50 research outputs found

    Development of sunflower hybrids with different oil quality

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    The cultivated sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is one of most important oil crops of the world. Although sunflower is primarily grown for extraction of its seed oil there is a limited production of non-oilseed sunflower types which are used in confections industry or as bird feed. The objective of this research was development of hybrids with high and stable oleic acid content and modified tocopherol composition, with high values for the two most important agronomic characters (seed yield and oil yield) and high tolerance to Phomopsis. The incorporation of the gene Ol+tph1 into these genotypes has led to the development of high-oleic hybrids with altered tocopherol profiles. Oil of these hybrids has a much longer shelf-life than standard sunflower oil. The process of incorporating the genes Ol+tph2 and Ol+tph1tph2 into highly productive sunflower genotypes is under way. The most important results of this line of research are the newly developed female lines with the oleic acid content in oil over 90% and the male lines (restorers) with an oleic acid content in the 89-93% range. Using these lines, hybrids will be developed whose oleic acid content in oil will exceed 90%

    Assessment of quality of new Rf inbred lines resistant to broomrape rase E (Orobanche cumana Wallr.) developed from H. deserticola by interspecific hybridization

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    Broomrape (Orobanche cumana Wallr.) presents a serious problem in sunflower production in a number of countries. The population of broomrape has been stable in Serbia for a long period of time, but the racial composition has changed in recent years, with race E being predominant in the regions of north Bačka and Banat. Cultivated sunflower is genetically narrow and deficient in many desirable genes. Sources of resistance genes to broomrape can be found in a number of wild sunflower species. New 7 Rf inbred lines (RHA-D- 1, RHA-D-2, RHA-D-5, RHA-D-6, RHA-D-7, RHA-D-8, RHA-D-9) were produced from interspecies population originating from H. deserticola (DES-1474-1) in IFVC. The inbreeding of the selected plants from interspecific populations started in 1995 (S1). The first screening of sunflower Rf lines for broomrape resistance was done in a glasshouse in 1999 (S5). The seed from the resistant plants was tested in infested fields, in the area of S. Miletić and B. Topola during 2000 (S6). Selection of resistant plants was checked from 2001 (S7) to 2003 (S9). The same procedure was conducted in Pačir from 2004 (S10) to 2008 (S14) and in the area of Lipar in 2009 (S15). Experimental hybrids were produced by crossing new Rf lines developed from interspecific population (DES-1474-1) resistant to broomrape race E with cms female lines susceptible to broomrape. The resistance of new 28 experimental hybrids to broomrape was checked on locations in Serbia (Pačir 2006, 2007, 2008) and at the location (Lipar 2009) with three controls: hybrid Bačvanin, resistant to race E, hybrid NS-H-111 resistant to race A, B, C, D, susceptible to E race and line AD- 66 susceptible to all broomrape races. The resistance of the same hybrids was also tested at a location in Romania (Baragan, Braila) in 2008. All examined hybrids were resistant to broomrape race E on all locations

    The appropriate technique for collecting and measuring the amount of floral nectar in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)

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    The available techniques for collecting and measuring the amount of floral nectar are applicable but often found to be unrepresentative. Centrifugation yields larger samples but they also include nectar that is not actually accessible to insects, the capillary method has been described as unsuitable because of possible damage to the nectary tissue, the method including filter paper is considered to be unreliable because of evaporation and nectar extraction methods including washing are considered limited because the solution may include sugars from plant tissue cells. We have found that capillary tubes with inner diameter of 0.25-0.5mm and outer diameter of 0.5-0.75mm are suitable for nectar collection in sunflower. To determine the amount of nectar, we isolate five inflorescences per sunflower line at the start of flowering and collect the nectar two days after the isolation, The capillary tube is inserted between the style and filaments down to the nectary. After the level of nectar stops rising the next flower is processed. The tubes can be measured on an analytical scale and the amount of nectar is obtained as the weight increase in comparison to the empty tube. Faster determination of floral nectar amount can be provided by using calibrated capillary tubes of a known and uniform inner diameter. The appropriate outer diameter of the capillary tubes reduces the risk of tissue damage and allows more precise collecting so that the capillary method is preferable to others for nectar collecting in sunflower

    Fenotipska i genotipska varijabilnost dužine krunice cevastog cveta i sadržaja nektara kod suncokreta

