8 research outputs found

    Obesity biological and psychological aspect

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    There is no unique pattern to deal with obesity unless is presented as complex of biological and psychological factors. A lot of studies deal with only one side of it. This work shows both sides and discusses about all relevant factors, which are involved in pathogenesis of obesity. This is only way for finding better approaches for treatment and understandings for this issue

    Obesity biological and psychological aspect

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    There is no unique pattern to deal with obesity unless is presented as complex of biological and psychological factors. A lot of studies deal with only one side of it. This work shows both sides and discusses about all relevant factors, which are involved in pathogenesis of obesity. This is only way for finding better approaches for treatment and understandings for this issue

    Epileptic Psychoses – Evaluation of Clinical Aspects

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    Epileptic psychoses as the most complex psychopathological phenomena represent unexplored states for prognosis. Clinical trials, conveyed in order to found risk factors still are not consistent in their conclusions. By this research results of all biological, clinical, psychological and social, as well as demographic factors will contribute to opportunity to find variables which could finally prevent these conditions. In this study we tried to evaluate clinical variables which could foresee manifestation of interictal and postictal psychosis. This research study is epidemiological, clinical, retrospective and analytical. In total 567 patients were included in this study, which belonged to the diagnostic criteria F 0.6 according to ICD-10 classification, among which 14 patients with the diagnosed epileptic psychosis (06,8) were followed. All patients were hospitalized and evaluated at the Psychiatric Clinic in University of Sarajevo Clinics Centre, during time period between 01.01.2000 - 31.08.2006. Within baseline all relevant clinical and demographic variables were evaluated. Among patients most dominant form of behavior was expansive, with emphasized paranoid ideations and perception of auditory hallucinations. A correlation between intensive psychological trauma as an exacerbation factor and prolonged illness is determined, as well as between expression of psychotic symptoms and forced normalization by antiepileptic medications. Also is proven that among postictal psychosis more dominant are suicide attempts and aggressive behavior

    Sertraline and Alprazolam in the Treatment of Panic Disorder

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    A compared, 12 week, placebo controlled study, with fixed dose, outpatient study of patients diagnosed with panic disorder with and without agoraphobia according to ICD-10, was conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of sertraline and alprazolam. The study included 40 patients, divided in two groups. We evaluated number of ICD-10-defined panic attacks, agoraphobia and anticipatory anxiety. All patients were aged 18 year and older and were randomized to either sertraline or alprazolam. Sertraline applied in fixed doses of 20 mg/day and alprazolam in doses 1-1,5 mg/day significantly reduced the frequency of panic attacks in panic disorder patients, reduced symptoms of agoraphobia and anticipatory anxiet

    Sertraline and Alprazolam in the Treatment of Panic Disorder

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    A compared, 12 week, placebo controlled study, with fixed dose, outpatient study of patients diagnosed with panic disorder with and without agoraphobia according to ICD-10, was conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of sertraline and alprazolam. The study included 40 patients, divided in two groups. We evaluated number of ICD-10-defined panic attacks, agoraphobia and anticipatory anxiety. All patients were aged 18 year and older and were randomized to either sertraline or alprazolam. Sertraline applied in fixed doses of 20 mg/day and alprazolam in doses 1-1,5 mg/day significantly reduced the frequency of panic attacks in panic disorder patients, reduced symptoms of agoraphobia and anticipatory anxiet

    Models of treatment with antipsychotics of the schizophrenic patients

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    The aim of this study were to determine which antipsychotic are currently in use, to establish which doses are administrated to patients, to find out is there a practice of proscribing simultaneously more then one antipsychotic drug, to determine whether antipsychotic are proscribed in divided doses, to establish whether there is, besides antipsychotics, treatment with other medicaments (co-administration), especially with antiparkinsonics. The research (study) is epidemiological-clinical prospective, descriptive and analytical and it was conducted at University hospitals in Sarajevo, Tuzla and Mostar. Criteria for inclusion, non-inclusion and exclusion from the study were precisely defined as a mean for formation of sample. Based on this hypothesis were established, zero and alterative. According to zero hypothesis in the treatment of schizophrenia at University hospitals in FBiH new antipsychotic drugs are in use, small doses are proscribed (up to 20 mg), not more then one antipsychotic drug is used simultaneously, antipsychotics are administrated once a day and alongside with antipsychotics other medicaments are not co-administrated, especially antiparkinsons. The results of our study are showing that majority of patients are treated with classical antipsychotics. Minority of patients is treated with atypical neuroleptics like olanzapine, which is proscribed only in Sarajevo. Use of risperidone and ziprasidone is registered also only in Sarajevo, but only small number of patients is treated with these drugs. Most frequent antipsychotics were promazine and haloperidol. The range between minimal and maximal daily dose of promazine was from 50 to 450 mg/daily, and for haloperidol from 1 to 75 mg/daily. Above-mentioned drugs were administrated in an average from two to three times a day. Alongside with antipsychotics, other drugs were used. Most frequent was the use of biperidine in oral and parenteral formulation, as well as nitrazepam and diazepam. The importance of this study is following: data are useful for the current mental health care reform in FBiH, results will point out place and position of FBiH in contemporary world trends in the treatment of schizophrenia, they will contribute to rational use of antipsychotic therapy, they will point out possible ways in reduction of side effects, often dangerous adverse effects of antipsychotics, and they will give contribution to faster rehabilitation of schizophrenics with the reduction of financial means for the treatment of patients with schizophrenia

    Frequency of the antipsychotic therapy acute side effects in the treatment of acute psychosis

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    Antipsychotic drugs produce a wide spectrum of physiological actions. Some of these effects differ among the various classes of antipsychotics. This medications have indications in the treatment of acute psychotic disorders. The main goal of this investigation was to determine the incidence and prevalence of the neuroleptic therapy acute side effects. The reason for this epidemiological investigation performing was the lack of knowledge of the exact neuroleptic therapy side effects incidence. Qualitative study on this problem has not been performed yet. Antipsychotic therapy side effects prevalence rate according to the literature data is ranging from 24% to 74%. Different prevalence rate is a consequence of different antipsychotic drug usage, different drug administration method and different side effects identification. On account of all these facts, we put the hypothesis on the correlation between the antipsychotic therapy and occurred side effects. Our experiment included all patients hospitalised from December 31st 1999 to January 31st 2000 in Intensive Care Unit of Biological Psychiatry Department of Psychiatric Clinic in Sarajevo. All patients were divided in three groups according to the applied therapy. All of them met ICD-10 criteria for schizophrenia (F20-29). During our study the following examinations were performed: psychiatric interview, BRPS, scale of side effects, psychophysiological tests, general clinical impression, scale of appetite, carbon hydrate needs scale. Psychiatric and statistical evaluations were done as well. The evaluation of our examination is showing successful results in all groups of patients. The improvement of psychopathological symptoms was insignificant. Reported side effects were minimal with low incidence rate and relatively high prevalence rate. Statistical tests were calculated from the obtained data after what the null hypothesis was rejected. Consequently, an alternative hypothesis was confirmed and it indicated that the acute side effectsincidence and prevalence were within the range of expectation. Intensity of the recorded side effects was moderate to mild. On the basis of the obtained data, it has been concluded that applied antipsychotic agents did not induce more psychophysiological function impairments in the treated patients. Psychophysiological functions remained in physiological range limits and their changes were not significant. Neuroleptic therapy side effects were minimal, meaning no toxic signs or therapy discontinuations were recorded