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    Abstract   Purpose of the study: To analyse students’ perceptions of Arabic language learning for science purposes in USIM. Problem of the study: The existing Arabic module in the Higher Education Institution in Malaysia did not discuss the topic related to Science in Arabic language learning for science students, except in USIM. Using the existing modules, researchers analysed respondents' perceptions of Arabic Language for Science Purpose. Methodology: This study applies a quantitative approach which involves 169 science students at the Islamic Science University of Malaysia (USIM) as respondents and randomly selected. The data were analysed descriptively by looking at the percentage and mean score by using SPSS Statistics 25. Main Findings: The descriptive analysis findings demonstrate that the overall mean of interest was 3.72, the mean of the module was 3.78, the mean of the use of scientific terms was 3.49 and the mean of the learning duration was 3.08. The findings showed that using the specific module of Arabic Language for Science had successfully nurtured students' interest in Arabic and able to introduce them to scientific terms in Arabic. This study could be a measurement of the use of Arabic language modules that contain specific content based on "Specific Purposes" for Institutions of Higher Learning in Malaysia. Applications of this study: This study involves science students who have studied the subjects (اللغة العربية للعلوم) using the Arabic Language for Science Purpose module within a semester from Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Science and Technology and Faculty of Engineering and Architecture at USIM Novelty/Originality of this study: This study could be a measurement of the use of Arabic language modules that contain specific content based on the "Specific Purposes" for Institute of Higher Learning and the Private Higher Learning Institution (IPTS) in Malaysia

    Pendekatan Mengurus Konflik dalam Rumah Tangga Bermadu: Approach in Managing Conflict in A Polygamous Household

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    Conflict is an unavoidable condition and is part and parcel of life in a household, especially in the lives of a polygamous household. This article aims to present the factors that contribute to household conflict and the approach in managing them. The data were obtained through semi-structured interviews with sampling techniques aimed at 5 sister-wives and 1 polygamous husband. The interview data transcriptions were analyzed to form themes and sub-themes and validation was performed using Cohen Kappa calculations. The data analysis revealed that the internal factors which trigger conflict are secretive marriage, lack of concern, jealousy, and misunderstanding, whereas the external factors are neglecting responsibility, difficulty in adjusting, and lack of communication. Among the approaches taken to manage this conflict are to hold discussions, to be generous, to be tolerant, to care for each other, to appreciate, to be patient, to accept the qada' and qadar of Allah Almighty, to protect the household’s honour, and to limit unimportant social activities. This finding can serve as a guide in the management of polygamous household conflicts. ABSTRAK Konflik adalah satu keadaan yang sukar dielakkan dan menjadi asam garam alam rumah tangga, lebih-lebih lagi dalam kehidupan rumah tangga bermadu. Artikel ini bertujuan mengemukakan faktor-faktor yang mencetuskan konflik rumah tangga bermadu serta pendekatan mengurusnya. Data diperolehi melalui temu bual separa berstruktur dengan teknik persampelan bertujuan iaitu terhadap 5 orang isteri bermadu dan 1 orang suami berpoligami. Transkripsi data temubual dianalisis bagi membentuk tema dan sub tema dan proses keesahan dilakukan menerusi pengiraan Cohen Kappa. Analisis data mengemukakan faktor dalaman yang mencetuskan konflik iaitu merahsiakan perkahwinan, kurang keprihatinan, perasaan cemburu dan salah faham manakala faktor luaran ialah pengabaian tanggungjawab, sukar membuat penyesuaian diri dan tiada komunikasi. Antara pendekatan yang dilakukan untuk mengurus konflik ialah mengadakan perbincangan, berlapang dada, bertolak ansur, menjaga hati, menghargai, sabar, redha dengan qada’ qadar Allah SWT, menjaga rahsia rumah tangga dan menghadkan aktiviti sosial yang tidak penting. Dapatan ini boleh djadikan panduan dalam pengurusan konflik rumah tangga bermadu.     &nbsp

    Cabaran pengajaran kursus mantik di Institut Pengajian Tinggi: Challenges of teaching logic in Institute of Higher Education

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    Logic (Manṭiq) began to appear and has developed in Islamic society through the translation of Greek works into Arabic. This discipline which was considered the basis of philosophy was also used by Islamic scholars in developing knowledge. Today, logic is offered as one of the courses for Usuluddin studies at the Institute of Higher Education (IHE). Based on previous studies, it was found that the students were still unable to understand and master this field of knowledge. Although some of them understand the theory, but their level of mastery needs to be improved. Thus, this study aims to identify the challenges faced by lecturers in the process of teaching and learning logic. In this study, the researcher used a qualitative approach by presenting a case study as a research design. Purposive sampling was used involving the university lecturers who teach logic and are located in the Klang Valley. Data was obtained through semi-structured interviews and then analyzed using a thematic approach (thematic analysis). The results of the study show that the challenges faced by lecturers in teaching logic are more focused on their theoretical nature and difficulty to understand. At the same time, lecturers need to be creative in presenting examples and address the issue of students’ limitations in understanding the relationship between logic and other sciences. This study also identified the need to diversify teaching methods among lecturers, such as through a blended learning approach as an effort to attract and encourage students to master the subject