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    The nectar content and disc flower corolla length are the two most important parameters of attractiveness to pollinators in sunflower. The phenotypic and genotypic variability of these two traits was studied in four commercially important hybrids and their parental components in a trial with three fertilizer doses over two years. The results showed that, looking at individual genotypes, the variability of disc flower corolla length was affected the most by year (85.38-97.46%). As the study years were extremely different, the phenotypic variance of the hybrids and parental components was calculated for each year separately. In such conditions, looking at all of the crossing combinations, the largest contribution to phenotypic variance of the corolla length was that of genotype: 57.27-61.11% (NS-H-45) 64.51-84.84% (Velja); 96.74-97.20% (NS-H-702) and 13.92-73.17% (NS-H-111). A similar situation was observed for the phenotypic variability of nectar content, where genotype also had the largest influence, namely 39.77-48.25% in NS-H-45; 39.06-42.51% in Velja; 31.97-72.36% in NS-H-702; and 62.13-94.96% in NS-H-111.Najznačajniji parametri atraktivnosti za opraÅ”ivače kod suncokreta su sadržaj nektara i dužina krunice cevastog cveta. Fenotipska i genotipska varijabilnost ovih svojstava je izučavana kod 4 komercijalno važna hibrida i njihove roditeljske komponente u ogledu sa 3 doze đubrenja, u dve godine. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je na varijabilnost dužine krunice cevastog cveta bio najznačajniji uticaj godine (85.38-97.46%), ako se ona posmatra za pojedinačne genotipove. PoÅ”to su godine istraživanja bile ekstremno različite fenotipska varijansa je izračunata za hibride i roditeljske komponente za svaku godinu posebno. U takvim okolnostima za sve kombinacije ukrÅ”tanja najveći udeo u fenotipskoj varijansi za dužinu krunice cevastog cveta je imao genotip: 57.27-61.11% (NS-H-45); 64.5l-84.84% (Velja); 96.74-97.20% (NS-H-702) i 13.92-73.17% (NS-H-111). Slično je bilo i sa fenotipskom varijabilnoŔću za sadržaj nektara, jer je takodje bio najznačajniji uticaj genotipa i to: 39.77-48.25% kod NS-H-45; 39.06-42.51% kod Velja; 31.97-72.36% kod NS-H-702162.13-94.96% kod NS-H-111

    The use of PCR-based markers in the evaluation of resistance to downy mildew in ns-breeding material

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    The aim of this work was the application of previously developed and development of new PCR markers for the evaluation of sunflower resistance to downy mildew. Twenty sunflower inbred lines were investigated. Plant resistance to downy mildew was determined by the whole seedling immersion method. Genomic DNA was extracted from the first pair of leaves, and its polymorphism was investigated by RAPD, SSR and several published markers for disease resistance. The presence of the markers Ha-NBS 7/R, Ha-NBS 8/R Ha-NBS 9/R, in Pl6 donor lines (Ha-335, JM-8) and in resistant progeny (Ha-26, G12, G10, G11) confirm that HAP3 could be useful for the detection of the Pl6 gene. DNA polymorphism, which coincided with disease resistance, was revealed with one RAPD (UBC 119 fragment 900-1000 bp) and one SSR primer (ORS37 fragment 600-700 bp). Amplified fragments segregated in the same way i.e., they appeared in 50% of the resistant genotypes. The non-expecting SSR fragment was purified, cloned and sequenced. The results indicated that this fragment is not a part of a coding sequence. Specific primers for the amplification of this fragment have been designed and the investigation of the inheritance of this SCAR marker is under way. None of the applied markers appeared in all resistant genotypes. In order to select lines for making crosses for use in further investigation, the obtained results were also used for the calculation of genetic distances between genotypes (simple matching coefficient) and the construction of a dendrogram (UPGMA method)

    Način nasleđivanja i heritabilnost dužine krunice cevastog cveta i sadržaja nektara kod suncokreta

