215 research outputs found

    Evaluation of total phenols and antioxidant activity of Mullein (Verbascum songaricum) ecotypes

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    زمینه و هدف: جنس گل ماهور بزرگترین جنس خانواده گل میمون است. اندام های این گیاه حاوی مواد موثره مانند فنول ها و موسیلاژ هستند. هدف از این تحقیق بررسی میزان ترکیبات فنلی تام و فعالیت آنتی اکسیدانی گل ماهور در جنوب غرب ایران بود. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه 10 اکوتیپ از گونه Verbascum songaricum ارزیابی شدند. استخراج و اندازه‌گیری فنول کل به روش فولین سیوکالتیو انجام شد. فعالیت آنتی‌اکسیدانی عصاره های نمونه های برگ، با استفاده از روش DPPH اندازه‌گیری شد. یافته‌ها: نتایج بدست آمده نشان داد که محتوای فنلی و فعالیت آنتی‌اکسیدانی اکوتیپ‌های مختلف متفاوت بود. بیشترین و کمترین میزان فنول کل عصاره برگ به ترتیب از اکوتیپ منطقه اردل (mg GAE/g DW 92/192) و منطقه میمند (mg GAE/g DW 71/107) بدست آمد. بیشترین فعالیت آنتی‌اکسیدانی مربوط به اکوتیپ منطقه اردل (g/mlμ 09/31 IC50: ) بود که با سایر اکوتیپ‌های گل ماهور تفاوت معنی‌داری داشت. نتیجه گیری: میزان فنول کل و فعالیت آنتی اکسیدانی نمونه ها متاثر از شرایط اقلیمی محل رویش بود. با توجه به میزان بالایی فنول و فعالیت آنتی‌اکسیدانی به نظر می­رسد گیاه دارویی گل ماهور گزینه مناسبی به عنوان یک آنتی­اکسیدان در درمان ­های مکمل باشد

    Short communication: Population genetic structure studies of Liza aurata based on mtDNA control region sequences analyses in the southern coasts of the Caspian Sea

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    Nowadays many species are endangered as a result of habitat loss. Decreases in population lead to reduced genetic diversity, which can cause survival crisis in a population (Cecconi et al., 1995). Nowadays optimal management of fish stocks needs information on population structure of species that is provided to researchers through genetic science. Bereavement of science about stock composition will lead to the fracture of fisheries management and unsuitable harvest of stocks (Papasotiropoulos et al., 2007). One of the beneficial methods to demonstrate genetic diversity is haplotype analysis of the D-loop region, an index which is very important and determinant for the preservation of species. Significant genetic variation is found in the D-loop region, even among individuals within a given species. Grey mullets are not endemic species of the Caspian Sea. Juveniles of L. aurata, L. saliens and Mugil cephallus were introduced from the Black Sea into the Caspian Sea during the years 1930-1934. But only the introduction of L. aurata and L. saliens was successful and they adapted well to the ecological conditions of the Caspian Sea (Fazli et al., 2008)

    Population genetic studies of Liza aurata using D-Loop sequencing in the southeast and southwest coasts of the Caspian Sea

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    Genetic diversity as an important marker of the ecological status of aquatic ecosystems is considered a unique and powerful tool to evaluate biological communities. In order to evaluate the genetic diversity among golden mullet species (Liza aurata) in the southeast and southwest coasts of the Caspian Sea by D-Loop gene sequencing, a total of 23 fin specimens of golden mullet were collected from the Gilan (Anzali area) and Golestan (Gomishan area) provinces. Total DNA from the samples was extracted by ammonium acetate method and the quality and quantity of the extracted DNA were assessed by spectrophotometry and electrophoresis. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was conducted on the target DNA and then DNA sequencing was carried out. D-loop region in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of golden mullet contained 900 base pairs (bp). Phylogenetic relationships among golden mullet were calculated by MEGA software version 5.05 and divergence time was estimated using Tahjima's test. The results obtained from this study revealed that there were high genetic differences among two regions in the Gilan and Golestan provinces. Kimura 2-parameter was used for genetic distance analysis and the genetic distance recorded between Gilan and Golestan Provinces was calculated at 0.259. The high levels of FsT were observed between Gilan and Golestan Provinces which indicates that genetic differences exist among present populations (p≤.05). Based on the results obtained from the south Caspian Sea, probably two different populations of Liza aurata are living in the Gilan and Golestan Provinces

