57 research outputs found

    Run-to-Run Control With Bayesian Optimization for Soft Landing of Short-Stroke Reluctance Actuators

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    There is great interest in minimizing the impact forces of reluctance actuators during commutations, in order to reduce contact bouncing, acoustic noise and mechanical wear. In this regard, a run-to-run control algorithm is proposed to decrease the contact velocity, by exploiting the repetitive operations of these devices. The complete control is presented, with special focus on the optimization method and the input definition. The search method is based on Bayesian optimization, and several additions are introduced for its application in run-to-run control, e.g. the removal of stored points and the definition of a new acquisition function. Additionally, methods for the input parametrization and dimension reduction are presented. For analysis, Monte Carlo simulations are performed using a dynamic model of a commercial solenoid valve, comparing the proposed search method with two alternatives. Furthermore, the control strategy is validated through experimental testing, using several devices from the same ensemble of solenoid valves.Comment: This is the accepted version an already published manuscript. See journal reference for detail

    Multi-robot Implicit Control of Massive Herds

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    This paper solves the problem of herding countless evaders by means of a few robots. The objective is to steer all the evaders towards a desired tracking reference while avoiding escapes. The problem is very challenging due to the highly complex repulsive evaders' dynamics and the underdetermined states to control. We propose a solution that is based on Implicit Control and a novel dynamic assignment strategy to select the evaders to be directly controlled. The former is a general technique that explicitly computes control inputs even in highly complex input-nonaffine dynamics. The latter is built upon a convex-hull dynamic clustering inspired by the Voronoi tessellation problem. The combination of both allows to choose the best evaders to directly control, while the others are indirectly controlled by exploiting the repulsive interactions among them. Simulations show that massive herds can be herd throughout complex patterns by means of a few herders.Comment: E. Sebastian, E. Montijano and C. Sagues,"Multi-robot Implicit Control of Massive Herds'', Fifth Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT22), 202

    An efficient dynamical model of reluctance actuators with flux fringing and magnetic hysteresis

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    This paper presents an efficient and accurate dynamical model of reluctance actuators, suitable for prediction and control applications. It is a hybrid lumped-parameter state-space model that takes into account the mechanical and electromagnetic dynamics, including eddy currents, flux fringing, magnetic hysteresis and saturation. Special emphasis is placed on the hysteresis model, which is based on the Jiles–Atherton theory. The novel parts of the model – the gap reluctance expression and the modified Jiles–Atherton hysteresis model – are identified, showing that the simulated results fit very well the experimental data. Furthermore, its potential application for control is exemplified with a feedback strategy, in which the design of the controller and observer are based on the proposed dynamical model

    A new run-to-run approach for reducing contact bounce in electromagnetic switches

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    Contact bounce is probably the most undesirable phenomenon of electromagnetic switches. It reduces the performance of relays and contactors and is directly related to some of the processes that result in the destruction of the device. In this paper, a complete formulation of the problem is provided and a new strategy inspired by Runto-Run control is presented for reducing contact bounce. The method, which makes use of the repetitive functioning of these systems, is highly versatile and may be applied to different switches under diverse operating conditions. In addition, it is able to deal with changes during the service life of the device, such as plastic deformations or the erosion of the contacts. Several experimental results are included to prove the effectiveness of the method

    A new model of electromechanical relays for predicting the motion and electromagnetic dynamics

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    In this paper, a novel multiphysics and nonlinear model for electromechanical relays is presented. The electromagnetic dynamics is analyzed by calculating the total reluctance of the magnetic equivalent circuit (MEC), which is composed of a fixed length iron core and an angular air gap. Magnetic saturation and angular dependency of the reluctance are considered in the analysis. Then, an energy balance over the electromagnetic components of the system is used to obtain the torque which drives the movable armature. A planar mechanism of four rigid bodies, including spring-damping torques that restrict the motion and model the contact bounces that occur in the switchings, is proposed to explain the dynamics of the movable components. Experimental tests show the accuracy of the model in both the electromagnetic and the mechanical parts

    Collision-free transport of 2D deformable objects

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    In this paper, we propose a novel system to transport 2D cloth-like deformable objects with mobile manipulators and without collisions along a known path. First, a new deformation model that allows for real-time shape prediction, based on the paradigm of deformable bounding box, is presented. Then, observability index maximization is applied to obtain the model parameters with a reduced number of measurements. The transport task is next defined as an optimization problem that incorporates the computed model and the transport route. A set of linear and nonlinear constraints allows to limit the object's deformations and rotations and to avoid obstacles, respectively. Simulation results are reported to demonstrate the validity of our metho

    Design of a perfect-tracking soft-landing controller for electromagnetic switching devices

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    Electromagnetic switching devices such as electromechanical relays and solenoid valves suffer from impacts and mechanical wear when they are activated using a constant-voltage policy. This paper presents a new control approach that aims at achieving soft landing in these devices, i.e., a movement without neither impacts nor bouncing. The hybrid nonlinear dynamics of the system is firstly described taking into account the limited range of motion that characterizes this class of devices. Then, the nonlinear expression of the control law is derived and a method to design a soft-landing reference trajectory is proposed. It is shown that, when certain conditions are met, the design methodology presented in the paper results in a controller that achieves perfect tracking of the reference trajectory and, hence, soft landing is accomplished. The theoretical analysis is validated by simulation using a dynamical model of a specific switching device

    Precise Dynamic Consensus under Event-Triggered Communication

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    This work addresses the problem of dynamic consensus, which consists of estimating the dynamic average of a set of time-varying signals distributed across a communication network of multiple agents. This problem has many applications in robotics, with formation control and target tracking being some of the most prominent ones. In this work, we propose a consensus algorithm to estimate the dynamic average in a distributed fashion, where discrete sampling and event-triggered communication are adopted to reduce the communication burden. Compared to other linear methods in the state of the art, our proposal can obtain exact convergence under continuous communication even when the dynamic average signal is persistently varying. Contrary to other sliding-mode approaches, our method reduces chattering in the discrete-time setting. The proposal is based on the discretization of established exact dynamic consensus results that use high-order sliding modes. The convergence of the protocol is verified through formal analysis, based on homogeneity properties, as well as through several numerical experiments. Concretely, we numerically show that an advantageous trade-off exists between the maximum steady-state consensus error and the communication rate. As a result, our proposal can outperform other state-of-the-art approaches, even when event-triggered communication is used in our protocol

    Model-free sliding-mode controller for soft landing of reluctance actuators

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    Some electromagnetic actuators suffer from high velocity impacts during non-controlled switching operations, which cause contact bouncing, mechanical wear, and acoustic noise. Soft-landing control strategies aim at minimizing the impact velocities of these devices to improve their performance. This paper presents a sliding-mode controller for soft landing of single-coil reluctance actuators. It is a switching model-free controller, which results in a very simple implementation. A generalized dynamical hybrid model of an actuator is utilized for deriving the robustness condition, based on the Lyapunov theory. Then, the condition is evaluated for a dynamical model, based on a commercial device, and several reference trajectories. Finally, the controller performance is validated through simulations. The effect of the sampling rate on the resulting impact velocities is also analyzed
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