122 research outputs found

    Serum acidic mammalian kinase as a new laboratory test to define subclinical inflammation in Familial Mediterranean fever

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    Aim: To investigate the relationship between acidic mammalian chitinase (CHIA) level and autoinflammatory diseases, especially in Familial Mediterranean fever. Methods: We first analyzed CHIA expression, methylation in various autoinflammatory diseases, including, SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus), RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis), SJS (Stevens-Johnson syndrome), SSc (Systemic Sclerosis) and T1D (Type 1 diabetes) patients, case-control and correlation between the MEFV and CHIA genes by using bioinformatics tools. We then measured serum CHIA level in ninety individuals; thirty FMF attacks, thirty FMF remissions and thirty healthy control groups. Statistical analysis was used to evaluate the interaction between clinical parameters and serum CHIA level. The potential of serum CHIA level was tested using AUC and ROC analysis. Results: According to our ADEx analysis, we observed high CHIA expression in SLE, RA and T1D patients than in the control group. Moreover, we detected that the methylation level decreased in each disease, especially in the cg17143643 and cg7497781 probes. We also observed a correlation between MEFV and CHIA in these autoinflammatory diseases. According to our ELISA results, we also showed an increased CHIA level in FMF attack and remission as compared to the control group in serum (p <0.001, p =0.007; resp). We further observed a relationship between CHIA level and patients with amyloidosis, attack per month, and neutrophil and WBC levels.  Conclusion: Our primary data suggest that CHIA is related to FMF pathogenesis and can be followed in the subclinical period of the disease

    Cardiac thrombi in a patient with protein-C and S deficiencies: a case report

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    We report a case of multiple mobile intra-cardiac thrombi accompanying recurrent pulmonary embolism that has been successfully treated by fibrinolytic therapy. Control transesophageal echocardiographic examination showed that prolonged thrombolytic treatment completely removed the thrombi. Surgical removal of emboli has been validated but cannot be proposed to all patients since it is a high-risk intervention. Fibrinolysis is generally efficient but exposes the patient to risk of migration of the intra-cavity thrombus, with occasionally deleterious evolution. Systemic thrombolytic therapy is usually recommended if (a) it is not contraindicated and (b) the thrombi are demonstrated in more than one cardiac chamber, entailing a higher risk of surgical intervention. However, the infusion rate and duration of thrombolytic therapy are important determinants of successful and uncomplicated lysis. Low dose and long infusion time should be chosen to avoid fragmentation of the thrombus and related complications. © 2004 Ercan et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Serum levels of TNF-α and osteoprotegerin and bone mineral density in patients with Behçet’s Disease

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    Objectives: Osteoporosis is commonly developed due tonatural course of Behçet’s disease (BD) and therapeuticagents. It was aimed to investigate levels of osteoprotegerinand TNF-α (tumor necrosis factor), and bone mineral density(BMD) and correlation between them in BD.Materials and methods: The study included two groupsas the study and the control group. Serum levels of TNF-α,osteoprotegerin, osteocalcine, erythrocyte sedimentation rate(ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP), and urinary creatinine anddeoxypyridinoline along with BMD level were evaluated andcompared. Correlation between TNF-α and osteoprotegerinlevel was investigated.Results: The study enrolled 41 BD patients and 36 agedmatchedcontrol subjects. Mean age was 42.26±11.64 and41.66±70.99, in the study and control groups, respectively.There was no significant difference in body mass index(BMI) of subjects between groups (p>0.05). Level of TNF-α(p<0.001), deoxypyridinoline (p<0.001) and osteocalcine(p=0.041) was significantly higher in the study group comparedto the control group. Osteoprotegerin was lower inBD patients, but the difference was not significant (p>0.05).Urinary deoxypyridinoline/ urinary creatinine ratio in patientswith BD was significantly higher than those in control group(p=0.030). Patients had significantly lower BMD comparfedto the control group, except L2-L4 vertebral area (p<0.001,p<0.001, p=0.035, p<0.001, p=0.012, p<0.001, p<0.001 andp=0.111, respectively). No correlation was found betweenTNF-α and osteoprotegerin.Conclusions: The present study indicated that TNF-α andBMD was negatively correlated with each other and TNF-αhad an effect on osteoporotic process in patients with BD.Osteoprotegerin level was not decreased, and not correlatedwith TNF-α.Key words: Behçet’s disease, osteoprotegerin, TNF-α, osteocalcin

