1,2} is associated with the standard lightcone gauge strings and the second class describes spiky strings and their conformal deformations on the Virasoro coadjoint orbits. These orbits correspond to singular Liouville fields with the monodromy matrixes ±I\pm I. The first class in SL(2,\rr) is parameterized by the Liouville fields with vanishing chiral energy functional. Similarly to \rr^{1,2}, the second class in SL(2,\rr) describes spiky strings, related to the vacuum configurations of the SL(2,\rr)/U(1) coset model.Comment: 37 p. 6 fi

    Low-energy properties and magnetization plateaus in a 2-leg mixed spin ladder

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    Using the density matrix renormalization group technique we investigate the low-energy properties and the magnetization plateau behavior in a 2-leg mixed spin ladder consisting of a spin-1/2 chain coupled with a spin-1 chain. The calculated results show that the system is in the same universality class as the spin-3/2 chain when the interchain coupling is strongly ferromagnetic, but the similarity between the two systems is less clear under other coupling conditions. We have identified two types of magnetization plateau phases. The calculation of the magnetization distribution on the spin-1/2 and the spin-1 chains on the ladder shows that one plateau phase is related to the partially magnetized valence-bond-solid state, and the other plateau state contains strongly coupled S=1 and s=1/2 spins on the rung.Comment: 6 pages with 8 eps figure

    High Temperature Electron Localization in dense He Gas

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    We report new accurate mesasurements of the mobility of excess electrons in high density Helium gas in extended ranges of temperature [(26T77)K][(26\leq T\leq 77) K ] and density [(0.05N12.0)atomsnm3][ (0.05\leq N\leq 12.0) {atoms} \cdot {nm}^{-3}] to ascertain the effect of temperature on the formation and dynamics of localized electron states. The main result of the experiment is that the formation of localized states essentially depends on the relative balance of fluid dilation energy, repulsive electron-atom interaction energy, and thermal energy. As a consequence, the onset of localization depends on the medium disorder through gas temperature and density. It appears that the transition from delocalized to localized states shifts to larger densities as the temperature is increased. This behavior can be understood in terms of a simple model of electron self-trapping in a spherically symmetric square well.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figure

    Macroscopic entanglement jumps in model spin systems

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    In this paper, we consider some frustrated spin models for which the ground states are known exactly. The concurrence, a measure of the amount of entanglement can be calculated exactly for entangled spin pairs. Quantum phase transitions involving macroscopic magnetization changes at critical values of the magnetic field are accompanied by macroscopic jumps in the (T=0) entanglement. A specific example is given in which magnetization plateaus give rise to a plateau structure in the amount of entanglement associated with nearest-neighbour bonds. We further show that macroscopic entanglement changes can occur in quantum phase transitions brought about by the tuning of exchange interaction strengths.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, Latex, communicated to Phys. Rev.

    Normal-state conductivity in underdoped La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4 thin films: Search for nonlinear effects related to collective stripe motion

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    We report a detailed study of the electric-field dependence of the normal-state conductivity in La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4 thin films for two concentrations of doped holes, x=0.01 and 0.06, where formation of diagonal and vertical charged stripes was recently suggested. In order to elucidate whether high electric fields are capable of depinning the charged stripes and inducing their collective motion, we have measured current-voltage characteristics for various orientations of the electric field with respect to the crystallographic axes. However, even for the highest possible fields (~1000 V/cm for x=0.01 and \~300 V/cm for x=0.06) we observed no non-linear-conductivity features except for those related to the conventional Joule heating of the films. Our analysis indicates that Joule heating, rather than collective electron motion, may also be responsible for the non-linear conductivity observed in some other 2D transition-metal oxides as well. We discuss that a possible reason why moderate electric fields fail to induce a collective stripe motion in layered oxides is that fairly flexible and compressible charged stripes can adjust themselves to the crystal lattice and individual impurities, which makes their pinning much stronger than in the case of conventional rigid charge-density waves.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Monte Carlo simulations of an impurity band model for III-V diluted magnetic semiconductors

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    We report the results of a Monte Carlo study of a model of (III,Mn)V diluted magnetic semiconductors which uses an impurity band description of carriers coupled to localized Mn spins and is applicable for carrier densities below and around the metal-insulator transition. In agreement with mean field studies, we find a transition to a ferromagnetic phase at low temperatures. We compare our results for the magnetic properties with the mean field approximation, as well as with experiments, and find favorable qualitative agreement with the latter. The local Mn magnetization below the Curie temperature is found to be spatially inhomogeneous, and strongly correlated with the local carrier charge density at the Mn sites. The model contains fermions and classical spins and hence we introduce a perturbative Monte Carlo scheme to increase the speed of our simulations.Comment: 17 pages, 24 figures, 2 table

    A Novel 2D Folding Technique for Enhancing Fermi Surface Signatures in the Momentum Density: Application to Compton Scattering Data from an Al-3at%Li Disordered Alloy

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    We present a novel technique for enhancing Fermi surface (FS) signatures in the 2D distribution obtained after the 3D momentum density in a crystal is projected along a specific direction in momentum space. These results are useful for investigating fermiology via high resolution Compton scattering and positron annihilation spectroscopies. We focus on the particular case of the (110) projection in an fcc crystal where the standard approach based on the use of the Lock-Crisp-West (LCW) folding theorem fails to give a clear FS image due to the strong overlap with FS images obtained through projection from higher Brillouin zones. We show how these superposed FS images can be disentangled by using a selected set of reciprocal lattice vectors in the folding process. The applicability of our partial folding scheme is illustrated by considering Compton spectra from an Al-3at%Li disordered alloy single crystal. For this purpose, high resolution Compton profiles along nine directions in the (110) plane were measured. Corresponding highly accurate theoretical profiles in Al-3at%Li were computed within the local density approximation (LDA)-based Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker coherent potential approximation (KKR-CPA) first-principles framework. A good level of overall accord between theory and experiment is obtained, some expected discrepancies reflecting electron correlation effects notwithstanding, and the partial folding scheme is shown to yield a clear FS image in the (110) plane in Al-3%Li.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.