253 research outputs found

    The effectiveness of diabetes self-management education training among individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus in rural Nigeria

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    Philosophiae Doctor - PhDType 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) constitutes the highest percentage of diabetes cases. It has become a serious global problem due to rapid cultural and social changes, ageing, increasing urbanisation, dietary changes, reduced physical activity and unhealthy behavioural lifestyles. Furthermore, unidentified diabetes has been found to be common in many parts of Africa, including rural Nigeria, due to factors such as poor accessibility to health facilities, cultural barriers and high rates of health illiteracy. The overall aim of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the Diabetes Self Management Education (DSME) programme among individuals with T2DM in Jigawa State, Nigeria


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    Intellectual capital as a resource to drive the company has recognized the value and comparative advantagesof the company. This study aims to examine the direct and moderating effects of intellectual capitalrelationship with financial performance. The study was conducted at the Indonesian Stock Exchange usingsecondary data to test the hypothesis with pooled least square method. Sampling was done by purposivesampling produced 63 observations using 2009 to 2011. The main variable in this study is the financialperformance (productifity and profitability) as the dependent variable, and intellectual capital (humancapital, structural capital, physical capital), and the interaction of human capital with structural capital as anindependent variable, which is controlled by Size and Leverage. Data analysis and testing each hypothesisusing descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression models. The study proves that, human capital failsto explain both the use of accounting performance measures. Structural capital has a positive effect onprofitability, but failed in conjunction with productifity. Physical capital proven positive effect on bothmeasures of financial performance. Serve as structural capital moderation failed to moderate the relationshipof human capital profitability. On the other hand, structural capital can be a moderating variable in anegative relationship with the human capital productifity. Therefore concluded that in general investors andcompanies give more to the assessment of physical and financial capital of the human capital and structuralcapital, which may result in lack of competitiveness of enterprises in a sustainable manner


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    Waqf as one of the charitable cause in the Islamic shariah is very useful for the welfare of society, for example, to the advancement of science and culture as well as other development interests are blessed by Allah SWT. Regarding the waqf property, in principle, which has diwakafkan waqf property can not be changed as stated in the hadith Rasul SAW. that the object should not be in perjualbelikan waqf, assigned or inherited.History Mujahid ulama agreed that the waqf property is not allowed to change it from what it professed the wakif exception in urgency due to the interest of the common goal. State waqf objects can not be used again as the wakif swore. Conditions change waqf objects arranged in KHI in line with what was raised the previous mujtahid Imam. as the sound of KHI Article 225 states are essentially the objects that have diwakafkan can notbe changed or other use and what is meant pledge endowments. Except with the first reason for not complying anymore with the purpose of waqf as professed by wakif, both because of the public interest. Provisions stipulated in article 225 above KHI whose purpose is to give a chance to change things endowments in urgency, in order of importance beneficiaries are greater than ever.Keywords: Fungsi Wakaf, Kompilasi Hukum Islam

    Desafios da sucessão na empresa familiar sob a percepção do sucessor e do sucedido

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    sentido, nos últimos anos, identificou-se a necessidade de investimento em ferramentas que a tornasse cada vez mais forte, aproveitando o fenômeno da globalização. A empresa familiar é tida como tal no momento em que passa pelo processo de sucessão do poder decisório, de forma que um ou mais membros da família fundadora venham a assumi-la. Em virtude da necessidade de se manter uma empresa familiar ao longo das gerações, tem-se como fator importante o conhecimento dos desafios enfrentados pelo sucessor e pelo sucedido dentro das organizações familiares. Como norte metodológico, a pesquisa abordou dois estudos de caso, feitos em duas empresas familiares, que relataram a trajetória no processo sucessório, tanto do sucessor como de seu sucedido. Como forma de abordagem, fez-se uso de entrevistas com o sucessor e o sucedido de cada uma das empresas estudadas – ambas sob a direção de seu fundador. É preciso atentar que fazem parte da empresa membros até da terceira geração. O estudo utilizou como ferramenta a análise descritiva qualitativa, a fim de levantar o ponto de vista dos sucessores e sucedidos entrevistados de cada uma das empresas analisadas e, assim, levantar os pontos mais importantes da coleta de dados. Os pontos mais discutidos entre as empresas foram: a realização de cursos para ingressar na empresa; as barreiras no processo de sucessão; as dificuldades enfrentadas no processo de sucessão; os desafios que já obtiveram êxito e aqueles que devem ser superados, entre outros pontos. Os principais autores deste estudo foram: Borges e Lescura (2012), Mamede e Mamede (2014), Leone, Silva e Fernandes (1996), Oliveira (1999), Scheffer (1995), Lodi (1987); Ricca (1998) e Martins, Menezes e Bernhoeft (1999)

    The impact of Ijarah financing/leasing on Islamic bank performance in Malaysia: empirical evidence