    Retrospektivna analiza graničnih tumora jajnika: ishodi u jednom centru

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    We wanted to discuss our experiences in the approach to borderline ovarian tumors, which constitute a group different from epithelial ovarian tumors with respect to their biological structure in line with retrospective information gathered from our cases. A total of 25 patients operated on for the indication of adnexal masses diagnosed as borderline ovarian tumors based on frozen section results were included in our study. Patient age, tumor diameter, tumor markers and surgeries performed were discussed in the light of the literature. Statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS software. The patient mean age was 43.84±11.34 years. The mass was localized in the right (n=13), left (n=11) or both (n=1) adnexal regions. The mean tumor diameter was 12.9±5.84 cm. Histopathologic examination established the diagnosis of serous borderline (n=14 patients) and mucinous borderline (n=11) ovarian tumors. Although the results of our study are consistent with current literature data, a greater number of current studies should be performed on borderline ovarian tumors, which are defined as a class of tumors different from epithelial ovarian tumors.Želja nam je opisati naša iskustva u pristupu graničnim tumorima jajnika kao skupini tumora koji se razlikuju od epitelnih tumora jajnika prema biološkoj strukturi, sukladno retrospektivnim podacima prikupljenim iz naših slučajeva. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 25 bolesnica operiranih pod indikacijom adneksnih tvorevina dijagnosticiranih kao granični tumori jajnika na osnovi rezultata dobivenih iz zamrznutih uzoraka. Prikazani su sljedeći podaci bolesnica: dob, promjer tumora, tumorski biljezi i izvedeni operativni zahvati, u odnosu na literaturne podatke. Statistička analiza je provedena primjenom programa SPSS. Srednja dob bolesnica bila je 43,84±11,34 godine. Tumorska masa bila je smještena u desnoj (n=13) ili lijevoj (n=11) adneksnoj regiji, a kod jedne bolesnice u objema adneksnim regijama. Srednji promjer tumora bio je 12,9±5,84 cm. Histopatološkom analizom postavljena je dijagnoza seroznog graničnog (n=14) i mucinoznog graničnog (n=11) tumora jajnika. Iako su rezultati ovoga istraživanja sukladni literaturnim podacima, potrebno je provesti veći broj studija graničnih tumora jajnika, koji se definiraju kao vrsta tumora različita od epitelnih tumora jajnika

    Non ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction in patient with essential thrombocythemia

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    A 68-year-old woman presented with acute chest pain and a greatly increased platelet count. Cardiac catheterization revealed subtotal occlusion and a thrombus-like filling defect in the right coronary artery. The patient was successfully treated with intravenous tirofiban. Essential thrombocythemia was diagnosed based on bone marrow findings, clinical presentation and laboratory analysis. The relationship between intracoronary thrombus and essential thrombocythemia is discussed

    Non ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction in patient with essential thrombocythemia

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    A 68-year-old woman presented with acute chest pain and a greatly increased platelet count. Cardiac catheterization revealed subtotal occlusion and a thrombus-like filling defect in the right coronary artery. The patient was successfully treated with intravenous tirofiban. Essential thrombocythemia was diagnosed based on bone marrow findings, clinical presentation and laboratory analysis. The relationship between intracoronary thrombus and essential thrombocythemia is discussed

    Presence of factors that activate platelet aggregation in mitral stenotic patients' plasma

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    BACKGROUND: Although the association between mitral stenosis (MS) and increased coagulation activity is well recognized, it is unclear whether enhanced coagulation remains localized in the left atrium or whether this represents a systemic problem. To assess systemic coagulation parameters and changes in platelet aggregation, we measured fibrinogen levels and performed in vitro platelet function tests in plasma obtained from mitral stenotic patients' and from healthy control subjects' peripheral venous blood. METHODS: Sixteen newly diagnosed patients with rheumatic MS (Group P) and 16 healthy subjects (Group N) were enrolled in the study. Platelet-equalized plasma samples were evaluated to determine in vitro platelet function, using adenosine diphosphate (ADP), collagen and epinephrine in an automated aggregometer. In vitro platelet function tests in group N were performed twice, with and without plasma obtained from group P. RESULTS: There were no significant differences between the groups with respect to demographic variables. Peripheral venous fibrinogen levels in Group P were not significantly different from those in Group N. Adenosine diphosphate, epinephrine and collagen-induced platelet aggregation ratios were significantly higher in Group P than in Group N. When plasma obtained from Group P was added to Group N subjects' platelets, ADP and collagen-induced, but not epinephrine-induced, aggregation ratios were significantly increased compared to baseline levels in Group N. CONCLUSION: Platelet aggregation is increased in patients with MS, while fibrinogen levels remain similar to controls. We conclude that mitral stenotic patients exhibit increased systemic coagulation activity and that plasma extracted from these patients may contain some transferable factors that activate platelet aggregation

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    Detection of Hidden Hostile/Terrorist Groups in Harsh Territories by Using Animals as Mobile Biological Sensors

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    Terrorism is the greatest threat to national security and cannot be defeated by conventional military force alone. In critical areas such as Iraq, Afghanistan and Turkey, regular forces cannot reach these hostile/terrorist groups, the instigators of terrorism. These groups have a clear understanding of the relative ineffectiveness of counter-guerrilla operations and rely on guerrilla warfare to avoid major combat as their primary means of continuing the conflict with the governmental structures. In Internal Security Operations, detection of terrorist and hostile groups in their hiding places such as caves, lairs, etc. can only be achieved by professionally trained people such as Special Forces or intelligence units with the necessary experience and tools suitable for collecting accurate information in these often harsh, rugged and mountainous countries. To assist these forces, commercial micro-sensors with wireless interfaces could be utilized to study and monitor a variety of phenomena and environments from a certain distance for military purposes. In order to locate hidden terrorist groups and enable more effective use of conventional military resources, this paper proposes an active remote sensing model implanted into animals capable of living in these environments. By using these mobile sensor devices, improving communications for data transfer from the source, and developing better ways to monitor and detect threats, terrorist ability to carry out attacks can be severely disrupted