    Entrapment of two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Prostigmata: Tetranychidae), by type IV glandular trichomes of Lycopersicon species

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    Two-spotted spider mite (TSSM) is becoming resistant to many of the pesticides used in the tomatofields. A potential alternative method of control is host plant resistance, which may be mediated byglandular trichomes. In this experiment, level of entrapment and mortality of the pest by type IVglandular trichomes were studied on accessions of Lycopersicon hirsutum Humb & Bonpl, L. pennellii(Cor.) DÂArcy and L. esculentum Mill on leaflets with trichomes intact or with exudates removed. Threeaccessions of L. hirsutum (LA1740, LA1777 and LA2860), two accessions of L. pennellii (LA2963 andLA2580) and one susceptible variety (Sankranthi) of L. esculentum were used. Leaflets from the terminalpair of the third-last fully expanded leaves were excised and leaf disks prepared. Ten female mites ofTetranychus orticae Koch were placed on the adaxial leaflet surface of each disk and after 2 h, thenumber of mites trapped, untrapped and moved into water were recorded. Again after 24 and 48 h, miteswere recorded either dead, morbid or moved into water. Results indicated that the highest number ofentrapment was on L. hirsutum LA1777, followed by L. pennellii accessions. None of the mites wasentrapped on L. esculentum. Moreover, L. hirsutum (LA1777 and LA1740) and L. pennellii accessionshad greater number of dead mites than L. esculentum after 48 h. Lycopersicon esculentum did not possesstype IV glandular trichomes. The highest density of type IV glandular trichomes was recorded on abaxialand adaxial leaf surfaces of L. hirsutum LA1777 (86.72 and 34.44 trichomes/mm², respectively). Removalof trichome exudates has significantly increased the mite survival in resistant accessions. Correlationbetween the density of type IV glandular trichomes and entrapment rate of TSSM was significantlypositive

    Development of an extrudable paste to build mycelium-bound composites

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    Mycelium-bound composites are promising materials for sustainable packaging, insulation, fashion, and architecture. However, moulding is the main fabrication process explored to date, strongly limiting the ability to design the complex shapes that could widen the range of applications. Extrusion is a facile and low energy-cost process that has not yet been explored for mycelium-bound composites with design freedom and structural properties. In this study, we combine cheap, easily and commonly available agricultural waste materials, bamboo microfibres, chitosan, and mycelium from Ganodermalucidum, to establish a composite mixture that is workable, extrudable and buildable. We study the impact of bamboo fibre size, chitosan concentration, pH and weight ratio of bamboo to chitosan to determine the optimum growth condition for the mycelium as well as high mechanical stiffness. The resulting materials have thus low energy costs, are sustainable and can be shaped easily. The developed composition is promising to further explore the use of mycelium-bound materials for structural applications using agricultural waste

    The comparision of essential oil composition from Thymus vulgaris L., Melissa officinalis L. and Achillea millefolium L. in Shahrekord climate condition

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    In this research, the essential oil composition of Thymus vulgaris L., Melissa officinalis L. and Achillea millefolium L. were evaluated in Shahrekord climate condition. The aerial parts of these plants in full flowering stages were collected in summer 2017 from a research farm of Shahrekord University. The essential oils were extracted by hydro distillation method (clevenger apparatus) and were analyzed by GC and GC/MS. Results were showed that the thymol (33.2%), α-terpinene (18.50%), p-cymene (10.9%) and linalool (5%) were the most components of Thymus vulgaris. Neral (26.3%), geranial (25%), β-caryophyllene (6.9%), geranyl acetate (6.4%) and cis-crysantenol (5.8%) were the most important compound of M. officinalis essential oil and the cis-chrysanthenyl acetate (27.19%), cis-chrysantheol (13.16%), germacren D (7.24%), β-caryophyllene (6.69%) and thymol (6.15%) recorded in Achillea essential oil In conclusion, the results were showed that essential oils of thyme, lemon balm, and yarrow had suitable quality composition in Shahrekord climate conditions

    Effect of Some Inorganic and Organic Fertilizers’ Application and Drought Stress on Superoxide Dismutase and Peroxidase Activities and Total Soluble Protein of Bidane-Ghermez Grapevines

