34 research outputs found

    Comparing Accretion Disks and Dark Matter Spikes in Intermediate Mass Ratio Inspirals

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    Intermediate Mass Ratio Inspirals (IMRIs) will be observable with space-based gravitational wave detectors such as the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). To this end, the environmental effects in such systems have to be modeled and understood. These effects can include (baryonic) accretion disks and dark matter (DM) overdensities, so called spikes. For the first time, we model an IMRI system with both an accretion disk and a DM spike present and compare their effects on the inspiral and the emitted gravitational wave signal. We study the eccentricity evolution, employ the braking index and derive the dephasing index, which turn out to be complementary observational signatures. They allow us to disentangle the accretion disk and DM spike effects in the IMRI system.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to PRD. Code available online at http://github.com/DMGW-Goethe/imrip

    Fermion Proca Stars: Vector Dark Matter Admixed Neutron Stars

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    Dark matter could accumulate around neutron stars in sufficient amounts to affect their global properties. In this work, we study the effect of a specific model for dark matter -- a massive and self-interacting vector (spin-1) field -- on neutron stars. We describe the combined systems of neutron stars and vector dark matter using Einstein-Proca theory coupled to a nuclear-matter term, and find scaling relations between the field and metric components in the equations of motion. We construct equilibrium solutions of the combined systems, compute their masses and radii and also analyse their stability and higher modes. The combined systems admit dark matter (DM) core and cloud solutions. Core solutions compactify the neutron star component and tend to decrease the total mass of the combined system. Cloud solutions have the inverse effect. Electromagnetic observations of certain cloud-like configurations would appear to violate the Buchdahl limit. This could make Buchdahl-limit violating objects smoking gun signals for dark matter in neutron stars. The self-interaction strength is found to significantly affect both mass and radius. We also compare fermion Proca stars to objects where the dark matter is modelled using a complex scalar field. We find that fermion Proca stars tend to be more massive and geometrically larger than their scalar field counterparts for equal boson masses and self-interaction strengths. Both systems can produce degenerate masses and radii for different amounts of DM and DM particle masses.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, superseeds arXiv:2308.1217

    On the Soft Limit of the Large Scale Structure Power Spectrum: UV Dependence

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    We derive a non-perturbative equation for the large scale structure power spectrum of long-wavelength modes. Thereby, we use an operator product expansion together with relations between the three-point function and power spectrum in the soft limit. The resulting equation encodes the coupling to ultraviolet (UV) modes in two time-dependent coefficients, which may be obtained from response functions to (anisotropic) parameters, such as spatial curvature, in a modified cosmology. We argue that both depend weakly on fluctuations deep in the UV. As a byproduct, this implies that the renormalized leading order coefficient(s) in the effective field theory (EFT) of large scale structures receive most of their contribution from modes close to the non-linear scale. Consequently, the UV dependence found in explicit computations within standard perturbation theory stems mostly from counter-term(s). We confront a simplified version of our non-perturbative equation against existent numerical simulations, and find good agreement within the expected uncertainties. Our approach can in principle be used to precisely infer the relevance of the leading order EFT coefficient(s) using small volume simulations in an `anisotropic separate universe' framework. Our results suggest that the importance of these coefficient(s) is a ∼10%\sim 10 \% effect, and plausibly smaller.Comment: 25+5 pages, 10 figures, comments added, matches published versio

    Neutrino mass bounds from confronting an effective model with BOSS Lyman-alpha data

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    We present an effective model for the one-dimensional Lyman-α\alpha flux power spectrum far above the baryonic Jeans scale. The main new ingredient is constituted by a set of two parameters that encode the impact of small, highly non-linear scales on the one-dimensional power spectrum on large scales, where it is measured by BOSS. We show that, by marginalizing over the model parameters that capture the impact of the intergalactic medium, the flux power spectrum from both simulations and observations can be described with high precision. The model displays a degeneracy between the neutrino masses and the (unknown, in our formalism) normalization of the flux power spectrum. This degeneracy can be lifted by calibrating one of the model parameters with simulation data, and using input from Planck CMB data. We demonstrate that this approach can be used to extract bounds on the sum of neutrino masses with comparably low numerical effort, while allowing for a conservative treatment of uncertainties from the dynamics of the intergalactic medium. An explorative analysis yields an upper bound of 0.16 0.16\,eV at 95%95\% C.L. when applied to BOSS data at 3≤z≤4.23\leq z\leq 4.2. We also forecast that if the systematic and statistical errors will be reduced by a factor two the upper bound will become 0.1 0.1\,eV at 95%95\% C.L.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figure

