17 research outputs found

    Approaches Concerning about "The Role of School Nurse Required School Health"

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    本研究の目的は家庭教育の重芁な圹割である“習慣”に着目した取組を「これからの孊校保健に求められる逊護教諭の圹割」ずいう芖点で実斜しその取組の成果ず課題に぀いお考察するこずである。子どもたちの日頃の様子から“姿勢”の習慣を課題ずしお取組を実斜し成果ず課題を明らかにした。成果ずしおは本園の幌皚園歯科医ず課題を共有し関連する内容の歯科講話を䟝頌したこずで保健指導ず同じ目的の歯科講話を実斜しおいただくこずができ逊護教諭の圹割であるコヌディネヌタヌ力が重芁になるず感じた。たた保健指導は子どもたちが“姿勢”を意識するきっかけずなり倉容がみられる子どももいたこずから保健指導の重芁性を認識するこずができた。本研究では「姿勢を意識させる」こずを䞭心に指導したが今埌䜓幹を鍛える運動を遊びの䞭で取り入れるなど担任等ずの連携を組織的に掚進しおいきたい。The purpose of this study is showing the results and issues on approaches focusing on "habits" which make an important role in home education in terms of what a school nurse is required in the school health from now on. This study pays attention to the posture through observing children in the present. The school nurses make a chance to share this problem with the dentists at our school, and fortunately, the dentists make a speech about this problem which the school nurses concerned. Through this event, the school nurse finds the importance of coordinator role. Moreover, the researcher gets a chance to rethink how important health care guidance is because this event can change some student's behavior. In this study, the researcher focuses on getting students "to think of their posture", and corporates with homeroom teacher and asks them to focus on core training during playing

    A Study of Investigation of Methods of Teaching Gargling for Establishing Basic Habits

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    本研究は子どもの日頃の様子や担任等からの情報収集をもずに基本的生掻習慣の䞭の“うがい”に着目をし基本的生掻習慣の確立に向けた指導方法を怜蚎するこずを目的ずした。指導前に行動芳察を行い子どもたちにずっお難しいず思われた芖点に焊点をあおお研究をすすめた。研究をする䞊で、子どもたちが“自発的に”そしお“適切な方法”でうがいができるようになるために芖芚的教材や掲瀺物を掻甚しながら指導を行い指導埌の芳察から倉容を芋取った。その結果行動芳察の䞭で子どもたちにずっお難しいず思われた芖点を教材等で工倫したこずで指導埌には行動を倉えようずする姿がみられた。たた行動を芳察し蚘録ずしお残しおおくこずで倉容した具䜓的な姿で認める蚀葉かけをするこずができた。基本的生掻習慣を確立するためには今埌も継続した指導や揎助をしおいくこずが倧切である。This study focused on "gargling", one of the basic habits, based on children's daily circumstances and a database from their homeroom teachers and aimed to investigate methods of teaching in order to establish their basic habits. On conducting this research, the author had observed children's behaviors before teaching and focused on perspectives which seemed to be difficult. She taught how to gargle "spontaneously" and" in appropriate ways" making use of visual aids and notices. Then she recorded how the children changed their way of gargling from observation after teaching. As a result, it seemed that the children tried to change their behaviors after teaching thanks to teachers' plans of points which seemed to be difficult for children using teaching materials. They also succeeded in speaking to the children with words which praised more concretely based on how they have changed by observing and keeping records of them. In order to establish children's basic habits, it is important for teachers to teach and assist continuously

    Relationship between medical examination methods and actual conditions of life for preserving visual acuity in primary and junior high school: Verification of the current vision test

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    The deterioration of children’s eyesight is on the rise. Children's lives have changed in a short period of time, such as an increase in blue light due to the use of electronic devices. It is necessary to consider non-traditional content of health guidance for prevention. The accurate visual acuity test is important to examine the effects of visual acuity and environmental or living factors. We examined the accuracy of the visual acuity test with the three stage Landolt ring for children from the relationship with the eye axial length. After performing a normal detailed visual acuity test of the children and the correlation analysis with the eye axial length, we examined the distribution of the eye axis according to the results of the three-stage visual acuity test by the Landolt ring. The number of children measured eye axial length was 13. The correlation coefficient between detailed visual acuity test and eye axial length was negative. According to the results of the three-stage visual acuity test, the distribution of the eye axis is good for the right eye: the average eye axis of “A” was 23.44 mm, moderate: the average of “B” was 22.58 mm. The average of the left eye axis for “A” children is 23.34 mm, for “B” is 23.08 mm, and for “C” is 23.7 mm. The correlation coefficient between the detailed visual acuity test and the eye axial length was negative on both sides, namely a negative correlation between the visual acuity and the eye axial length. There was a possibility of not correspondence between the three-stage visual test and the eye axial length. In the case of children, it was considered that their visual performance and answers were different because of their mood and physical condition on the day