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    Since disc flower corolla length and nectar content are the two most important parameters of attractiveness to pollinators in sunflower and we monitored them in the parental lines F[ hybrids, we thought it would be interesting to determine the mode of inheritance and heritability of these two traits. The mean values of disc flower corolla length ranged between 7.23-10.22 mm. Differences among most of the genotypes were significant Year had significant influence on the expression of this trait. In the inheritance of the corolla length, partial dominance of the parent with the smaller corolla length (NS-H-702) was observed when determining mode of inheritance relative to the parents. Relative to the parental average however it was not possible to determine the mode of inheritance in any of tile hybrid combinations. The nectar content means ranged from 2.08 to 15.54 mg/20 flowers and differences among most of the genotypes were significant. Partial dominance of the parent with the smaller nectar content mean was recorded in the inheritance of this trait (NS-H-702): Negative heterosis was found in the hybrid NS-H-45.PoÅ”to su dužina krunice cevastog cveta i sadržaj nektara najvažniji parametri atraktivnosti genotipova suncokreta za opraÅ”ivače i praćeni su kod roditeljskih linija i F1 hibrida bilo je interesantno utvrditi način nasleđivanja i heritabilnost za ova dva svojstva. Srednje vrednosti za dužinu krunice cevastog cveta su se kretale od 7.23-10.22mm. Razlike su bile značajne između većine ispitivanih genotipova. Na ekspresiju dužine krunice cevastog cveta su značajno uticale godine. U nasleđivanju ovoga svojstva ispoljila se parcijalna dominacija roditelja sa manjom dužinom krunice cevastog cveta (NS-H-702) i to u slučaju utvrđivanja načina nasleđivanja u odnosu na roditelje, dok u odnosu na roditeljski prosek nije bilo moguće utvrditi način nasleđivanja ni u jednoj hibridnoj kombinaciji. Srednje vrednosti za sadržaj nektara su se kretale od 2.08-15.54mg/20 cvetova i razlike su bile značajne kod većine ispitivanih genotipova. U nasleđivanju sadržaja nektara se ispoljila parcijalna dominacija roditelja sa manjom srednjom vrednoŔću za ovo svojstvo (NS-H-702), dok se kod hibrida NS-H-45 ispoljio negativni heterozis

    Međuzavisnost uslova opraÅ”ivanja, oplodnje i prinosa semena suncokreta

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    Four commercially important sunflower hybrids (NS-H-45, NS-H-l 11, NS-H-702 and Velja) and their parental components (Ha-74B, Ha-98B, CMS-3-8B, Ha-26B, RHA-583, RHA-R-PI-2/1 and RHA-113N) were used over a period of two years to study the following traits: disk flower corolla length, nectar content, pollen viability, bee visitation, fertilization percentage and seed yield. Relations among the traits were determined by path coefficient analysis. The simple correlation coefficients showed that fertilization percentage and bee visitation had a highly significant influence on seed yield. The corolla length had a positive effect on nectar content, while nectar content had a significant negative influence on pollen viability. The highest significant direct influence on seed yield was that of fertilization percentage, while the effect on nectar content on seed yield was negative but not significant. The coefficient of determination was 0.8071.Kod četiri komercijalno važna hibrida suncokreta (NS-H-45, NS-H-111, NS-H-702 i Velja) i njihovih roditeljskih komponenti (Ha-74B, Ha-98B, CMS-3-8B, Ha-26B, RHA-583, RHA-R-P1-2/1 i RHA-113N) u dve godine su ispitivana sledeća svojstva: dužina krunice cevastog cveta, sadržaj nektara, vitalnost polena, poseta pčela, % oplodnje i prinos semena. Međuzavisnost ispitivanih svojstava je utvrđena Path coefficient analizom. Prosti koeficijenti korelacije su pokazali da su % oplodnje i poseta opraÅ”ivača imali visoko značajan pozitivan uticaj na prinos semena. Značajan pozitivan efekat je imala dužina krunice na sadržaj nektara, a značajan negativan efekat je imao sadržaj nektara na vitalnost polena. Najveći značajan direktan efekat na prinos semena je imao procenat oplodnje, dok je negativan, ali ne i značajan efekat imao sadržaj nektara na prinos semena. Koeficijent determinacije je iznosio 0,8071

