290 research outputs found

    Motion of a Vector Particle in a Curved Spacetime. I. Lagrangian Approach

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    From the simple Lagrangian the equations of motion for the particle with spin are derived. The spin is shown to be conserved on the particle world-line. In the absence of a spin the equation coincides with that of a geodesic. The equations of motion are valid for massless particles as well, since mass does not enter the equations explicitely.Comment: 6 pages, uses mpla1.sty, published in MPLA, replaced with corrected typo

    Assessment of Varieties of Spring Barley of Selection of Omsk Agrarian Research Center for Adaptivity of Mass of 1000 Grains

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    Considering climatic factors and production demands, selection for increased productivity and adaptability to local climatic factors is currently relevant. To create new varieties of barley with the listed factors, a promising source material with improved adaptive qualities is required. One of the leading structural elements that determine the productivity of a variety is the mass of 1000 grains. Objective: to assess the adaptability of spring barley varieties from the selection of the Omsk Agrarian Scientific Center in terms of the mass of 1000 grains. The object of research was 11 varieties of spring barley breeding Omsk Agrarian Scientific Center. Based on this indicator, the following adaptability parameters were calculated: the indicator of the size of the grain size, the coefficient of variation, the coefficient and ecovalent of ecological plasticity, the relative stability of the trait and homeostaticity. The final assessment was carried out according to the sum of ranks obtained by each applied method, given that rank 1 is higher. The average weight of 1000 grains of barley varieties, breeding of the Omsk ANC, was 45.7 g in membranous and 40.9 g in huskless. According to the results of adaptability studies, stable varieties were identified that are poorly responsive to changes in cultivation conditions and better adapted to medium and low levels of agriculture: Omsky 95, Gift of Siberia and Omsk huskless 2 (the sum of ranks ranged from 22.0 to 29.0). Varieties Sibirsky Avant-garde, Sasha, Omsky 91, Omskyhuskless 1 and Omsky 90 (sum of ranks from 38.0 to 51.0) are classified as plastic ones – the change in grain size of these varieties is fully consistent with the change in growing conditions. Strong responsiveness to changing conditions was found in varieties Omsky 96, Omsky 100 and Omsky 99 (the sum of ranks varies from 59.0 to 63.0) – these varieties belong to the intensive group, which means less adaptability to adverse conditions

    The native/foreign binary opposition as a way of conceptualization of V.Rasputin's artistic image of the world

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    The article analyzes one of the basic cultural and psychological oppositions that forms a cognitive evaluative system of knowledge, the opposition native - foreign and its representations in the work by V. Rasputin "Farewell to Matera". The specificity of verbalization of the bipolarity native - foreign as text-forming dominant of the V. Rasputin's work and one of the methods of artistic knowledge of the world has been determined. The method of continuous sampling, the statistical method, the method of component-definitional analysis, the descriptive method, which includes observation and classification of the material, and contextual analysis per se were used as basic research methods. The binary code 'Greek passage'- 'Greek passage'/ native - foreign in the text of the narrative displayed a wide range of lexical and semantic relationships that contribute to the formation of semantic systems or paradigms based on synonyms, antonyms, periphrastic and associative concepts and images, valence of the word, coordination in the context with the other words, which in aggregate fill the word with a certain sense of importance to the author. It has been revealed that the actualization of conceptually meaningful lexemes 'Greek passage' and 'Greek passage'/ native and foreign is realized in the context of the story "Farewell to Matera" due to the wide range of the author's nominations of both usual and occasional, author's individual. High frequency of functioning made it possible to talk about their importance as a means of realization of the author's intentions


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    The aim of the work – to improve the effectiveness and quality of young doctors training, by using new methods of education. The main body. When forming a future doctor, as a competitive professional, it is important to use different dimensions, technics and forms of tuition. First of all, it is necessary to teach a student how to think clinically, analyse and apply acquired skills in clinical practice, broad student’s world view. One of possible ways of achieving all this is carrying round tables with different topics. During the preparations to round table students obtain habits of working with science literature and skills to use various educational and scientific resources. Preparation to public speech and speech itself requires usage of analytical thinking, skills to select the main thing, to construct the report logically, predict possible questions and be ready to provide scientifically proven answers. Conclusion. Therefore, using round table as a form of education, allows not only to form and extend clinical thought of future doctor more effective, but improves skills of working with scientifical medical literature, ability to communicate with patients and audience, competence to guide the educating work among the patients, to promote the direct care.Мета роботи – підвищити ефективність та якість підготовки майбутніх лікарів, використовуючи нові методи навчання. Основна частина. Формуючи майбутнього лікаря як конкурентоспроможного спеціаліста, слід використовувати різні напрямки, методи та форми навчання. В першу чергу, необхідно навчити студента мислити клінічно, аналізувати та використовувати набуті знання в клінічній роботі, розширити його світогляд. Одним із засобів цього досягнути є проведення круглих столів за різною тематикою. Під час підготовки до проведення цього заходу в студентів формуються навички та звички роботи з науковою літературою, вміння користуватися різними освітніми та науковими ресурсами. Підготовка до публічного виступу і сам виступ вимагають використання аналітичного мислення, вміння вибрати найголовніше, логічно побудувати доповідь, передбачити можливі запитання та бути готовим дати науково обґрунтовані відповіді на них. Висновок. Використання такої форми навчання, як круглий стіл, дозволяє не тільки більш ефективно формувати та поглиблювати клінічне мислення майбутнього лікаря, удосконалювати навички та вміння працювати з науковою медичною літературою, спілкуватися з пацієнтами, працювати з аудиторією, але й проводити просвітницьку діяльність серед пацієнтів, сприяючи покращенню лікувального процесу

