42 research outputs found

    Development of Controlled Temperature-Cycle Irradiation Technique in JMTR

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    The effects of cyclic temperature changes during neutron irradiation upon radiation induced microstructure evolution and resulting property changes of materials is very important from both fundamental and engineering viewpoints. Therefore, a technique that allows us to do the controlled temperature-cycle irradiation was developed in the Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR). The technique meets the following requirements : (1) the temperature-cycle irradiation is to be performed under three different conditions by changing lower and upper temperatures; 200 --- 400℃, 300 --- 400℃ and 300 --- 450℃. (2) the number and period of the temperature-cycles are to be six for 24-day full irradiation and approximately 44 h/44 h at the lower/upper temperatures. (3) the temperatures of each specimen assembly are to be maintained at the lower temperatures before start-up of the reactor and at the upper temperatures during shut-down until the complete absence of reactor power. In this paper, the details of the irradiation rig, successful results and several problems to be overcome for future improvement are presented

    Evaluation of the Images of Specular Microscopy of the Cells on Implanted Intraocular Lenses In Vivo

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    Specular microscopy , an optical method to study the anterior segment of the eye, was applied to observe the cells on implanted intraocular lenses in vivo. The images from specular microscopy were evaluated by comparing the morphology of the same cells on intraocular lenses implanted in rabbit eyes by specular microscopy , light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The time lapse study in living human eyes and the optical evaluation of jts interference images were performed to elucidate its image formation. The same giant cells, as observed in vivo by specular microscopy, proved to be multinucleated cells. It was demonstrated that, although the lamella of the cells contributed to specular microscopic images ~ filamentous extensions were not visible. The complex images of concentric fringes and uniform gray areas on giant cells recognized by specular microscopy were interpreted to be generated by interference phenomena originating from both the cell cytoplasm and the separation between the cell and the intraocular lens, respectively. In addition, shadow-cast images of small round cells and fibroblast-like cells were noted. The application of specular microscopy as a form of interference reflection microscopy was used to study the cell-intraocular lens interaction in living human eyes

    Role of premature leptin surge in obesity resulting from intrauterine undernutrition

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    SummaryIntrauterine undernutrition is closely associated with obesity related to detrimental metabolic sequelae in adulthood. We report a mouse model in which offspring with fetal undernutrition (UN offspring), when fed a high-fat diet (HFD), develop pronounced weight gain and adiposity. In the neonatal period, UN offspring exhibited a premature onset of neonatal leptin surge compared to offspring with intrauterine normal nutrition (NN offspring). Unexpectedly, premature leptin surge generated in NN offspring by exogenous leptin administration led to accelerated weight gain with an HFD. Both UN offspring and neonatally leptin-treated NN offspring exhibited an impaired response to acute peripheral leptin administration on a regular chow diet (RCD) with impaired leptin transport to the brain as well as an increased density of hypothalamic nerve terminals. The present study suggests that the premature leptin surge alters energy regulation by the hypothalamus and contributes to “developmental origins of health and disease.

    Multiplexing Bioluminescent and Fluorescent Reporters to Monitor Live Cells

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    Reporter proteins are valuable tools to monitor promoter activities and characterize signal transduction pathways. Many of the currently available promoter reporters have drawbacks that compromise their performance. Enzyme-based reporter systems using cytosolic luciferases are highly sensitive, but require a cell lysis step that prevents their use in long-term monitoring. By contrast, secreted bioluminescent reporters like Metridia luciferase and Secreted Alkaline Phosphatase can be assayed repeatedly, using supernatant from the same live cell population to produce many sets of data over time. This is crucial for studies with limited amounts of cells, as in the case of stem cells. The use of secreted bioluminescent reporters also enables broader applications to provide more detailed information using live cells; for example, multiplexing with fluorescent proteins. Here, data is presented describing the characteristics of secreted Metridia luciferase and its use in multiplexing applications with either Secreted Alkaline Phosphatase or a fluorescent protein

    Metastases of soft tissue sarcoma to the liver: A Historical Cohort Study from a Hospital-based Cancer Registry

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    Background: Hepatic metastasis of soft tissue sarcoma is rare compared to lung metastasis, and the literature is scarce. We examined the risk of hepatic metastasis according to the site of occurrence and histological type. Methods: From a Hospital-based Cancer Registry, 658 patients registered between 2007 and 2017 with soft tissue sarcomas were evaluated. The exclusion criteria were gastrointestinal stromal tumors, tumors of unknown origin, and follow-up periods of less than 1 month. SPSS 25 was used for statistical analysis. Results: The risk of hepatic metastasis was significantly higher in the retroperitoneum (HR, 5.981; 95% CI, 2.793-12.808) and leiomyosarcoma (HR, 4.303; 95% CI, 1.782-10.390). Multivariate analysis showed that the risk of hepatic metastasis as first distant metastasis was high in leiomyosarcoma (HR, 4.546; 95% CI, 2.275-9.086) and retroperitoneal onset (HR, 4.588; 95% CI, 2.280-9.231). The 2-year survival rate after hepatic metastasis was 21.7%. Conclusions: The onset of hepatic metastasis indicates a poor prognosis. However, hepatic metastasis from retroperitoneal sarcoma and leiomyosarcoma may be the first distant metastasis in some cases. For retroperitoneal sarcoma and leiomyosarcoma, additional screening for hepatic metastasis such as contrast CT should be considered during staging and follow-up after treatment.ArticleCancer medicine 17(17) : 6159-6165(2020)journal articl

