453 research outputs found

    On the Applicability of Low-Dimensional Models for Convective Flow Reversals at Extreme Prandtl Numbers

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    Constructing simpler models, either stochastic or deterministic, for exploring the phenomenon of flow reversals in fluid systems is in vogue across disciplines. Using direct numerical simulations and nonlinear time series analysis, we illustrate that the basic nature of flow reversals in convecting fluids can depend on the dimensionless parameters describing the system. Specifically, we find evidence of low-dimensional determinism in flow reversals occurring at zero Prandtl number, whereas we fail to find such signatures for reversals at infinite Prandtl number. Thus, even in a single system, as one varies the system parameters, one can encounter reversals that are fundamentally different in nature. Consequently, we conclude that a single general low-dimensional deterministic model cannot faithfully characterize flow reversals for every set of parameter values.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Optical Observations and Multiband Modelling of the Afterglow of GRB 041006: Evidence of A Hard Electron Energy Spectrum

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    We present the CCD Cousins R band photometric observations of the afterglow of GRB 041006. The multiband afterglow evolution is modelled using an underlying `hard' electron energy spectrum with a p11.3p_1 \sim 1.3. The burst appears to be of very low energy (E1048E \sim 10^{48} ergs) confined to a narrow cone of opening angle θ2.3\theta \sim 2.3^{\circ}. The associated supernova is compared with SN1998bw and is found to be brighter.Comment: Accepted for publication in Bull. Astr. Soc. India (BASI

    GRB000301C with peculiar afterglow emission

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    The CCD magnitudes in Johnson V and Cousins R and I photometric passbands are determined for GRB 000301C afterglow starting ~ 1.5 day after the gamma-ray burst. In fact we provide the earliest optical observations for this burst. Light curves of the afterglow emissions in U, B, V, R, I, J and K' passbands are obtained by combining the present measurements with the published data. Flux decay shows a very uncommon variation relative to other well observed GRBs. Overall, there is a steepening of the optical and near-infrared flux decay caused by a geometric and sideways expanding jet. This is superimposed by a short term variability especially during early time (Delta t < 8 days). The cause of variability is not well understood, though it has occurred simultaneously with similar amplitude in all the filters. We derive the early and late time flux decay constants using jet model. The late time flux decay is the steepest amongst the GRB OTs observed so far with alpha ~ 3. Steepening in the flux decay seems to have started simultaneously around Delta t ~ 7.6 day in all passbands. The value of spectral index in the optical-near IR region is ~ -1.0. Redshift determination with z=2.0335 indicates cosmological origin of the GRB having a luminosity distance of 16.6 Gpc. Thus it becomes the second farthest amongst the GRBs with known distances. An indirect estimate of the fluence > 20 keV indicates, if isotropic,> =10^53 ergs of release of energy. The enormous amount of released energy will be reduced, if the radiation is beamed which is the case for this event. Using a jet break time of 7.6 days, we infer a jet opening angle of ~ 0.15 radian. This means the energy released is reduced by a factor of ~ 90 relative to the isotropic value.Comment: LaTeX file, 11 pages including 4 figures, uses psfig.sty, Bull. Astron. Society of India(accepted, Sept, 2000 issue

    X-ray emission from O-type stars : DH Cep and HD 97434

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    We present X-ray emission characteristics of the massive O-type stars DH Cep and HD 97434 using archival XMM-Newton observations. There is no convincing evidence for short term variability in the X-ray intensity during the observations. However, the analysis of their spectra reveals X-ray structure being consistent with two-temperature plasma model. The hydrogen column densities derived from X-ray spectra of DH Cep and HD 97434 are in agreement with the reddening measurements for their corresponding host clusters NGC 7380 and Trumpler 18, indicating that the absorption by stellar wind is negligible. The X-ray emission from these hot stars is interpreted in terms of the standard instability-driven wind shock model.Comment: 13 pages ; 2 figures; 2 tables (Accepted for publication in New Astronomy

    Star formation in young star cluster NGC 1893

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    We present a comprehensive multi-wavelength study of the star-forming region NGC 1893 to explore the effects of massive stars on low-mass star formation. Using near-infrared colours, slitless spectroscopy and narrow-band HαH\alpha photometry in the cluster region we have identified candidate young stellar objects (YSOs) distributed in a pattern from the cluster to one of the nearby nebulae Sim 129. The V,(VI)V, (V-I) colour-magnitude diagram of the YSOs indicates that majority of these objects have ages between 1 to 5 Myr. The spread in the ages of the YSOs may indicate a non-coeval star formation in the cluster. The slope of the KLF for the cluster is estimated to be 0.34±0.070.34\pm0.07, which agrees well with the average value (0.4\sim 0.4) reported for young clusters. For the entire observed mass range 0.6<M/M17.70.6 < M/M_\odot \le 17.7 the value of the slope of the initial mass function, Γ`\Gamma', comes out to be 1.27±0.08-1.27\pm0.08, which is in agreement with the Salpeter value of -1.35 in the solar neighborhood. However, the value of Γ`\Gamma' for PMS phase stars (mass range 0.6<M/M2.00.6 < M/M_\odot \le 2.0) is found to be 0.88±0.09-0.88\pm0.09 which is shallower than the value (1.71±0.20-1.71\pm0.20) obtained for MS stars having mass range 2.5<M/M17.72.5 < M/M_\odot \le 17.7 indicating a break in the slope of the mass function at 2M\sim 2 M_\odot. Estimated Γ`\Gamma' values indicate an effect of mass segregation for main-sequence stars, in the sense that massive stars are preferentially located towards the cluster center. The estimated dynamical evolution time is found to be greater than the age of the cluster, therefore the observed mass segregation in the cluster may be the imprint of the star formation process. There is evidence for triggered star formation in the region, which seems to govern initial morphology of the cluster.Comment: Accepted for the publication in MNRAS, 21 pages, 26 figures, 10 table

    BVRI CCD photometric standards in the field of GRB 990123

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    The CCD magnitudes in Johnson BVBV and Cousins RIRI photometric passbands are determined for 18 stars in the field of GRB 990123. These measurements can be used in carrying out precise CCD photometry of the optical transient of GRB 990123 using differential photometric techniques during non--photometric sky conditions. A comparison with previous photometry indicates that the present photmetry is more precise.Comment: Tex file, 5 pages with 1 figure. Bull. Astron. Society India, Vol. 27 (accepted

    Stellar contents and Star formation in the young cluster Stock 18

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    We have carried out deep (V\sim21 mag) \ubvri photometric study of the star cluster Stock 18. These along with archival Infrared data have been used to derive the basic cluster parameters and also to study the star formation processes in and around the cluster region. The distance to the cluster is derived as 2.8±\pm0.2 kpc while its age is estimated as 6.0±2.06.0\pm2.0 Myr. Present study indicates that interstellar reddening is normal in the direction of the cluster. The mass function slope is found to be -1.37±\pm0.27 for the mass range 1<M/M<<M/M_\odot<11.9. There is no evidence found for the effect of mass segregation in main-sequence stars of the cluster. A young stellar population with age between 1-2 Myr have been found in and around the cluster region. The presence of IRAS and AKARI sources with MSX intensity map also show the youth of the Sh2-170 region.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables (Accepted for publication in New Astronomy