    Correlation of intracardiac hemodynamics indicators with von Willebrand factor – Marker of endothelial dysfunction in patients with coronary artery disease combined with coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

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    The research relevance is predefined by the need to establish the relationship and identify new markers and potential contributions to clinical practice and scientific progress. This opens up new opportunities for further development in the field of cardiology and infectious diseases, which is of great importance for improving diagnosis and treatment. The research aims to establish the relationship between indicators and the role of endothelial dysfunction in the pathogenesis of various conditions. The clinical observation method was used, and data such as symptoms, medical history, and laboratory and instrumental studies were collected. The conclusions of the study are based on the analysis of the collected data and indicate the existence of a relationship between the indicators. The study revealed an increased activity of von Willebrand factor in the majority of patients. When comparing groups of patients depending on the presence of concomitant coronavirus disease, it was found that the highest level of von Willebrand factor was observed in patients with coronary heart disease in combination with coronavirus disease, a lower level in patients with coronavirus disease alone, and the lowest level in patients with chronic coronary heart disease. This indicates a correlation between the level of von Willebrand factor and the presence of concomitant coronavirus disease, which emphasises the importance of vascular endothelial dysfunction in the pathogenesis of coronary heart disease. It was found that the value of the von Willebrand factor correlates with the left ventricular end-diastolic size in both patients with coronary heart disease and patients with coronary heart disease in combination with coronavirus disease. This demonstrates that there is a strong association between von Willebrand factor and the clinical manifestation of coronary heart disease in combination with coronavirus disease, which may indicate a dysfunction of the vascular endothelium in these patients

    The syntactic phraseologization in the mass media language

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    Article is devoted to process of phrazeologization of syntactic units as at the level of language system, and its functioning. Relevance of the undertaken research is caused by activization of this process in modern Russian, and in particular, a research phrazeomodel too. that in language space of media where all changes of language immediately are reflected. At the solution of theoretical and practical tasks the following methods were used: linguistic description, observation, transformation, and also elements of the component and distributive analysis. According to classification of complex sentences by the principle of the sufficient basis for phraseomodel with a clamp too. that it is carried to group of offers where the second part contacts the first by means of the union that serves for a specification (by justification or restriction) a predicate, definition or a circumstance of the first part, and these members of the first part are represented by quantitative so, too, too, etc. In article structural-semantic types which are actively used in language of modern printed media are in detail considered: too + adverb. that, too + verb. that, too + adjective/participle. that, etc. It is revealed that phraseomodel too. that it is very frequency in language space of modern media. In a postpositive part of a phraseomodel with irreal modality which is expressed by means of a verb or in the form of an infinitive, or in shape on-l is always presented. It is established that phraseomodel too. that as modusexpressional option stylistically of neutral units, it is aimed at an exit to the sphere of anthropocentrism and a connotation as characterizes a sensual, emotional and psychophysical condition of the person, and also estimated signs of the individual and society, the phenomenon and an event

    Expressive substantives describing a person in Russian dialects of the Republic Of Tatarstan

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    The article investigates the expressive substantives which are used in the Russian dialects of the Republic of Tatarstan. It attempts to describe the linguistic expressive units, characterizing a person on the basis of their semantic structure, the derivational and stylistic features. The expressiveness is one of the most complex linguistic categories, as it is related with the manifestation of a subjective origin in a language accompanying the knowledge of an objective reality and reflecting the content of an individual native speaker consciousness. The article proposes the classification of substantives denoting various characteristics of a person, in the language of the Volga-Kama region dialect carriers. The contextological analysis was used as the main research method which was combined with the analysis of the described words lexical interpretations. The paper proposes the classification of expressive substantives depending on lexical semantics, in particular, the following groups are revealed: intellectual properties, the traits and characteristics of a human temperament, the moral and ethical characteristics, the physical and physiological characteristics, the characteristics of a person external appearance, the common characteristics, expressing a negative attitude to a person. The class of expressive units, "describing" a moral and an ethical aspect of a man, the group of substantives is considered forming a speech etiquette of Russian dialects in the Republic of Tatarstan. The language of the Volga-Kama region dialect carriers is dominated by the names with a pejorative connotation compared with the substantive expressive means expressing a meliorative estimation. The lexical layer of Russian dialects moral and ethical content is filled with emotionality, appraisal, expression. It reflects the worldview of a dialect carrier of the Republic of Tatarstan