    Analisis Perkembangan Penulisan Tafsir Maudu’i di Malaysia: An Analysis of Development of Thematic Exegesis in Malaysia

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    Various studies have been done in Malaysia on exegesis and its development. But less study was conducted on thematic exegesis. The study aimed to present the development of thematic exegesis in Malaysia beginning in the 1940s until the early 20th century. The method used to study thematic exegesis in Malaysia was qualitative using content analysis methods as research designs. The literature reviews were conducted to collect the data on thematic exegesis. The findings showed that the pattern of Quranic tafsir in Malaysia began with the translation of the original works of exegetes. Then the interpretation was made comprehensively and the predominant pattern of interpretation was tafsir al-tahlili and mawdu’i. The writing of thematic exegesis showed the great development of the 20th century and the topic-based writing became the preferred choice for the author of al-mawdu’i in Malaysia besides the lafaz (metonym) and surah (chapter). Among the topics studied were the story of the Prophet, faith, economy, family and ibadah (act of worship). Therefore, this study showed significant developments of thematic exegesis in Malaysia which further illustrated the society’s need for this kind of exegesis. This study provided new inputs to the researchers in Malaysian on exegesis in general and thematic exegesis in particular. ABSTRAK Kajian mengenai penulisan tafsir di Malaysia dan perkembangannya telah dilakukan oleh pengkaji tafsir di Malaysia. Namun kajian mengenai penulisan tafsir mawdu’i secara khusus kurang dijalankan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengemukakan perkembangan tafsir mawdu’i di Malaysia bermula pada tahun 1940an sehingga awal abad ke-20. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengkaji penulisan karya-karya tafsir mawdu’i di Malaysia adalah kualitatif dengan menggunakan kaedah analisis kandungan sebagai reka bentuk penyelidikan. Sorotan literatur dilakukan bagi mengumpulkan data berkenaan karya-karya tafsir mawdu’i. Hasil kajian mendapati corak pertafsiran al-Quran di Malaysia bermula dengan terjemahan karya-karya asli tafsir. Kemudian penulisan tafsir dibuat secara menyeluruh dan corak tafsir yang dominan ialah tafsir tahlili dan mawdu’i. Penulisan tafsir mawdu’i menunjukkan perkembangan yang besar pada abad ke-20 dan penulisan berdasarkan topik menjadi pilihan utama penulis tafsir mawdu’i di Malaysia selain lafaz dan surah. Di antara topik-topik yang dikaji ialah kisah Nabi, akidah, ekonomi, kekeluargaan dan ibadah. Justeru, kajian ini menunjukkan perkembangan yang signifikan dalam penulisan tafsir mawdu’i di Malaysia seterusnya menggambarkan keperluan masyarakat terhadap jenis tafsir ini. Kajian ini memberikan input baru kepada pengkaji tafsir di Malaysia secara umum dan tafsir mawdu’i secara khusus

    Analisis keperluan pembentukan model psikologi komunikasi isteri bermadu mengurus konflik rumah tangga

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    Pasangan rumah tangga poligami sering berhadapan dengan konflik dan menjadi buntu ekoran tidak tahu bagaimana kaedah untuk mengurus konflik yang berlaku. Artikel ini bertujuan mengenal pasti keperluan pembinaan model psikologi komunikasi isteri bermadu dalam mengurus konflik rumah tangga. Analisis keperluan ini dilaksanakan bertujuan bagi memastikan model yang bakal dibentuk memenuhi keperluan sasaran model dan menentukan spesifikasi model yang dibina. Proses analisis keperluan pembinaan model ini dijalankan menerusi temu bual separa berstruktur. Pemilihan informan dilakukan secara persampelan bertujuan iaitu lima orang isteri yang bermadu dan seorang suami yang berpoligami. Transkripsi data temu bual dianalisis bagi membentuk tema dan subtema. Proses kesahan tema dan subtema ini dilakukan menerusi kaedah pengiraan Cohen Kappa. Dapatan temu bual berkaitan keperluan pembinaan model ini mengutarakan empat tema dan subtema utama, iaitu: (1) Kewujudan konflik dalam rumahtangga bermadu, (2) Faktor-faktor berlakunya konflik rumah tangga bermadu, (3) Pendekatan dilakukan dalam mengurus konflik rumah tangga bermadu, dan (4) Keperluan pembangunan model. Pembinaan model ini boleh menjadi panduan kepada pasangan suami isteri dalam pengurusan konflik rumah tangga bermadu