15 research outputs found

    Approximation of Rupture Directivity in Regional Phases Using Upgoing and Downgoing Wave Fields

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    Recent broadband modeling of regional events suggests that vertical directivity is particularly important at high frequency. Conventionally, such directivity is obtained by summing a grid of point sources. This relatively time-consuming procedure can be greatly reduced by introducing directivity time histories appropriate for the various crustal phases in terms of upgoing and downgoing paths that are calculated at only one depth. To achieve this, we formulated frequency-wavenumber solutions for a simultaneous computation of surface displacement for three wave fields, upgoing, downgoing, and the total from a seismic source buried in a layered medium (Appendix A). The concept of upgoing and downgoing wave field is introduced in the source layer matrix explicitly before allowing the source coefficients to interact with the propagation of the stress-displacement vector. Using this new algorithm, we generated a set of upgoing and downgoing wave fields at a fixed depth for different crustal models. We also simulated the effects of rupture propagation using distributed point-source summations and predicted the same effect by summing the upgoing and downgoing wave fields calculated at a single depth, each convolved with a separate analytical boxcar function representing the far-field rupture. A library of these new Green's functions should prove much more effective in modeling recorded motions than using point-source Green's functions alone

    Modeling of Energy Amplification Recorded within Greater Los Angeles Using Irregular Structure

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    We have investigated energy amplification observed within Greater Los Angeles basin by analyzing regional waveforms recorded from several Nevada Test Site (NTS) nuclear explosions. Although the stations are located nearly at the same azimuth (distances ranging from 350 to 400 km), the seismograms recorded in Compton (the central part of the basin), Long Beach (the southern edge of the basin), and downtown Los Angeles are remarkably different, even for a common explosion. Following the onset of L_g waves, the Long Beach sites have recorded surface waves for more than 100 sec. From one explosion, the sites within downtown Los Angeles have recorded seismograms with strong 3-sec surface waves. These waves are not observed on the seismograms recorded in the neighboring hard-rock site California Institute of Technology (CIT) station. Thus, they must have been generated by local wave guides. Numerically, we modeled these 3-sec waves by convolving the CIT seismogram with the response of a sedimentary strata dipping gently (about 6°) from CIT toward downtown. We also examined the irregular basin effect by analyzing the variation of cumulative temporal energy across the basin relative to the energy recorded at CIT from the same explosion. Variation up to a factor of 30 was observed. To model the energy variation that is caused by extended surface waves in the Long Beach area, we used numerically simulated site transfer functions (STF) from a NNE-SSW oriented two-dimensional basin structure extending from Montebello to Palos Verdes that included low-velocity sedimentary material in the uppermost layers. These STFs were convolved with the CIT seismogram recorded from the MAST explosion. To simulate elongated duration of surface waves, we introduced in the upper sedimentary structure some discontinuous microbasin structures of varying size, each microbasin delaying the seismic waves propagating through them. Consequently, the surface-reflected phases through these structures are delayed and reflected into the upper medium by the underlying interfaces. This mechanism helps delayed energy to appear at a later time and result in a longer time duration at sites located at southern edge of the basin

    Regional waveform calibration in the Pamir-Hindu Kush region

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    Twelve moderate-magnitude earthquakes (m_b 4–5.5) in the Pamir-Hindu Kush region are investigated to determine their focal mechanisms and to relocate them using their regional waveform records at two broadband arrays, the Kyrgyzstan Regional Network (KNET), and the 1992 Pakistan Himalayas seismic experiment array (PAKH) in northern Pakistan. We use the “cut-and-paste” source estimation technique to invert the whole broadband waveforms for mechanisms and depths, assuming a one-dimensional velocity model developed for the adjacent Tibetan plateau. For several large events the source mechanisms obtained agree with those available from the Harvard centroid moment tensor (CMT) solutions. An advantage of using regional broadband waveforms is that focal depths can be better constrained either from amplitude ratios of Pnl to surface waves for crustal events or from time separation between the direct P and the shear-coupled P wave (sPn + sPmP) for mantle events. All the crustal events are relocated at shallower depths compared with their International Seismological Centre bulletin or Harvard CMT depths. After the focal depths are established, the events are then relocated horizontally using their first-arrival times. Only minor offsets in epicentral location are found for all mantle events and the bigger crustal events, while rather large offsets (up to 30 km) occur for the smaller crustal events. We also tested the performance of waveform inversion using only two broadband stations, one from the KNET array in the north of the region and one from the PAKH array in the south. We found that this geometry is adequate for determining focal depths and mechanisms of moderate size earthquakes in the Pamir-Hindu Kush region