    Importance of tocopherol in modification the quality of sunflower oil

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    Standard sunflower oil contains predominantly alpha-tocopherol (>95%). The discovery by Demurin (1993) that within the sunflower collection there are examples of spontaneous mutations when it comes to tocopherols has made it possible manipulate tocopherol types and contents in the sunflower oil. Used in the study were genetic materials obtained by crossing the standard line HA-26-B with isogenic line BK-66-TPH-2-OL-1. After inbreeding F1, F2, F3 and F4, the F4 population was selected and grown in the greenhouse of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, Serbia. During the flowering, each individual plant was isolated with a natron bag in order to enable self-fertilization. The qualitative and quantitative tocopherol contents were determined by the HPLC method developed at our laboratory, according to the offi cial ISO 9936 method, on the Sykam HPLC system coupled with the both, UV and fluorescent detectors, and supported by the Clarity Chromatography Data Station (CDS) software for data acquisition and processing. Separation of tocopherols in the oil was carried out by the use of normal-phase chromatography procedure with the binary eluent n-hexane : ethyl acetate in proportion 75 : 25, and flow of the eluent through the chromatographic column at 1 ml/min

    Heterosis for agronomically important traits in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)

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    Significant manifestation of heterosis for agronomically important traits is the main precondition for obtaining productive sunflower hybrids (Å korić et al., 2006). Development of high-yielding and stable sunflower hybrids based on interspecific hybridization requires knowledge of heterotic effects occurring in the F1 generation. Heterosis for seed yield per plant, total seed number per head and 1,000-seed weight was studied in interspecific hybrids obtained by the line Ɨ tester method. The seven female inbred lines used in the study had been developed by interspecific hybridization, while the three male restorer inbreds with good combining abilities were used as testers in the form of fertility restorers. Twenty-one F1 hybrids were obtained by crossing each tester with each female inbred line. A trial with the lines and F1 hybrids was set up at Rim-ski Å ančevi. Experiment Field of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad using a randomized block design with three replications. Our study found significant differences in the mean values of all the traits under investigation. Heterosis values for seed yield were positive and highly significant relative to parental average (98.4-274.1%) as well as better parent (55.8-223.2%). Considerably less heterosis was found for total seed number per head (69.6-203.7%) relative to parental average and better parent (47.6-183.3%). With 1,000-seed mass, the values ranged between 26.5% and 48.8% relative to parental average and from -42.4% to 30.9% relative to better parent. This study could prove useful in the development of new high-yielding sunflower hybrids based on interspecific hybridization

    Procena otpornosti različitih inbred linija i hibrida suncokreta na volovod (Orobanche cumana wallr.)

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    Resistance to broomrape of different inbred lines, hybrids and hybrid combinations of sunflower was investigated. The trial for this experiment, which was set at 6 locations on territory of Bačka, included set of differential genotypes which, according to literature, posess genes for resistance to races A-E, 152 inbred and 121 restorer lines developed at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, 72 crosses between these lines and 15 Russian and Ukrainian varieties. Differential genotypes behaved identically in all test sites. Domestic mother lines, restorer lines, newly developed hybrids as well as hybrid combinations showed resistance to present races of broomrape in all test sites in Vojvodina. Determination of resistance genes requires analysis of crossing inbred lines and differential lines. Results of the experiment performed in Romania and Turkey, with part of the experimental material, shows that these genotypes behaved differently in terms of resistance to broomrape in different conditions for experiments. The results require further separation on the basis of resistance to different races of the parasite by introducing new differential line.Ispitivana je otpornost na volovod različitih inbred linija, hibrida i hibridnih kombinacija suncokreta. Ogled za ovaj eksperiment, koji je postavljen na 6 lokacija na teritoriji Bačke, uključio je set diferencijalnih genotipova koji, prema literaturi, imaju gene za otpornost prema rasama A-E, 152 i 121 samooplodne restorer linije stvorene u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad, 72 ukrÅ”tanja ovih linija i 15 ruskih i ukrajinskih sorti. Diferencijalni genotipovi su se ponaÅ”ali identično u svim ispitivanim lokacijama. Domaće linije majke, restorer linije, novorazvijeni hibridi, kao i hibridne kombinacije su pokazali otpornost na prisutne rase volovoda u svim ispitivanim lokacijama na teritoriji Vojvodine. Određivanje gena otpornosti zahteva analizu ukrÅ”tanja inbred linija i diferencijalnih linija. Rezultati ogleda izvedenog u Rumuniji i Turskoj sa delom eksperimentalnog materijala pokazuju da su se ovi genotipovi različito ponaÅ”ali u pogledu otpornosti na volovod u različitim uslovima izvođenja ogleda. Rezultati nalažu dalje razdvajanje na osnovu otpornosti na različite rase volovoda uvođenjem novih diferencijalnih linija