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    Introduction  Drought is the most important limiting factor for the yield and quality of products in the world. Fertilizer application can mitigate drought stress in plants. Most farmers prefer to use inorganic (chemical) fertilizers because of their fast impact on plant growth. The reasonable cost of inorganic fertilizers and their availability are the other reasons. However, the long-term effects of organic fertilizers on plant growth and soil fertility has been proved. The grapevines are one of the most important garden products in the world as well as in Iran. It has been reported that the application of biochar has significant effects on soil fertility as well as plant growth. Biochars have properties such as highly porous structure, high specific surface area, higher water holding capacity of the soil, the long-term stability in the soil. In addition, our previous study indicated that it could decrease the hazard of sodium in soil compared with compost. In Iran, the cultivation area of grapevines was the second grade after the pistachio cultivation area in 2019. According to statistical data on agriculture in 2019, the cultivation area of irrigated and rain-fed grapevines in Kermanshah province was 7710 and 1515 ha, respectively. According to this report, the production of irrigated and rain-fed grapevines in Kermanshah province in 2019 was 82718 and 1763 tons, respectively. The effect of application of some inorganic and organic fertilizers under drought stress on yield, water use efficiency, and some biochemical characteristics of the grapevine leaves cultivar Bidane-Ghermez has been previously studied. In this research, the effect of drought stress and the application of potassium sulfate, compost, and biochar on antioxidant activities of the grapevine leaves cultivar Bidane-Ghermez was investigated.   Materials and Methods A greenhouse study with a factorial experiment based on a block of randomized completely design was conducted with fertilizer treatments including control, potassium sulfate (1250 mg kg-1), compost (5% w/w), and biochar (10% w/w) without and with drought stress conditions (80 and 40% FC, respectively) during 2017-2018. For this research, the biochar was produced from apple tree pruning under low oxygen conditions by slow pyrolysis at 400 ◦C. The compost was purchased from the municipal compost factory of Kermanshah province. To evaluate drought stress and inorganic and organic fertilizers' application on antioxidant enzymes activities, the superoxide dismutase and peroxidase activities and total soluble protein of grapevine leaves were determined. The data were analyzed by ANOVA and the mean of studied characteristics was compared by Duncan’s test at 5% probability level using SAS software. Results and Discussion the results indicated that the interaction effect of fertilizers treatments and drought stress on the superoxide dismutase and peroxidase activities as well as total soluble protein was significant (P<0.01). Under drought stress conditions, among fertilizers’ treatments, the activity of superoxide dismutase for potassium sulfate was significantly lower than compost and biochar treatments (P<0.01). The results also showed that the peroxidase activity for compost was significantly higher than potassium sulfate and biochar treatments (P<0.01). Besides, the highest total soluble protein amount was found for biochar treatment (P<0.01).   Conclusion  according to the results of this study, it can be concluded that the increase of total soluble protein of grapevine leaves under drought stress conditions by biochar application contributed to the increase of superoxide dismutase and peroxidase activities also increasing the bioavailability of macro-and micronutrients. Biochar application increased significantly the potassium concentration of the leaves of the grapevines. Potassium regulates water movement at the plant and also provides a higher relative water content of grapevine leaves. Moreover, potassium decreases the non-stomatal effects are also attributed to stomatal closure during drought stress conditions. Furthermore, potassium contributes to protein synthesis. Biochar application also increased the phosphorus, copper, and magnesium of the leaves of the grapevine. Higher concentration of phosphorus under drought stress conditions caused the grapevine leaves to suffer less from phosphorus deficiency. Copper exists in superoxide dismutase and is considered a key player in superoxide detoxification. Under drought stress conditions, higher manganese concentration by biochar application resulted in more protection of the cellular membrane against Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). For fertilizer recommendation in order to reduce drought stress effects on some antioxidant enzymes activities of Bidane-Ghermez grapevine leaves, the application of biochar is recommended first then potassium sulfate and compost

    Resistance of 14 accessions/cultivars of Lycopersicon spp. to two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae), in laboratory and greenhouse