    The 25 November 1988 Saguenay, Quebec, Earthquake: Source Parameters and the Attenuation of Strong Ground Motion

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    The Saguenay earthquake of 25 November 1988 occurred close to the southern margin of the Saguenay Graben in southern Quebec. It was caused by almost purely dip-slip faulting centered at a depth of 26 km with a P axis oriented northeast-southwest. This faulting mechanism is similar to those of the larger historical earthquakes in eastern North America, but the focal depth is substantially greater than all but one of these events. The seismic moment estimated from regional PnI waves and teleseismic long-period body waves is 5 × 10^(24) dyne-cm., corresponding to a moment magnitude of 5.8. The source duration of the earthquake is estimated to be 1.8 sec, corresponding to a stress drop of 160 bars, which is not significantly higher than the average stress drop of 120 bars estimated from previous large earthquakes in eastern North America. In order to simultaneously match the recorded ground motion amplitudes of strong-motion acceleration, strong-motion velocity, and teleseismic short-period and long-period body waves, it is necessary to use a source function having a complex shape that implies the presence of asperities and larger local stress drops. The large set of strong-motion recordings of the Saguenay earthquake has been used to validate a procedure for estimating strong ground motion attenuation based on a simple wave propagation model. The most important feature of the recorded strong motions is that their peak amplitudes do not decay significantly with distance inside 120 km, but then decay abruptly beyond 120 km. Profiles of recorded accelerograms with absolute times indicate that at distances beyond 64 km the peak ground motions are due to strong postcritical reflections from velocity gradients in the lower crust. The principal shear-wave arrivals and the variation of their peak amplitudes with distance were reproduced in synthetic seismograms generated using a regional crustal structure model. The critical distances for the postcritical reflections were short because of the deep focal depth of the event, causing the elevation of ground motion amplitudes out to 120 km. Similar studies of earthquakes in other regions of eastern North America indicate that the strength of the postcritical reflections, and the distance ranges over which they are dominant, are controlled by the focal depth and crustal structure. Regional variations in crustal structure thus give rise to predictable regional variations in strong ground motion attenuation

    Estimates of regional and local strong motions during the great 1923 Kanto, Japan, earthquake (Ms 8.2). Part 1: Source estimation of a calibration event and modeling of wave propagation paths

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    This article is the first of a pair of articles that estimate regional and local strong motions from the 1923 Kanto, Japan, earthquake. This Ms 8.2 earthquake caused the most devastating damage in the metropolitan area in Tokyo history. In this article, we first calibrate wave propagation path effects with a moderate-sized modern event. This event, the Odawara earthquake of 5 August 1990 (M 5.1), is the first earthquake larger than M 5 in the last 60 years near the hypocenter of the 1923 Kanto earthquake. We estimate the source parameters based on a grid-search technique using body-waveform data bandpass filtered from 1 to 10 sec at four local stations, because accurate source parameters are critical for calibrating the propagation effects. We find that the Odawara earthquake had a depth of 15.3 km, a dip of 35°, a rake of 40°, a strike of 215°, a seismic moment of 3.3 × 10^(23) dyne-cm, a source duration of 0.65 sec, and a stress drop of 170 bars. Next, we investigate the effects of the propagation paths to the local and regional stations where seismograms of the 1923 Kanto earthquake were recorded, by comparing recorded waveforms with synthetic seismograms built with the calibration event. Path-specific flat-layered velocity models are estimated along travel paths from the event to stations Hongo (epicentral distance R = 82 km) in Tokyo, Gifu (R = 213 km), and Sendai (R = 374 km) using forward modeling. In constructing the velocity model for the Gifu station, we use STS-1 broadband seismograms recorded at the nearby Inuyama station. Consequently, at periods greater than 3 sec, the velocity models for stations Hongo and Gifu can successfully reproduce both body waves and direct surface waves, and the velocity model for Sendai station can explain the predominant direct surface waves. In the companion article (Sato et al., 1998), these velocity models are used to examine the adequecy of the variable-slip rupture models of the 1923 Kanto earthquake (Wald and Somerville, 1995; Takeo and Kanamori, 1992) to explain recorded seismograms and also to simulate strong motions from that event

    Seismic source and structure estimation in the western Mediterranean using a sparse broadband network

