27 research outputs found

    Longitudinal instabilities affecting the moving critical layer laser-plasma ion accelerators

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    In this work we analyze the longitudinal instabilities of propagating acceleration structures that are driven by a relativistically intense laser at the moving plasma critical layer [1]. These instabilities affect the energy-spectra of the accelerated ion-beams in propagating critical layer acceleration schemes [2][3]. Specifically, using analytical theory and PIC simulations we look into three fundamental physical processes and their interplay that are crucial to the understanding of energy spectral control by making the laser-plasma ion accelerators stable. The interacting processes are (i) Doppler-shifted ponderomotive bunching [1][4] (ii) potential quenching by beam-loading [2] and (iii) two-stream instabilities. These phenomenon have been observed in simulations analyzing these acceleration processes [5][6][7]. From the preliminary models and results we present in this work, we can infer measures by which these instabilities can be controlled [8] for improving the energy-spread of the beams.Comment: submitted to the proceeding of the Advanced Accelerator Concepts workshop July 2014, San Jose, CA, US

    Optimal positron-beam excited plasma wakefields in Hollow and Ion-Wake channels

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    A positron-beam interacting with the plasma electrons drives radial suck-in, in contrast to an electron-beam driven blow-out in the over-dense regime, nb>n0n_b>n_0. In a homogeneous plasma, the electrons are radially sucked-in from all the different radii. The electrons collapsing from different radii do not simultaneously compress on-axis driving weak fields. A hollow-channel allows electrons from its channel-radius to collapse simultaneously exciting coherent fields. We analyze the optimal channel radius. Additionally, the low ion density in the hollow allows a larger region with focusing phase which we show is linearly focusing. We have shown the formation of an ion-wake channel behind a blow-out electron bubble-wake. Here we explore positron acceleration in the over-dense regime comparing an optimal hollow-plasma channel to the ion-wake channel. The condition for optimal hollow-channel radius is also compared. We also address the effects of a non-ideal ion-wake channel on positron-beam excited fields.Comment: Proceedings of IPAC2015, Richmond, VA, USA 3: Alternative Particle Sources and Acceleration Techniques A22 - Plasma Wake eld Acceleration http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/IPAC2015/papers/wepje001.pdf, 2015 (ISBN 978-3-95450-168-7) pp 2674-267

    Quasi-monoenergetic Laser-Plasma Positron Accelerator using Particle-Shower Plasma-Wave interactions

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    An all-optical centimeter-scale laser-plasma positron accelerator is modeled to produce quasi-monoenergetic beams with tunable ultra-relativistic energies. A new principle elucidated here describes the trapping of divergent positrons that are part of a laser-driven electromagnetic shower with a large energy spread and their acceleration into a quasi-monoenergetic positron beam in a laser-driven plasma wave. Proof of this principle using analysis and Particle-In-Cell simulations demonstrates that, under limits defined here, existing lasers can accelerate hundreds of MeV pC quasi-monoenergetic positron bunches. By providing an affordable alternative to kilometer-scale radio-frequency accelerators, this compact positron accelerator opens up new avenues of research.Comment: submitted to Physical Review Letters, January 201

    Motion of the Plasma Critical Layer During Relativistic-electron Laser Interaction with Immobile and Comoving Ion Plasma for Ion Acceleration

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    We analyze the motion of the plasma critical layer by two different processes in the relativistic-electron laser-plasma interaction regime (a0>1a_0>1). The differences are highlighted when the critical layer ions are stationary in contrast to when they move with it. Controlling the speed of the plasma critical layer in this regime is essential for creating low-Ξ²\beta traveling acceleration structures of sufficient laser-excited potential for laser ion accelerators (LIA). In Relativistically Induced Transparency Acceleration (RITA) scheme the heavy plasma-ions are fixed and only trace-density light-ions are accelerated. The relativistic critical layer and the acceleration structure move longitudinally forward by laser inducing transparency through apparent relativistic increase in electron mass. In the Radiation Pressure Acceleration (RPA) scheme the whole plasma is longitudinally pushed forward under the action of the laser radiation pressure, possible only when plasma ions co-propagate with the laser front. In RPA the acceleration structure velocity critically depends upon plasma-ion mass in addition to the laser intensity and plasma density. In RITA, mass of the heavy immobile plasma-ions does not affect the speed of the critical layer. Inertia of the bared immobile ions in RITA excites the charge separation potential whereas RPA is not possible when ions are stationary.Comment: Invited paper (submitted), Division of Plasma Physics, American Physical Society, Nov 2013, Denver, C

    Self-injection by trapping of plasma electrons oscillating in rising density gradient at the vacuum-plasma interface

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    We model the trapping of plasma eβˆ’e^- within the density structures excited by a propagating energy source (Ξ²S≃1\beta_{S}\simeq1) in a rising plasma density gradient. Rising density gradient leads to spatially contiguous coupled up-chirped plasmons (dΟ‰pe2(x)/dx>0d{\omega^2_{pe}(x)}/{dx}>0). Therefore phase mixing between plasmons can lead to trapping until the plasmon field is high enough such that eβˆ’e^- trajectories returning towards a longer wavelength see a trapping potential. Rising plasma density gradients are ubiquitous for confining the plasma within sources at the vacuum-plasma interfaces. Therefore trapping of plasma-eβˆ’e^- in a rising ramp is important for acceleration diagnostics and to understand the energy dissipation from the excited plasmon train \cite{LTE-2013}. Down-ramp in density \cite{density-transition-2001} has been used for plasma-eβˆ’e^- trapping within the first bucket behind the driver. Here, in rising density gradient the trapping does not occur in the first plasmon bucket but in subsequent plasmon buckets behind the driver. Trapping reduces the Hamiltonian of each bucket where eβˆ’e^- are trapped, so it is a wakefield-decay probe. Preliminary computational results for beam and laser-driven wakefield are shown.Comment: Proceedings of International Particle Accelerator Conference, IPAC 2014, Dresden, Germany, June 2014, http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/IPAC2014/papers/tupme051.pd