286 research outputs found

    Degeneration of the Julia set to singular loci of algebraic curves

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    We show that, when a non-integrable rational map changes to an integrable one continuously, a large part of the Julia set of the map approach indeterminate points (IDP) of the map along algebraic curves. We will see that the IDPs are singular loci of the curves.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Sodium temperature lidar based on injection seeded Nd:YAG pulse lasers using a sum-frequency generation technique

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    We report on a sodium (Na) temperature lidar based on two injection seeded Nd:YAG pulse lasers using single-pass sum-frequency generation. The laser power at 589 nm is 400 mW (40 mJ per pulse at a repetition rate of 10 Hz) and the pulse width is 22 nsec FWHM. The narrowband laser tuned to the Doppler broadened Na D(2) spectrum enables us to measure the temperature of the mesopause region (80-115 km). This solid-state transportable system demonstrated high performance and capability at Syowa Station in Antarctica for 3 years and at Uji in Japan for an additional year without any major operational troubles. (C) 2011 Optical Society of AmericaArticleOPTICS EXPRESS. 19(4):3553-3561 (2011)journal articl

    First mesopause temperature measurements using sodium lidar observations in the Antarctic region

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    The mesopause temperature structure was observed using a sodium temperature lidar system at Syowa Station (69°00\u27 S, 39°35\u27 E), beginning in February 2000. The laser transmitter was newly developed and included two injection-seeded Nd: YAG lasers. Regular observations were performed using the two-frequency technique as demonstrated by C.Y. She et al. (Geophys. Res. Lett., 17, 929, 1990), with a spatial resolution of about 1 km and a temporal resolution of 6 min. The temperature structures of the 85km to 105km region of the upper atmosphere were measured by Na D_2 Doppler profile-fitting as well as the two-frequency technique. Temperatures derived from the two techniques agreed well and were consistent with the MSIS 90 model temperature structure. Night-time temperature variations over a 15-hour period were measured in May 2000. A large temperature fluctuation with an interval of about 4 hours, and an amplitude of 60 K (probably caused by gravity waves) was observed. From the average night temperature profile, the mesopause was determined to be located at 102km, and have a temperature of 180K. These values are similar to winter values observed in the northern hemisphere

    Sodium temperature lidar observation at Syowa Station: Summary of three-year observations and unusually high temperature in 2002

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    Total 223 nights (2002 hours) of temperature measurement in the mesopause region (80-105 km) was successfully done in wintertime at Syowa Station (69ºS, 39ºE) starting from 2000 through 2002. Monthly mean temperatures were calculated using nightly mean temperatures and year-to-year variation was examined. The monthly temperature of 2002 shows unusually higher (25 K and 20 K) in June and July compared with previous 2 years. Variations of individual nights showed the temperatures at 80 km, 85 km and 110 km are in good agreement among three years through the observation period. The temperature of 2002 began to increase from the middle of May and was back to normal around the end of July in the limited altitude range of 90-105 km

    Japan College of Rheumatology 2009 guidelines for the use of tocilizumab, a humanized anti-interleukin-6 receptor monoclonal antibody, in rheumatoid arthritis

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    The introduction of biological agents targeting tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) has brought about a paradigm shift in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Although these anti-TNF agents have excellent efficacy against RA, a substantial number of patients still show inadequate responses. In Western countries, such patients are already being treated with new classes of antirheumatic drugs such as abatacept and rituximab. Tocilizumab (TCZ) is a humanized monoclonal antibody developed in Japan against the human interleukin-6 (IL-6) receptor. TCZ does not only alleviate the signs and symptoms of RA but also seems to prevent progressive bone and joint destruction. However, there is a concern that TCZ might increase the risk of adverse events such as infections since IL-6 plays a pivotal role in the immune system. Calculating the relative risks of specific adverse outcomes with TCZ use remains difficult, due to insufficient patient numbers enrolled in clinical trials to date. This review presents tentative guidelines for the use of TCZ for RA patients prepared by the Japan College of Rheumatology and based on results of clinical trials in Japan and Western countries. The guidelines are intended as a guide for postmarketing surveillance and clinical practice, and will be revised periodically based on the surveillance

    Socio-environmental factors associated with diabetes mellitus among patients hospitalized with schizophrenia in Japan

