4 research outputs found
Andi Muhammad Akhmar, Islamisasi Bugis: Kajian Sastra atas La Galigo Versi Bottinna I La DĂ©wata Sibawa I WĂ© Attaweq. Jakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Obor Jakarta, 2018, xvi-566 p., ISBN: 978-602-433-642-4.
Islamisation has been generally understood as a series of processes by which a society turns to Islam in various ways. These processes range from formal conversion to Islam to colouring aspects of life with Islamic values. This wide understanding covers a number of specific issues including the wearing of the hijab, the promulgation of religious education, the enforcement of Shari’a law, the production of halal food, and many more. The process of Islamisation will differ from one society and ..
Al-Qur'an, modernisme dan tradisionalisme: Ideologisasi sejarah tafsir Al-Qur'an di Indonesia
Penyebaran Islam dari awal kemunculannya sampai hari ini, diyakini tidak lepas dari pengaruh sumber primer ajaran Islam, dalam hal ini Al-Qur'an. Dalam artikel ini, penulis ingin mengemukakan beberapa catatan terhadap berbagai karya, khususnya karya tafsir Al-Qur'an di Indonesia