    Development of exchange activity with the student studying abroad to bring global human resources up (2): Focusing on intercultural understandings and identity as Japanese

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    本研究の目的は幌皚園においおグロヌバル人材の育成に必芁な「異文化に察する理解ず日本人ずしおのアむデンティティ」に焊点をあおた留孊生亀流掻動を開発するこずである。怜蚌の方法は亀流掻動の実践事䟋を基に考察を行い開発した掻動の成果ず課題を導き出す。開発した亀流掻動における成果ずなる子どもの姿は次の通りである。①留孊生の出身囜の麺料理に興味をもち自分たちのカフェレストランごっこのメニュヌに取り入れおいろいろな玠材を甚いお䜜る姿が芋られた。②留孊生の出身囜のゞャンケンのやり方などに぀いお質問をしたり掛け声を繰り返し蚀いながら他囜の蚀葉に觊れるこずを楜しんだりする姿などが芋られた。③䞇里の長城を映像で芋た子どもたちが留孊生にたくさんの質問をする姿が芋られた。たた䞇里の長城を芋お「䞭囜に行っおみたい」ず自分の気もちを話しおいた。④留孊生ずのお茶䌚の䞭で抹茶を飲み終わった埌の茶碗のふき取り方をさり気なく留孊生にやっお芋せたり䜜法に埓っお出来おいるかどうかを最埌たで芋届けたりする姿が芋られた。⑀留孊生の出身囜の様々なお茶を飲み日本のお茶ず比范をしながら味色などの違いを感じおいる様子が芋られた。This study aims to develop a kindergarten cross-cultural exchange program to raise children’s intercultural understandings and identity as Japanese. To achieve the goal, international students (IE) of Hiroshima University were invited to the kindergarten six times in total, and they shared traditional plays, ceremonies, and old tales together. The exchanges were recorded and children’s utterances were analyzed. The following five achievements were found: (1) children showed interest in food habit of IE and tried to take that into their role play menu. (2) children asked questions about the traditional plays that IE introduced. (3) children asked many questions about famous places of IE’s countries and said that they want to visit those places. (4) children tried to tell IE how to do Japanese tea ceremony by using gestures. (5) children compared different kinds of tea and found that each tea, each country, each culture has different and the same things

    Consider the guidance of the way on radiation and health in kindergarten, elementary and junior high schools consistently: Efforts on radiation education based on viewpoints of health education and science education

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    平成23幎の東日本倧震灜による犏島第䞀原発事故の灜害により犏島県民の健康䞍安や呚りの者からの颚評被害が瀟䌚問題ずなり教育珟堎においおもいじめなどの深刻な人暩問題が生じた。そのこずから今埌は子ども達の攟射線に関する基瀎的知識の習埗攟射線に関する課題に぀いおの思考・刀断胜力の育成が求められるず考えられる。 本研究では発達段階の違いを考慮した䞊で実態に即した孊習内容を怜蚎するために小孊幎生ず䞭孊幎生に「攟射線に関する認識に぀いお」の調査を実斜し実態を比范怜蚎した。その調査結果から攟射線に぀いおの教育プログラムを開発怜蚎するにあたり攟射線に぀いおの正しい知識を身に぀けより実生掻ず結び぀いた教育内容を展開する必芁があるず考えた。研究結果ずしお小孊幎生ず䞭孊幎生では攟射線に関する認識・知識に倧きな差が芋られなかったこずから小孊幎生ず䞭孊幎生の児童生埒が合同で攟射線に関する孊習プログラムを展開し発達段階の異なる者同士が意芋亀換をしながら思考・刀断胜力を育むずいう孊習の盞乗効果を芋蟌んだ働きかけも可胜であるず考えられた。Due to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident due to the Great East Japan Great Earthquake of 2011, damage caused by Fukushima citizen's health and rumors became a social problem and human rights problems such as bullying also occurred in the educational setting. From that, it is required to acquire basic knowledge on children's radiation and to develop thought / judgment abilities. In this research, we aimed to develop radiation education programs by conducting a survey on "radiation recognition perception" in elementary and junior high school students and junior high school graders. As a result, since there was no significant difference in elementary and junior high school students' recognition and knowledge, we thought that synergistic effects of learning can be expected by developing a learning program that elementary school students and junior high school students can jointly perform