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    Ijarah or Leasing becomes one of the most important financing schemes provided by banking institutions to meet the substantive demand from the private and household sectors. The Ijarah financing is mode of financing of Islamic banks offered to the customers and it is the second largest financing of Islamic banks in Malaysia after Murabahah. This study investigates the impact of Ijarah financing of Islamic bank performance in Malaysia. The performance of Islamic banks is measured by return on assets (ROA) and net profit margin (NPM) as dependent variables. This study uses seven (7) independent variables which are divided into two main divisions bank specific and macroeconomic factors. Bank specific factors are factors that can control by Islamic banks and these comprises operating efficiency (EXTA), bank size (LTA), total Ijarah financing (IJTA) and total financing (TFTA) while macroeconomic factors refer to factors that are beyond ability of the Islamic banks and these includes base lending rate (BLR) or Base financing rate (BFR), consumer price index (CPI) and gross domestic product (GDP). The data is limited to the Islamic banks in Malaysia within the period of 2004 until 2018. This study analyses using Random effect models. The results show that Ijarah financing has a positive and significant effect on net profit margin as proxy of Islamic banks performance. However, the Ijarah financing has positive but no significant influence on return on as assets as proxy of Islamic banks performance. The findings suggest Islamic banks to increase the portfolio of Ijarah financing in order to raise up the performance of the Islamic banks. Also, this study has strongly contributed in the existing literature of single country analysis of Islamic banks particularly in the context of Malaysia

    Hybrid 3D Localization for Visible Light Communication Systems

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    In this study, we investigate hybrid utilization of angle-of-arrival (AOA) and received signal strength (RSS) information in visible light communication (VLC) systems for 3D localization. We show that AOA-based localization method allows the receiver to locate itself via a least squares estimator by exploiting the directionality of light-emitting diodes (LEDs). We then prove that when the RSS information is taken into account, the positioning accuracy of AOA-based localization can be improved further using a weighted least squares solution. On the other hand, when the radiation patterns of LEDs are explicitly considered in the estimation, RSS-based localization yields highly accurate results. In order to deal with the system of nonlinear equations for RSS-based localization, we develop an analytical learning rule based on the Newton-Raphson method. The non-convex structure is addressed by initializing the learning rule based on 1) location estimates, and 2) a newly developed method, which we refer as random report and cluster algorithm. As a benchmark, we also derive analytical expression of the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) for RSS-based localization, which captures any deployment scenario positioning in 3D geometry. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed solutions for a wide range of LED characteristics and orientations through extensive computer simulations.Comment: Submitted to IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology (10 pages, 14 figures

    The Roya HT-EL on Debt Repayment by Third Parties

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    This study examines the implementation of HT-El Roya as it pertains to the debt repayment of debtors using funds from third parties. This study is an empirical investigation. Purposive sampling was used to determine the sample size, and Technic data was gathered through interviews and analyzed using qualitative methods. According to government regulation No. 5 of 2020 concerning Electronic Dependent Rights Services, the application for HT-El companies conducted after the debtor pays off the debt to creditors can only be submitted through a BPN partner account that belongs to the creditor. With the debtor's obligation satisfied, the application for a dependent right must be submitted immediately in accordance with the most recent land registration principles. To keep the data at the Land Office up-to-date and in accordance with current circumstances, current land registration principles are required. This is intended to prevent future disputes. Roya liability may also be established for a portion of the collateralized debt, which is known as partial Roya. According to the provisions of Article 18 paragraph 1 of the Agrarian Regulation Number 5 of 2020, creditors are required to immediately register the removal of dependent rights upon payment of the receivables. Immediately in the article does not guarantee when the creditor will submit an application for Roya to the Land Office, despite the fact that the debtor has repaid the debt. In this instance, Roya HT-El depends on the creditor's willingness to submit a request for Roya to the Land Office. If funds from Third Parties are used in the repayment process and the old Creditor Party has not submitted a Roya request to the Land Office, the legal position of the new creditor will be affected. The authority to submit requests for HT-El Roya supposedly extends beyond creditors. Given that third parties can facilitate the credit repayment process, which in this context is known as credit takeover or subrogation

    Criminal Responsibility of Child Intermediaries in Narcotics Trade Under Law No. 11/2012 on Juvenile Justice

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    The study aims to analyze the criminal responsibility of children who act as intermediaries in the sale and purchase of narcotics under Law No. 11 of 2012 concerning the child criminal justice system. Children involved in narcotics crimes are often exploited due to their vulnerability in understanding legal consequences. This research employs a normative juridical approach by examining legislation and relevant cases. The results indicate that while children can be subject to criminal sanctions, the child criminal justice system emphasizes rehabilitation and guidance efforts over imprisonment. The child criminal justice system provides special protection for children, prioritizing restorative justice, which seeks to restore the situation without focusing on punishment. However, challenges arise in implementing this system, particularly regarding the role of law enforcement officials and consistent application across Indonesia. This study recommends enhancing the understanding and capacity of law enforcers and strengthening the rehabilitation system for children involved in drug-related crimes

    Ideal Concept of Legal Policy in Dealing with Illegal Fishing

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    Illegal, Unregulated, and, and Unreported Fishing (IUU-Fishing) crime activities are defined as illegal, unreported and unlawful fishing practices. In practice, Indonesia is one of the most disadvantaged countries from the illegal fishing activities occuring in many Indonesian waters. Formulating an ideal legal policy in the handling of illegal fishing is a way out that can be used as a patron for Indonesia to deal with fishery crime. The law policy can be analyzed in Administration Law and Criminal Law approaches. Keywords: Concept of Legal Policy; Illegal Fishin
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