102 research outputs found

    Linear-fractional branching processes with countably many types

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    We study multi-type Bienaym\'e-Galton-Watson processes with linear-fractional reproduction laws using various analytical tools like contour process, spinal representation, Perron-Frobenius theorem for countable matrices, renewal theory. For this special class of branching processes with countably many types we present a transparent criterion for RR-positive recurrence with respect to the type space. This criterion appeals to the Malthusian parameter and the mean age at childbearing of the associated linear-fractional Crump-Mode-Jagers process.Comment: 2nd version revised for SP

    General linear-fractional branching processes with discrete time

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    We study a linear-fractional Bienaym\'e-Galton-Watson process with a general type space. The corresponding tree contour process is described by an alternating random walk with the downward jumps having a geometric distribution. This leads to the linear-fractional distribution formula for an arbitrary observation time, which allows us to establish transparent limit theorems for the subcritical, critical and supercritical cases. Our results extend recent findings for the linear-fractional branching processes with countably many types

    Rank-dependent Galton-Watson processes and their pathwise duals

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    We introduce a modified Galton-Watson process using the framework of an infinite system of particles labeled by (x,t)(x,t), where xx is the rank of the particle born at time tt. The key assumption concerning the offspring numbers of different particles is that they are independent, but their distributions may depend on the particle label (x,t)(x,t). For the associated system of coupled monotone Markov chains, we address the issue of pathwise duality elucidated by a remarkable graphical representation, with the trajectories of the primary Markov chains and their duals coalescing together to form forest graphs on a two-dimensional grid

    The coalescent effective size of age-structured populations

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    We establish convergence to the Kingman coalescent for a class of age-structured population models with time-constant population size. Time is discrete with unit called a year. Offspring numbers in a year may depend on mother's age.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/105051605000000223 in the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Critical branching as a pure death process coming down from infinity

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    We consider the critical Galton-Watson process with overlapping generations stemming from a single founder. Assuming that both the variance of the offspring number and the average generation length are finite, we establish the convergence of the finite-dimensional distributions, conditioned on non-extinction at a remote time of observation. The limiting process is identified as a pure death process coming down from infinity.This result brings a new perspective on Vatutin\u27s dichotomy, claiming that in the critical regime of age-dependent reproduction, an extant population either contains a large number of short-living individuals or consists of few long-living individuals

    A Consistent Estimator of the Evolutionary Rate

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    We consider a branching particle system where particles reproduce according to the pure birth Yule process with the birth rate L, conditioned on the observed number of particles to be equal n. Particles are assumed to move independently on the real line according to the Brownian motion with the local variance s2. In this paper we treat nn particles as a sample of related species. The spatial Brownian motion of a particle describes the development of a trait value of interest (e.g. log-body-size). We propose an unbiased estimator Rn2 of the evolutionary rate r2=s2/L. The estimator Rn2 is proportional to the sample variance Sn2 computed from n trait values. We find an approximate formula for the standard error of Rn2 based on a neat asymptotic relation for the variance of Sn2

    Critical branching as a pure death process coming down from infinity

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    We consider the critical Galton-Watson process with overlapping generations stemming from a single founder. Assuming that both the variance of the offspring number and the average generation length are finite, we establish the convergence of the finite-dimensional distributions, conditioned on non-extinction at a remote time of observation. The limiting process is identified as a pure death process coming down from infinity.This result brings a new perspective on Vatutin\u27s dichotomy, claiming that in the critical regime of age-dependent reproduction, an extant population either contains a large number of short-living individuals or consists of few long-living individuals

    Undergraduate statistical inference

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    This text has grown from the lecture notes for the undergraduate course "Statistical Inference", given at the Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg. The course material was originally based on the second edition of the book "Mathematical statistics and data analysis" by John Rice. A great number of examples and exercises included in this compendium are borrowed from Rice’s textbook
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