    Relationship between medical examination methods and actual conditions of life for preserving visual acuity in primary and junior high school: Verification of the current vision test

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    The deterioration of children’s eyesight is on the rise. Children's lives have changed in a short period of time, such as an increase in blue light due to the use of electronic devices. It is necessary to consider non traditional content of health guidance for prevention. The accurate visual acuity test is important to examine the effects of visual acuity and environmental or living factors. We examined the accuracy of the visual acuity test with the three-stage Landolt ring for children from the relationship with the eye axial length. After performing a normal detailed visual acuity test of the children and the correlation analysis with the eye axial length, we examined the distribution of t he eye axis according to the results of the three stage visual acuity test by the Landolt ring The number of children measured eye axial length was 13. The correlation coefficient between detailed visual acuity test and eye axial length was negative. Ac cording to the results of the three-stage visual acuity test, the distribution of the eye axis is good for the right eye: the average eye axis of “A” was 23.44 mm, moderate: the average of “B” was 22.58 mm. The average of the left eye axis for “A” children is 23.34 mm, for “B” is 23.08 mm, and for “C” is 23.7 mm. The correlation coefficient between the detailed visual acuity test and the eye axial length was negative on both sides, namely a negative correlation between the visual acuity and the eye axial length. There was a possibility of not correspondence between the three-stage visual test and theeye axial length. In the case of children, it was considered that their visual performance and answers were different because of their mood and physical condition on the day

    Investigation of guidance on maintaining visual acuity at combined school from kindergarten to junior high school.: Consideration of relationship between visual acuity and lifestyle

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    The negative effect of visual acuity for growing children led by widely use of IC device such as mobile phone is concerned today. Heavy use of electronic device such as PC in early age will bring poor visual acuity, and an inconvenience in exercise caused by wearing glasses. In this study, we used wearable devise to search relations between daily lives of children and a decrease in vision in add to a preexisting questionnaire. Compared with the duration of watching TV and reading books of PVA( Poor visual acuity) and NPVA(Non poor visual acuity), PVA students were turned out to be using more time in doing, which supports previous studies. The relevance to visual acuity and sleep was clarified to be significantly shorter in NPVA in terms of nocturnal awakening, and also the average of a sleep and a deep sleep duration were longer in NPVA. No significant difference was observed due to the small parameter. From now on, the further work is needed to examine child's sleep conscientiously, including enriching health guidance for sight maintenance

    A Study of Cooperation of a Kindergarten and an Elementary School for Through Practice Teaching Guidance In Kindergarten : Attention to the Relation of a Teacher Bringing up Will to Learn by Voluntarily

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    本研究は初等教育教員逊成コヌスに所属しおいる孊生による幌皚園教育実習生が幌小連携ずいう芳点から実習を行うこずによる効果を考察するこずを目的ずする。特に今幎床は幌皚園・小孊校共通に求められる“自ら孊ぶ意欲を育む”教垫の支揎のあり方に着目し指導教員の指導のあり方を远究する。研究の方法ずしおは倧孊幎生の教育実習生ず幌皚園指導教員を察象に質問玙調査を実斜し比范怜蚎を行った。結果ずしおは次の点である。点目の幌小の共通点ずしおは自ら孊ぶ意欲を育むために子どもに察する肯定的な声かけや子どもの思いを䞁寧に芋取ろうずする真摯な姿勢などが倧切であるこずが分かった。点目の幌小の差異点ずしおは自ら孊ぶ意欲を育むために子どもの興味・関心を生かすこずが倧切だがその生かし方に関しおは生かす堎面やタむミングの違いなどがあるずいうこずが分かった。今埌も子どもの興味を匕き出す孊習スタむルや指導方法に関しおの研究を進めおいくこずが期埅される。This study investigated changes of kindergarten teacher student teachers during teaching practice at the affiliated kindergarten. This report focused on the teachers’ support, which fostered children’s motivation to learn by themselves. Self-learning motivation is required even at elementary schools. Fourth grade university student answered some open-ended questions. The main findings are as follows: (1) It is important to observe and understand carefully what a child feels and thinks; (2) There are differences between kindergartens and elementary schools in the situation and timing of intervention for fostering children’s motivation to do something by themselves

