2,364 research outputs found

    A Novel Hybrid Spotted Hyena-Swarm Optimization (HS-FFO) Framework for Effective Feature Selection in IOT Based Cloud Security Data

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    Internet of Things (IoT) has gained its major insight in terms of its deployment and applications. Since IoT exhibits more heterogeneous characteristics in transmitting the real time application data, these data are vulnerable to many security threats. To safeguard the data, machine and deep learning based security systems has been proposed. But this system suffers the computational burden that impedes threat detection capability. Hence the feature selection plays an important role in designing the complexity aware IoT systems to defend the security attacks in the system. This paper propose the novel ensemble of spotted hyena with firefly algorithm to choose the best features and minimise the redundant data features that can boost the detection system's computational effectiveness.  Firstly, an effective firefly optimized feature correlation method is developed.  Then, in order to enhance the exploration and search path, operators of fireflies are combined with Spotted Hyena to assist the swarms in leaving the regionally best solutions. The experimentation has been carried out using the different IoT cloud security datasets such as NSL-KDD-99 , UNSW and CIDCC -001 datasets and contrasted with ten cutting-edge feature extraction techniques, like PSO (particle swarm optimization), BAT, Firefly, ACO(Ant Colony Optimization), Improved PSO, CAT, RAT, Spotted Hyena, SHO and  BOC(Bee-Colony Optimization) algorithms. Results demonstrates the proposed hybrid model has achieved the better feature selection mechanism with less convergence  time and aids better for intelligent threat detection system with the high performance of detection

    Coexistence of antiferrodistortive and ferroelectric distortions at the PbTiO3_3 (001) surface

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    The c(2Ă—\times2) reconstruction of (001) PbTiO3_3 surfaces is studied by means of first principles calculations for paraelectric (non-polar) and ferroelectric ([001] polarized) films. Analysis of the atomic displacements in the near-surface region shows how the surface modifies the antiferrodistortive (AFD) instability and its interaction with ferroelectric (FE) distortions. The effect of the surface is found to be termination dependent. The AFD instability is suppressed at the TiO2_2 termination while it is strongly enhanced, relative to the bulk, at the PbO termination resulting in a c(2x2) surface reconstruction which is in excellent agreement with experiments. We find that, in contrast to bulk PbTiO3_3, in-plane ferroelectricity at the PbO termination does not suppress the AFD instability. The AFD and the in-plane FE distortions are instead concurrently enhanced at the PbO termination. This leads to a novel surface phase with coexisting FE and AFD distortions which is not found in PbTiO3_3 bulk

    An Innovative Hybrid Modular Converter with H-bridge for High Voltage Direct Current Applications

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    An H-bridge hybrid modular converter (HBHMC) is proposed for high-voltage direct current(HVDC) applications. It uses a wave-shaping circuit consisting of series-connected full-bridgesubmodules (FBSMs) at the output of the main H-bridge converter. For a three-phase system, threeHBHMCs are connected either in series (series-HBHMC) or in parallel (parallel-HBHMC) across thedc-link. The operating modes of HBHMC, novel modulation strategies for voltage balancing ofFBSMs, and control of HBHMC-based HVDC system are presented in this paper. A detailedcomparison between HBHMC and other hybrid topologies is performed on the basis of requirednumber of switches and capacitors. The HBHMC has the features of dc fault blocking capability,lower footprint structure, and extra degree of freedom for submodules capacitor voltage balancing.The efficacy of the HBHMC-based HVDC system for three-phase balanced and unbalanced gridconditions and its fault-tolerant capability are validated using PSCAD simulation studies.Furthermore, the feasibility of the proposed converter under normal and dc fault conditions and of theproposed capacitor voltage control scheme is validated experimentally by using a three-phase gridconnected HBHMC laboratory prototype

    Qualitative and quantitative metabolomics of Pamburus missionis Swingle – a medicinal tree taxon

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    Since ancient times, Plant based medicine is a well-known oldest form of healthcare to mankind. Even the commercial medications used for the treatment of various ailments today, contains a large proportion of plant derived chemical compounds. Hence chemical profiling of medicinal plants gained a key role to use them in pharmaceuticals as well as commercial industries. Pamburus missionis is one of the medicinal plants used in the Indian and Srilankan traditional medicine system to reduce kapha dosha. The ayurvedic physicians used its leaves to treat swelling, piles, fractures, fistula, puerperal diseases and as serpent venom. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to reveal the phytocompounds from various parts of this plant. Metabolomics revealed the presence of primary and secondary metabolites like carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, alkaloids, phenols, flavonoids, steroids etc. From the aqueous extract, Alkaloid content is almost same in leaf, stem and bark extracts with around 1.2 to 1.3 g (w/v%) and completely absent in the fruit. Phenolic content and steroids are notably high in leaf extract with 112.77±0.34 mg/g of extract and 17.91±0.26 mg respectively, where the flavonoid content in fruit extract with 44.69±0.30 mg/g of extract and the tannin content in bark extract with 62.37±1.75 mg/g of extract

    Direct Torque Control of VSI Fed Induction Motor with Fuzzy Controller

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    The Direct Torque Control (DTC) methods for AC machines are commonly utilized in many variable speed drives, especially in case the torque control is more desired than speed control. Two major problems that are usually related with DTC drives are: 1) switching frequency that varies with operating conditions and 2) high torque ripple. To solve these problems and at the same time intermit the simple control structure of DTC, a constant switching frequency torque controller is proposed to replace the conventional hysteresis-based controller. The major advantages of the Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) are combines with those of the DTC technique, producing the appropriate voltage vectors under 0.9 input power factor operations. The results prove the high quality and robustness in the system dynamic response and minimize in the both steady-state and transient motor ripple torque. The proposed switching scheme for VSI based DTC of IM drive select the necessary switching vectors for control of torque with small variations of the stator flux within the hysteresis band. This paper presents a novel control scheme based on Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC). This paper reviews the research and development in direct torque control of VSI fed IM.Such a review helps the highly effective control strategies for AC machine to provide a very fast torque and flux control. In this technical context an overview of VSI fed induction motor has been carried out based on the reports from the literature present in past two recent decades

    Analysis of socioeconomic status of young migrant farmers in India using probit regression

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    Rural-urban migration has been very evident in global population changes in recent decades, especially in India, where migration growth rates are among the highest in the world. Many research articles focused only on the migration of young farmers in India. This article highlights the migration of young farmers from rural to urban areas in Bengaluru, their sustainability, and a survey made on the young farmer’s migration. In this context, the study was conducted in the Bangalore region on the migration of Anantapur young farmers, Andhra Pradesh. This study examines the sustainability of young farmers after migration to urban areas and, based on this objective, to find out young migrant farmers are financially well-being or not. For the purpose of analysis, 500 primary data are collected from the young migrant farmers. The Probit model is employed to assess whether young migrant farmers were economically stable or not. The study’s findings show that young migrated farmers to urban areas are more likely to be unsustainable due to the cost of living and additional costs. Young migrant farmers do not have enough income so they take loans from private lenders to meet their needs
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