3 research outputs found

    Numerical Simulation of Surface Reconstruction Process Based on Standard Regularization Theory

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    初期視覚における不良設定の情報復元問題は,標準正則化理論の枠組みにおいて定式化され統一的な扱いが可能であることが示されている.その中で面の再構成に用いられる滑らかさの拘束条件には,薄膜あるいは薄板の曲げポテンシャルエネルギーに対応するエネルギー汎関数が提案されているが,両者の比較と妥当性の検証は必ずしも十分になされていない.本研究では,数値実験により,薄膜と薄板のポテンシャルエネルギーに基づく面の再構成計算を比較し,両者の間の差違を定量的に評価した.また,ランダムドットステレオグラムを用いた面の知覚に関する心理物理実験により,視覚系の行っている計算が薄膜ポテンシャルエネルギーに基づくものに近いことを示した.Standard Regularization Theory has been applied to solve the ill posed problems appearing in the early stages of human visual processing. In the case of the surface reconstruction process from retinal images,the perceived surface can be determined to minimize a certain type of energy functional. As the energy functional, two types of formulas based on the, "membrane potential" and "thin plate potential", have been applied. In the present research,the surface reconstruction of human early vision was simulated using these two energy functionals and results were compared quantitatively. Furthermore, a psychophysical experiment was performed to study the properties of surface perception from binocular disparity using a random dot stereogram. The experimental results indicate that the energy functional based on the membrane potential energy can predict human performance more accurately