5 research outputs found

    Polymorphic Typestate for Session Types

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    Session types provide a principled approach to typed communication protocols that guarantee type safety and protocol fidelity. Formalizations of session-typed communication are typically based on process calculi, concurrent lambda calculi, or linear logic. An alternative model based on context-sensitive typing and typestate has not received much attention due to its apparent restrictions. However, this model is attractive because it does not force programmers into particular patterns like continuation-passing style or channel-passing style, but rather enables them to treat communication channels like mutable variables. Polymorphic typestate is the key that enables a full treatment of session-typed communication. Previous work in this direction was hampered by its setting in a simply-typed lambda calculus. We show that higher-order polymorphism and existential types enable us to lift the restrictions imposed by the previous work, thus bringing the expressivity of the typestate-based approach on par with the competition. On this basis, we define PolyVGR, the system of polymorphic typestate for session types, establish its basic metatheory, type preservation and progress, and present a prototype implementation.Comment: 29 pages. Short version appears in PPDP 202

    Relating Functional and Imperative Session Types

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    Imperative session types provide an imperative interface to session-typed communication. In such an interface, channel references are first-class objects with operations that change the typestate of the channel. Compared to functional session type APIs, the program structure is simpler at the surface, but typestate is required to model the current state of communication throughout. Following an early work that explored the imperative approach, a significant body of work on session types has neglected the imperative approach and opts for a functional approach that uses linear types to manage channel references soundly. We demonstrate that the functional approach subsumes the early work on imperative session types by exhibiting a typing and semantics preserving translation into a system of linear functional session types. We further show that the untyped backwards translation from the functional to the imperative calculus is semantics preserving. We restrict the type system of the functional calculus such that the backwards translation becomes type preserving. Thus, we precisely capture the difference in expressiveness of the two calculi and conclude that the lack of expressiveness in the imperative calculus is largely due to restrictions imposed by its type system.Comment: 39 pages, insubmissio

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    Systems programming often requires the manipulation of resources like file handles, network connections, or dynamically allocated memory. Programmers need to follow certain protocols to handle these resources correctly. Violating these protocols causes bugs ranging from type mismatches over data races to use-after-free errors and memory leaks. These bugs often lead to security vulnerabilities. While statically typed programming languages guarantee type soundness and memory safety by design, most of them do not address issues arising from improper handling of resources. An important step towards handling resources is the adoption of linear and affine types that enforce single-threaded resource usage. However, the few languages supporting such types require heavy type annotations. We present Affe, an extension of ML that manages linearity and affinity properties using kinds and constrained types. In addition Affe supports the exclusive and shared borrowing of affine resources, inspired by features of Rust. Moreover, Affe retains the defining features of the ML family: it is an impure, strict, functional expression language with complete principal type inference and type abstraction. Affe does not require any linearity annotations in expressions and supports common functional programming idioms.Comment: ICFP 202

    Relating Functional and Imperative Session Types

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    Imperative session types provide an imperative interface to session-typed communication. In such an interface, channel references are first-class objects with operations that change the typestate of the channel. Compared to functional session type APIs, the program structure is simpler at the surface, but typestate is required to model the current state of communication throughout. Following an early work that explored the imperative approach, a significant body of work on session types has neglected the imperative approach and opts for a functional approach that uses linear types to manage channel references soundly. We demonstrate that the functional approach subsumes the early work on imperative session types by exhibiting a typing and semantics preserving translation into a system of linear functional session types. We further show that the untyped backwards translation from the functional to the imperative calculus is semantics preserving. We restrict the type system of the functional calculus such that the backwards translation becomes type preserving. Thus, we precisely capture the difference in expressiveness of the two calculi and conclude that the lack of expressiveness in the imperative calculus is largely due to restrictions imposed by its type system

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    International audienceSystems programming often requires the manipulation of resources like file handles, network connections, or dynamically allocated memory. Programmers need to follow certain protocols to handle these resources correctly. Violating these protocols causes bugs ranging from type mismatches over data races to use-after-free errors and memory leaks. These bugs often lead to security vulnerabilities. While statically typed programming languages guarantee type soundness and memory safety by design, most of them do not address issues arising from improper handling of resources. An important step towards handling resources is the adoption of linear and affine types that enforce single-threaded resource usage. However, the few languages supporting such types require heavy type annotations. We present Affe, an extension of ML that manages linearity and affinity properties using kinds and constrained types. In addition Affe supports the exclusive and shared borrowing of affine resources, inspired by features of Rust. Moreover, Affe retains the defining features of the ML family: it is an impure, strict, functional expression language with complete principal type inference and type abstraction. Affe does not require any linearity annotations in expressions and supports common functional programming idioms