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    We present a study of regional earthquakes in the western Mediterranean geared toward the development of methodologies and path calibrations for source characterization using regional broadband stations. The results of this study are useful for the monitoring and discrimination of seismic events under a comprehensive test ban treaty, as well as the routine analysis of seismicity and seismic hazard using a sparse array of stations. The area consists of several contrasting geological provinces with distinct seismic properties, which complicates the modeling of seismic wave propagation. We started by analyzing surface wave group velocities throughout the region and developed a preliminary model for each of the major geological provinces. We found variations of crustal thickness ranging from 45 km under the Atlas and Betic mountains and 37 km under the Saharan shield, to 20 km for the oceanic crust of the western Mediterranean Sea, which is consistent with earlier works. Throughout most of the region, the upper mantle velocities are low which is typical for tectonically active regions. The most complex areas in terms of wave propagation are the Betic Cordillera in southern Spain and its north African counterparts, the Rif and Tell Atlas mountains, as well as the Alboran Sea, between Spain and Morocco. The complexity of the wave propagation in these regions is probably due to the sharp velocity contrasts between the oceanic and continental regions as well as the the existence of deep sedimentary basins that have a very strong influence on the surface wave dispersion. We used this preliminary regionalized velocity model to correct the surface wave source spectra for propagation effects which we then inverted for source mechanism. We found that this method, which is in use in many parts of the world, works very well, provided that data from several stations are available. In order to study the events in the region using very few broadband stations or even a single station, we developed a hybrid inversion method which combines P_(nl) waveforms synthesized with the traditional body wave methods, with surface waves that are computed using normal modes. This procedure facilitates the inclusion of laterally varying structure in the Green's functions for the surface waves and allows us to determine source mechanisms for many of the larger earthquakes (M > 4) throughout the region with just one station. We compared our results with those available from other methods and found that they agree quite well. The epicentral depths that we have obtained from regional waveforms are consistent with observed teleseismic depth phases, as far as they are available. We also show that the particular upper mantle structure under the region causes the various P_n and S_n phases to be impulsive, which makes them a useful tool for depth determination as well. Thus we conclude that with proper calibration of the seismic structure in the region and high-quality broadband data, it is now possible to characterize and study events in this region, both with respect to mechanism and depth, with a limited distribution of regional broadband stations

    Gallbladder reporting and data system (GB-RADS) for risk stratification of gallbladder wall thickening on ultrasonography:an international expert consensus

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    The Gallbladder Reporting and Data System (GB-RADS) ultrasound (US) risk stratification is proposed to improve consistency in US interpretations, reporting, and assessment of risk of malignancy in gallbladder wall thickening in non-acute setting. It was developed based on a systematic review of the literature and the consensus of an international multidisciplinary committee comprising expert radiologists, gastroenterologists, gastrointestinal surgeons, surgical oncologists, medical oncologists, and pathologists using modified Delphi method. For risk stratification, the GB-RADS system recommends six categories (GB-RADS 0–5) of gallbladder wall thickening with gradually increasing risk of malignancy. GB-RADS is based on gallbladder wall features on US including symmetry and extent (focal vs. circumferential) of involvement, layered appearance, intramural features (including intramural cysts and echogenic foci), and interface with the liver. GB-RADS represents the first collaborative effort at risk stratifying the gallbladder wall thickening. This concept is in line with the other US-based risk stratification systems which have been shown to increase the accuracy of detection of malignant lesions and improve management. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]

    Effects of Source RDP Models and Near-source Propagation: Implication for Seismic Yield Estimation

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    It has proven difficult to uniquely untangle the source and propagation effects on the observed seismic data from underground nuclear explosions, even when large quantities of near-source, broadband data are available for analysis. This leads to uncertainties in our ability to quantify the nuclear seismic source function and, consequently the accuracy of seismic yield estimates for underground explosions. Extensive deterministic modeling analyses of the seismic data recorded from underground explosions at a variety of test sites have been conducted over the years and the results of these studies suggest that variations in the seismic source characteristics between test sites may be contributing to the observed differences in the magnitude/yield relations applicable at those sites. This contributes to our uncertainty in the determination of seismic yield estimates for explosions at previously uncalibrated test sites. In this paper we review issues involving the relationship of Nevada Test Site (NTS) source scaling laws to those at other sites. The Joint Verification Experiment (JVE) indicates that a magnitude (m_b) bias (δm_b ) exists between the Semipalatinsk test site (STS) in the former Soviet Union (FSU) and the Nevada test site (NTS) in the United States. Generally this δm b is attributed to differential attenuation in the upper-mantle beneath the two test sites. This assumption results in rather large estimates of yield for large m_b tunnel shots at Novaya Zemlya. A re-examination of the US testing experiments suggests that this δm_b bias can partly be explained by anomalous NTS (Pahute) source characteristics. This interpretation is based on the modeling of US events at a number of test sites. Using a modified Haskell source description, we investigated the influence of the source Reduced Displacement Potential (RDP) parameter