11 research outputs found

    Improving the Performance of a Proxy Cache Using Very Fast Decision Tree Classifier

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    AbstractIn this paper, we improved the performance of Web proxy cache replacement policies such as LRU and GDSF by adapting a Very Fast Decision Tree learning technique. In the first part, a sliding window method integrated with Very Fast Decision tree classifier (VFDT) to classify the web log data and predict the classes of web objects to be revisited again in future or not. In the second part, a Very Fast Decision Tree classifier is incorporated with proxy caching policies to form novel approaches known as VFDT-LRU and VFDT-GDSF. This proposed approach improves the performances of LRU and GDSF in terms of hit and byte hit ratio respectively

    Application of Inventory Management Principles for Efficient Application of Inventory Management Principles for Efficient Application of Inventory Management Principles for Efficient Application of Inventory Management Principles for Efficient Data Placem

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    Abstract The principles and strategies found in material management are comparable and analogue with the data management. This paper concentrates on the conversion of product inventory management principles into data inventory management principles. Efforts were made to enumerate various impacting parameters that would be appropriate to consider if any data inventory model could be plotted. The inventory models parameters are carefully tailored to fit in to the data management paradigm so as to match various distributed storage architectural systems. The basic function of storage management is to employ the storage resources efficiently so as to yield the maximum performance. Even though the storage medium is cheaper in cost that doesn't mean that addition or upgrading of the storage capacity alone can solve the problem of storing ever growing nature of data especially in the inter networked data centric applications. In such cases it is necessary to find a most fitting storage policy to bring out a significant improvement in the data retrieval performance. This paper emphasizes on the need for deriving generic principles for data inventory control that includes data inventory parameters which will be the base for proposing mathematical data inventory models

    Experimenting with Request Assignment Simulator (RAS)

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    Abstract-There is no existence of dedicated simulators on the Internet that studies the impact of load balancing principles of the cloud architectures. Request Assignment Simulator (RAS) is a customizable, visual tool that helps to understand the request assignment to the resources based on the load balancing principles. We have designed this simulator to fit into Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud model. In this paper, we present a working manual useful for the conduct of experiment with RAS. The objective of this paper is to instill the user to understand the pertinent parameters in the cloud, their metrics, load balancing principles, and their impact on the performance