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    The aim of the work – to recreate and analyze the main stages in the department establishment, to highlight the main areas of educational and scientific activities.   The main body. The Department of Endocrinology – one of the first in Ukraine as a separate unit – was established in 1978 on the basis of the Lviv Regional Endocrinology Dispensary; was led by Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor Ya. I. Tomashevskyi. Scientific school created by him studied conditions of hormonal regulation of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis during formation of diabetes mellitus, thyroid gland pathology, autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome. Under the direction of Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor O. O. Serhiiko, who led the department from 1999 to 2013, studies on metabolic disorders in diabetes mellitus were conducted. In 2014 the head of the department became Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor A. M. Urbanovych, her scientific research is related to pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases during diabetes mellitus and obesity, the role of adipose tissue hormones in the development of endocrinopathies. Together with the department team she continues and creatively develops the scientific, pedagogical and clinical traditions of the Lviv Endocrinological School. The activity is analyzed and the main achievements of the department are presented at the present stage. Conclusions. An analysis of the historical experience of the establishment and development of the department of endocrinology showed the existence of a long tradition of formation of the teaching staff, the professional training of doctors-endocrinologists, the unity and constant interrelation of all types of activities in the formation of this category of specialists.Мета роботи – відтворити й проаналізувати основні етапи становлення кафедри, висвітлити основні напрямки педагогічної та наукової діяльності. Основна частина. Кафедра ендокринології – одна з перших в Україні як окремий підрозділ – була створена 1978 року на базі Львівського обласного ендокринологічного диспансеру; її очолив доктор медичних наук, професор Я. І. Томашевський. Головним напрямом створеної ним наукової школи стали дослідження станів гормональної регуляції процесів гліколізу та глюконеогенезу на етапах формування цукрового діабету, патології щитоподібної залози, автоімунного поліендокринного синдрому. Під керівництвом доктора медичних наук, професора О. О. Сергієнка, який завідував кафедрою з 1999 до 2013 року, здійснювалися дослідження порушень метаболізму при цукровому діабеті. У 2014 році кафедру очолила доктор медичних наук, доцент А. М. Урбанович, її наукові дослідження стосуються патогенезу серцево-судинних захворювань при цукровому діабеті та ожирінні, ролі гормонів жирової тканини у розвитку ендокринопатій. Проаналізована діяльність та наведені основні досягнення кафедри на сучасному етапі. Висновок. Аналіз історичного досвіду становлення і розвитку кафедри ендокринології засвідчив існування тривалої традиції формування професорсько-викладацького колективу, фахової підготовки лікарів-ендокринологів, єдності та постійного взаємозв’язку всіх видів діяльності у становленні цієї категорії спеціалістів

    Improvement of radiopurity level of enriched 116^{116}CdWO4_4 and ZnWO4_4 crystal scintillators by recrystallization

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    As low as possible radioactive contamination of a detector plays a crucial role to improve sensitivity of a double beta decay experiment. The radioactive contamination of a sample of 116^{116}CdWO4_4 crystal scintillator by thorium was reduced by a factor 10\approx 10, down to the level 0.01 mBq/kg (228^{228}Th), by exploiting the recrystallization procedure. The total alpha activity of uranium and thorium daughters was reduced by a factor 3\approx 3, down to 1.6 mBq/kg. No change in the specific activity (the total α\alpha activity and 228^{228}Th) was observed in a sample of ZnWO4_4 crystal produced by recrystallization after removing 0.4\approx 0.4 mm surface layer of the crystal.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures and 2 table

    Retrospective analysis of spring barley cultivars developed by Omsk breeders (1936–2021)

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    Plant breeding is an endless conveyor belt: cultivars developed earlier are included in hybridization plans and become the sources for new ones. The main tasks in barley improvement through breeding include raising the productivity of cultivars, improving their quality, and strengthening disease resistance. Correct selection, use, and studying of the source material – that is the key to successful breeding efforts. The first and most important step in constructing a cultivar is the process of hybridization. A valuable source of aid, and often the basis for newly developed cultivars, is the global collection of VIR, whose importance can hardly be overestimated. From 1936 to 2021, 27 barley cultivars were released: they are widely cultivated in Russia and Kazakhstan. Of these, 19 cultivars were obtained by pair hybridization; 4 cultivars by the complex stepwise hybridization technique; 4 cultivars through individual selection using the population approach. Despite the high importance of germplasm collection materials, 21 cultivars were produced by hybridization using a genotype selected at Omsk as one of the parental forms: in 16 cultivars, a local genotype was used as a maternal parent; in 12, as a paternal one; and in 8 cultivars, both parent forms were bred at Omsk Agricultural Scientific Center. Our retrospective analysis of a number of Omsk spring barley cultivars, on the one hand, confirms the earlier conclusions of Siberian scientists about a limited number of base crop cultivars, and on the other, attests to very rich pedigrees of spring barley cultivars in terms of the number of parent forms from the VIR global collection. Siberian barley ecotypes, characterized by increased adaptability to local harsh climate factors, should be further preserved in the national crop germplasm repository at VIR