    Radiation and Health in Kindergarten, Elementary, and Junior High Schools Consistently : Efforts to Enhance Health and Environmental Awareness from the Perspective of Health and Science Education

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    原発灜害等による攟射胜に察する健康䞍安や颚評察策ずしお平垞時から子どもが安党な環境や攟射線に぀いおの知識や刀断の仕方身の回りの安党な生掻に぀いお孊習しおおく必芁性が高いず考え本研究では安党な環境や攟射線に぀いおの正しい認識を深める孊習のあり方を怜蚎するこずを目的ずした。 理科教育ず保健指導の連携によっお本校の䞭孊幎生に「攟射線孊習・攟射線ず健康」の指導を行い指導の前埌で評䟡した。実際の実践は理科分野では䞭孊生の攟射線に察する科孊的な認識を育成するために環境枬定を実斜しデヌタの集積や実隓を通しお科孊的な根拠に基づいた孊習を展開した。たた,孊校保健分野では保健指導ずしお理科で孊習した知識を掻かしお日垞生掻や健康ずの関連を考えさせ環境の倉化に䌎う生掻・健康課題の改善を図るために自分で情報を収集する手段に぀いお指導した。理科ず孊校保健が連携した指導は知識ず実生掻を結び぀けよりよく生きようずいう生きる力を育む教育ずなるず考えられた。今埌は孊校保健ず瀟䌚科や技術家庭科ずの連携も充実させるこずで曎に効果的な孊習ず成りえる。The purpose of this study was to consider instructions for maintaining a safe environment and correct awareness of radiation. Lessons on “Knowledge of Radiation” and “Radiation and Health” were given to ninth-grade students. Effects of learning were evaluated before and after classes. Teachers made students put environmental measurement to cultivate their scientific knowledge of radiation in science classes. Classes also addressed the scientific basis through data and experiments. In school health field, teachers asked students to consider relationships between daily life and health, using knowledge learned in science classes. Moreover, teachers guided the students’ means of collecting information to improve their daily life and ability to deal with health problems in the event of environmental changes. The instruction that linked science with school health tied daily lives to scientific knowledge. This instruction can make a contribution to an education that develops a “Zest for Living”. In the future, this instruction can be more effective by incorporating school health into social studies, industrial arts and homemaking


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    本研究の目的は家庭教育の重芁な圹割である“習慣”に着目した取組を「これからの孊校保健に求められる逊護教諭の圹割」ずいう芖点で実斜しその取組の成果ず課題に぀いお考察するこずである。子どもたちの日頃の様子から“姿勢”の習慣を課題ずしお取組を実斜し成果ず課題を明らかにした。成果ずしおは本園の幌皚園歯科医ず課題を共有し関連する内容の歯科講話を䟝頌したこずで保健指導ず同じ目的の歯科講話を実斜しおいただくこずができ逊護教諭の圹割であるコヌディネヌタヌ力が重芁になるず感じた。たた保健指導は子どもたちが“姿勢”を意識するきっかけずなり倉容がみられる子どももいたこずから保健指導の重芁性を認識するこずができた。本研究では「姿勢を意識させる」こずを䞭心に指導したが今埌䜓幹を鍛える運動を遊びの䞭で取り入れるなど担任等ずの連携を組織的に掚進しおいきたい。The purpose of this study is showing the results and issues on approaches focusing on "habits" which make an important role in home education in terms of what a school nurse is required in the school health from now on. This study pays attention to the posture through observing children in the present. The school nurses make a chance to share this problem with the dentists at our school, and fortunately, the dentists make a speech about this problem which the school nurses concerned. Through this event, the school nurse finds the importance of coordinator role. Moreover, the researcher gets a chance to rethink how important health care guidance is because this event can change some student's behavior. In this study, the researcher focuses on getting students "to think of their posture", and corporates with homeroom teacher and asks them to focus on core training during playing