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    Fourteen accessions and cultivars of Lycopersicon spp. were studied to evaluate their resistance to two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. In vitro studies were carried out using thumbtack and leaf disk bioassays. Lycopersicon hirsutum and L. pennellii accessions supported more mites on the tack. The highest number of eggs (5.15 ± 0.48 eggs / â / d) was recorded on L. pimpinellifolium LA2533 and the lowest number (0 egg / â / d) was recorded on L. hirsutum and L. pennellii accessions. The highest mite mortality and lowest damage score occurred on the leaf disks of L. pennellii and L. hirsutum accessions that were strikingly in contrast to our observations on L. esculentum varieties (Nandi and Sankranthi). The developmental time of the mite was longest (8.61 ± 0.18 days) on leaf disks of L. esculentum NDTVR-73 and shortest (7.18 ± 0.51 days) on L. pimpinellifolium LA2533. In the greenhouse, the mite was unable to establish on L. hirsutum and L. pennellii accessions. Amongst the rest, Nandi and Sankranthi accessions/cultivars supported the highest, while NDTVR-73 supported the lowest mite population. The highest and lowest density of type VI glandular trichomes were recorded on L. esculentum NDTVR-73 (67.33 ± 6.34 trichomes/mm²) and L. pennellii LA2963 (0.79 ± 0.15 trichomes/mm²), respectively. No relation was found between density of type VI trichomes and resistance to the mite. Type IV glandular trichomes were observed only on the foliages of L. hirsutum and L. pennellii. A positive relation exists between the density of type IV glandular trichomes and resistance to the mite

    Effect of Echinacea purpurea and Astragalus glycyphyllos on immune responses of rainbow trout (O. mykiss) and resistance to sterptococcosis

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    Nowadays, medical plants extract is used in aquaculture industry to enhance growth, immune system and fish resistance to different pathogens. In this study, some non-specific immune responses, hematology and biochemical parameters in rainbow trout juveniles (16 gr mean weight) and their resistance to Streptococcus iniae were evaluated following oral administration of Echinacea purpurea and Astragalus sp. extract. Three concentrations (0.5, 1 and 1.5 gr/kg of feed) of Echinacea purpurea and three concentrations (2, 3 and 5 gr/kg of feed) of Astragalus sp extract and control group were used for 60 days. Parameters evaluated included: levels of C4, C3 (complement components), free oxygen radicals (respiratory burst), Lysozyme, numbers of lymphocytes, monocytes and neutrophils. In the end, the relative survival rate (RSR) of fish was evaluated against S. iniae. The results showed that the levels of C3, lysozyme, oxygen free radicals, the number of neutrophils and lymphocytes in the experiment groups (the highest dose) compared to control group were increased significantly (p 0.05). The relative survival rates of fish following challenge with Streptococcus iniae, were 91/11, 93/33 and 44/44 percent in experiments (Echinacea purpurea and Astragalus sp.) and control groups, respectively. In conclusion, it may be state that Echinacea purpurea and Astragalus sp. extracts enhance the non-specific immune system and fish resistance against Streptococcusis, and it seems it can be used as immunostimulant in feed

    MAB21L1 loss of function causes a syndromic neurodevelopmental disorder with distinctive cerebellar, ocular, craniofacial and genital features (COFG syndrome).

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    BACKGROUND: Putative nucleotidyltransferase MAB21L1 is a member of an evolutionarily well-conserved family of the male abnormal 21 (MAB21)-like proteins. Little is known about the biochemical function of the protein; however, prior studies have shown essential roles for several aspects of embryonic development including the eye, midbrain, neural tube and reproductive organs. OBJECTIVE: A homozygous truncating variant in MAB21L1 has recently been described in a male affected by intellectual disability, scrotal agenesis, ophthalmological anomalies, cerebellar hypoplasia and facial dysmorphism. We employed a combination of exome sequencing and homozygosity mapping to identify the underlying genetic cause in subjects with similar phenotypic features descending from five unrelated consanguineous families. RESULTS: We identified four homozygous MAB21L1 loss of function variants (p.Glu281fs*20, p.Arg287Glufs*14 p.Tyr280* and p.Ser93Serfs*48) and one missense variant (p.Gln233Pro) in 10 affected individuals from 5 consanguineous families with a distinctive autosomal recessive neurodevelopmental syndrome. Cardinal features of this syndrome include a characteristic facial gestalt, corneal dystrophy, hairy nipples, underdeveloped labioscrotal folds and scrotum/scrotal agenesis as well as cerebellar hypoplasia with ataxia and variable microcephaly. CONCLUSION: This report defines an ultrarare but clinically recognisable Cerebello-Oculo-Facio-Genital syndrome associated with recessive MAB21L1 variants. Additionally, our findings further support the critical role of MAB21L1 in cerebellum, lens, genitalia and as craniofacial morphogenesis