    On Soft Limits of Large-Scale Structure Correlation Functions

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    We study soft limits of correlation functions for the density and velocity fields in the theory of structure formation. First, we re-derive the (resummed) consistency conditions at unequal times using the eikonal approximation. These are solely based on symmetry arguments and are therefore universal. Then, we explore the existence of equal-time relations in the soft limit which, on the other hand, depend on the interplay between soft and hard modes. We scrutinize two approaches in the literature: The time-flow formalism, and a background method where the soft mode is absorbed into a locally curved cosmology. The latter has been recently used to set up (angular averaged) `equal-time consistency relations'. We explicitly demonstrate that the time-flow relations and `equal-time consistency conditions' are only fulfilled at the linear level, and fail at next-to-leading order for an Einstein de-Sitter universe. While applied to the velocities both proposals break down beyond leading order, we find that the `equal-time consistency conditions' quantitatively approximates the perturbative results for the density contrast. Thus, we generalize the background method to properly incorporate the effect of curvature in the density and velocity fluctuations on short scales, and discuss the reasons behind this discrepancy. We conclude with a few comments on practical implementations and future directions.Comment: 22 pages, extended discussion, v3: matches published versio

    Prospects for axion searches with Advanced LIGO through binary mergers

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    The observation of gravitational waves from a binary neutron star merger by LIGO/VIRGO and the associated electromagnetic counterpart provides a high precision test of orbital dynamics, and therefore a new and sensitive probe of extra forces and new radiative degrees of freedom. Axions are one particularly well-motivated class of extensions to the Standard Model leading to new forces and sources of radiation, which we focus on in this paper. Using an effective field theory (EFT) approach, we calculate the first post-Newtonian corrections to the orbital dynamics, radiated power, and gravitational waveform for binary neutron star mergers in the presence of an axion. This result is applicable to many theories which add an extra massive scalar degree of freedom to General Relativity. We then perform a detailed forecast of the potential for Advanced LIGO to constrain the free parameters of the EFT, and map these to the mass mam_a and decay constant faf_a of the axion. At design sensitivity, we find that Advanced LIGO can potentially exclude axions with $m_a \lesssim 10^{-11} \ {\rm eV}and and f_a \sim (10^{14} - 10^{17}) \ {\rm GeV}$. There are a variety of complementary observational probes over this region of parameter space, including the orbital decay of binary pulsars, black hole superradiance, and laboratory searches. We comment on the synergies between these various observables.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures, 1 table, some equations corrected, typos fixed, references and discussion added, to appear in PR

    Tidal Deformability of Fermion-Boson Stars: Neutron Stars Admixed with Ultra-Light Dark Matter

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    In this work we investigate the tidal deformability of a neutron star admixed with dark matter, modeled as a massive, self-interacting, complex scalar field. We derive the equations to compute the tidal deformability of the full Einstein-Hilbert-Klein-Gordon system self-consistently, and probe the influence of the scalar field mass and self-interaction strength on the total mass and tidal properties of the combined system. We find that dark matter core-like configurations lead to more compact objects with smaller tidal deformability, and dark matter cloud-like configurations lead to larger tidal deformability. Electromagnetic observations of certain cloud-like configurations would appear to violate the Buchdahl limit. The self-interaction strength is found to have a significant effect on both mass and tidal deformability. We discuss observational constraints and the connection to anomalous detections. We also investigate how this model compares to those with an effective bosonic equation of state and find the interaction strength where they converge sufficiently.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures; Accepted for publicatio

    The Time-Flow Approach as a Tool for Large-Scale Structure

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    We discuss how the time-flow approach of cosmological perturbation theory can be used as a tool for large-scale structure. In particular, we show that the flow equations allow to derive straightforwardly consistency relations for equal-time correlators involving both density and velocity fields and underlying different background cosmologies. Furthermore, we use the time-flow approach to proof the intricate cancellation of soft loop momenta in the power spectrum of standard perturbation theory at any loop order