    Protocol for a randomized study of the efficacy of ibandronic acid plus eldecalcitol in patients with gastric cancer after gastrectomy: A comparative study of different routes of administration of ibandronic acid [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]

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    Background: Patients who undergo gastrectomy for gastric cancer are susceptible to osteoporosis. To prevent a decrease in bone mineral density, an appropriate prophylaxis is considered important to adjust the post-gastrectomy condition. In this study, we will compare two different routes of administration of ibandronic acid (oral or intravenous) plus eldecalcitol as a potentially more suitable treatment for patients at a high risk of fragile fracture. Protocol: This study protocol describes a randomized, active-controlled, non-blind, single-center, phase II trial. For patients in the investigational arm (Group A), sodium ibandronate hydrate will be administered intravenously once a month with daily oral intake of eldecalcitol; for those in the control arm (Group B), sodium ibandronate hydrate will be administered orally once a month with daily oral intake of eldecalcitol. We will recruit patients aged 45–85 years who have undergone gastrectomy for gastric cancer and are at a risk of fragility fractures. The study will include patients with existing vertebral fractures and/or femoral proximal fractures, or with lumbar and/or proximal femur bone mineral density of less than 80% of the young adult mean. The primary outcome of this study will be the change in lumbar bone mineral density. We will also evaluate the changes in femur bone mineral density, bone metabolism markers, health-related quality of life as evaluated using the EuroQol 5 Dimension (EQ-5D), and digestive symptoms as evaluated using the Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale after 52 weeks of treatment. Conclusions: We believe that appropriate treatments that are adjusted to the condition of patients after gastrectomy are important for the prevention of bone mineral loss. Registration: This study was accepted by the Japan Registry of Clinical Trials (jRCT1041200059, November 6, 2021)

    A case report of cystic adenomatoid malformation in an adult

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    Toward a new construction of knowledge and experience in music teacher training: a case study of the "field internship type of class" and the "gaming simulation type of class"

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    One of the long-standing problems for universitypre-service teacher training courses in musichas been how to bridge between theory andpractice, so participants may develop professionalcompetence. The present paper reports on anattempt to solve this type of problem by employingthe approaches expounded by the notions offield-internship and gaming simulation as educationalpracticum. Both approaches have beenaccepted by the Japanese Ministry of Educationas Good Practice COP) or the Distinctive EducationalActivity program during the years from2003 to 2006. Field-internship is the term coinedby combining two words fieldwork and internship,meaning a type of practice by which students receIve an on-the-job training outsideuniversity. By so doing, it is expected that theywould make use of it as a chance to put theirknowledge into practice. It was further anticipatedthat such experiences of the students wouldbe returned to the community. Gaming simulationis the instructional method that is intendedto help students experience a hand-on job in asimulated classroom setting, whereby they mayacquire a type of skill that will readily be usablein authentic situations. Following the principleof these two methods, the present authorsconducted pre-service teacher training courses inmusic. One was concerned with extra-curricular~30fj- 2008ifactivities and mUSIC appreciation courses aspart of community service, while the other wasthe teaching of a Japanese traditional dancecalled Nishimonai Bon festival dance. The paperprovides detailed accounts of the process ofcarrying out the courses. The study concludeswith several suggestions for the future study.音楽科教員養成においては,理論と実践の有機的な関連を図り,教員の専門職化の促進に資するための方策を探ることが喫緊の課題である.そのため本研究では,その解決の糸口を本学の平成15年度及び18年度の「特色ある大学教育支援プログラム」の取組みである「フィールドインターンシップ型授業」と「ゲーミングシミュレーション型授業」に求めた.フィールドインターンシップとは,フィールドワークとインタ-ンシップからなる造語であり,フィールドインターンシップ型授業は,地域観察型学外実習や地域社会での現場研修を含む活動を通して大学教育における「知」と学外における「体験」を再構築し,その成果を地域社会に還元しようとする試みである.ゲーミングシミュレーション型授業は,教室内における授業改善を図る試みとして体験的な活動を行うものである.これらの趣旨に基づき,佐川が部活動指導体験や鑑賞教室の実施による学外実習を取り入れた授業実践を試みた.一方,桂は西馬音内盆踊りの実技体験を中心にした授業実践を試みた.本稿では,音楽科教員養成における知と体験の新たな構築の試みとして取り組んだ,これらの実践の概要と,参加した学生の活動記録及び成果を報告した