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    Sado, J., Kitamura, T., Noma, N. et al. Socio-environmental factors associated with diabetes mellitus among patients hospitalized with schizophrenia in Japan. Environ Health Prev Med 21, 460–469 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12199-016-0550-

    Unfolded protein response, activated by OASIS family transcription factors, promotes astrocyte differentiation

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    OASIS is a member of the CREB/ATF family of transcription factors and modulates cell- or tissue-specific unfolded protein response signalling. Here we show that this modulation has a critical role in the differentiation of neural precursor cells into astrocytes. Cerebral cortices of mice specifically deficient in OASIS (Oasis−/−) contain fewer astrocytes and more neural precursor cells than those of wild-type mice during embryonic development. Furthermore, astrocyte differentiation is delayed in primary cultured Oasis−/− neural precursor cells. The transcription factor Gcm1, which is necessary for astrocyte differentiation in Drosophila, is revealed to be a target of OASIS. Introduction of Gcm1 into Oasis−/− neural precursor cells improves the delayed differentiation of neural precursor cells into astrocytes by accelerating demethylation of the Gfap promoter. Gcm1 expression is temporally controlled by the unfolded protein response through interactions between OASIS family members during astrocyte differentiation. Taken together, our findings demonstrate a novel mechanism by which OASIS and its associated family members are modulated by the unfolded protein response to finely control astrocyte differentiation.This work was partly supported by grants from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science KAKENHI (#22020030, #22800049), Sumitomo Foundation, Mochida Memorial Foundation for Medical and Pharmaceutical Research, Astellas Foundation for Research on Metabolic Disorders, Takeda Science Foundation, The Pharmacological Research Foundation Tokyo, Daiichi-Sankyo Foundation of Life Science, The Naito Foundation, Senri Life Science Foundation, Hokuto Foundation for Bioscience, and The Japan Prize Foundation

    Relationships Between Childhood Bullying/Domestic Violence Experience and Insomnia among Employees in Japan [version 1; peer review: 2 approved]

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    Traumatic childhood experiences such as domestic violence and bullying have been reported to be associated with insomnia in adulthood. However, little evidence is available for the long-term effects of childhood adversity on workers’ insomnia worldwide. Our objective was to examine whether childhood experiences of bullying and domestic violence are associated with insomnia in workers in adulthood. We used survey data from a cross-sectional study of the Tsukuba Science City Network in Tsukuba City, Japan. Workers aged 20 to 65 years (4509 men and 2666 women) were targeted. The Binomial Logistic regression analysis with the Athens Insomnia Scale as the objective variable showed that childhood bullying and domestic violence experience of childhood bullying and domestic violence were associated with insomnia. It may be useful to focus on childhood traumatic experiences regarding insomnia in workers

    Histological Study of the Left Atrial Wall: A Consideration of the Compound Myocardial Architecture and Potential Durability with Respect to Catheter Ablation in Pulmonary Vein Isolation Procedures

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    Pulmonary vein isolation using radiofrequency energy is performed extensively to treat symptomatic, drug-refractory atrial fibrillation. However, anatomical knowledge of the left atrial wall surrounding the pulmonary vein (PV) openings is insufficient to create an ablation line. Using autopsy hearts from 23 individuals (median age of 63 years), we studied the histological nature of anatomical obstacles or related isthmuses near the PV openings. None of the individuals had a history of tachyarrhythmia or other major cardiac abnormalities. After macroscopic measurement of the minimum width of each isthmus, the following areas were excised and histologically prepared: atrial roof-mitral valve annulus (MVA), left superior pulmonary vein (LSPV) -left atrial appendage (LAA), LAA-MVA, left inferior pulmonary vein (LIPV) -MVA, right superior pulmonary vein (RSPV) -fossa ovalis (FO), right inferior pulmonary vein (RIPV) -FO, and FO-MVA. Within the obstacles near the PV openings, the LSPV-LAA isthmus was found to be the narrowest, whereas the LIPV-MVA was the widest and thickest isthmus. Histological complexity of each isthmus was determined, and the compound architecture of the myocardium was revealed. The further presence of a variety of nerve endings as well as myocardial blood supply enhanced the tissue diversity. Such an insight into the diversity of myocardial architecture or histological complexity in each isthmus might be helpful in creating a reliable ablation line in pulmonary vein isolation procedures