100 research outputs found

    Symmetry breaking in planar and maximal outerplanar graphs

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    The distinguishing number (index) D(G)D(G) (Dβ€²(G)D'(G)) of a graph GG is the least integer dd such that GG has a vertex (edge) labeling with dd labels that is preserved only by a trivial automorphism. In this paper we consider the maximal outerplanar graphs (MOP graphs) and show that MOP graphs, except K3K_3, can be distinguished by at most two vertex (edge) labels. We also compute the distinguishing number and the distinguishing index of Halin and Mycielskian graphs.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Distinguishing number and distinguishing index of lexicographic product of two graphs

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    The distinguishing number (index) D(G)D(G) (Dβ€²(G)D'(G)) of a graph GG is the least integer dd such that GG has an vertex labeling (edge labeling) with dd labels that is preserved only by a trivial automorphism. The lexicographic product of two graphs GG and HH, G[H]G[H] can be obtained from GG by substituting a copy HuH_u of HH for every vertex uu of GG and then joining all vertices of HuH_u with all vertices of HvH_v if uv∈E(G)uv\in E(G). In this paper we obtain some sharp bounds for the distinguishing number and the distinguishing index of lexicographic product of two graphs. As consequences, we prove that if GG is a connected graph with a special condition on automorphism group of G[G]G[G] and D(G)>1D(G)> 1, then for every natural kk, D(G)≀D(Gk)≀D(G)+kβˆ’1D(G)\leq D(G^k)\leq D(G)+k-1, where Gk=G[G[...]]G^k=G[G[...]]. Also we prove that all lexicographic powers of GG, GkG^k (kβ‰₯2k\geq 2) can be distinguished by at most two edge labels.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1606.0375

    Relationship between the distinguishing index, minimum degree and maximum degree of graphs

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    Let Ξ΄\delta and Ξ”\Delta be the minimum and the maximum degree of the vertices of a simple connected graph GG, respectively. The distinguishing index of a graph GG, denoted by Dβ€²(G)D'(G), is the least number of labels in an edge labeling of GG not preserved by any non-trivial automorphism. Motivated by a conjecture by Pil\'sniak (2017) that implies that for any 22-connected graph Dβ€²(G)β‰€βŒˆΞ”(G)βŒ‰+1D'(G) \leq \lceil \sqrt{\Delta (G)}\rceil +1, we prove that for any graph GG with Ξ΄β‰₯2\delta\geq 2, Dβ€²(G)β‰€βŒˆΞ”Ξ΄βŒ‰+1D'(G) \leq \lceil \sqrt[\delta]{\Delta }\rceil +1. Also, we show that the distinguishing index of kk-regular graphs is at most 22, for any kβ‰₯5k\geq 5.Comment: 8 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1702.03524, arXiv:1704.0415

    Characterization of graphs with distinguishing number equal list distinguishing number

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    The distinguishing number D(G)D(G) of a graph GG is the least integer dd such that GG has an vertex labeling with dd labels that is preserved only by a trivial automorphism. A list assignment to GG is an assignment L={L(v)}v∈V(G)L = \{L(v)\}_{v\in V (G)} of lists of labels to the vertices of GG. A distinguishing LL-labeling of GG is a distinguishing labeling of GG where the label of each vertex vv comes from L(v)L(v). The list distinguishing number of GG, Dl(G)D_l(G) is the minimum kk such that every list assignment to GG in which ∣L(v)∣=k|L(v)| = k for all v∈V(G)v \in V (G) yields a distinguishing LL-labeling of GG. In this paper, we determine the list-distinguishing number for two families of graphs. We also characterize graphs with the distinguishing number equal the list distinguishing number. Finally, we show that this characterization works for other list numbers of a graph.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    The chromatic distinguishing index of certain graphs

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    The distinguishing index of a graph GG, denoted by Dβ€²(G)D'(G), is the least number of labels in an edge labeling of GG not preserved by any non-trivial automorphism. The distinguishing chromatic index Ο‡Dβ€²(G)\chi'_D (G) of a graph GG is the least number dd such that GG has a proper edge labeling with dd labels that is preserved only by the identity automorphism of GG. In this paper we compute the distinguishing chromatic index for some specific graphs. Also we study the distinguishing chromatic index of corona product and join of two graphs.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    On the saturation number of graphs

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    Let G=(V,E)G=(V,E) be a simple connected graph. A matching MM in a graph GG is a collection of edges of GG such that no two edges from MM share a vertex. A matching MM is maximal if it cannot be extended to a larger matching in GG. The cardinality of any smallest maximal matching in GG is the saturation number of GG and is denoted by s(G)s(G). In this paper we study the saturation number of the corona product of two specific graphs. We also consider some graphs with certain constructions that are of importance in chemistry and study their saturation number.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    The distinguishing chromatic number of bipartite graphs of girth at least six

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    The distinguishing number D(G)D(G) of a graph GG is the least integer dd such that GG has a vertex labeling with dd labels that is preserved only by a trivial automorphism. The distinguishing chromatic number Ο‡D(G)\chi_{D}(G) of GG is defined similarly, where, in addition, ff is assumed to be a proper labeling. Motivated by a conjecture in \cite{colins}, we prove that if GG is a bipartite graph of girth at least six with the maximum degree Ξ”(G)\Delta (G), then Ο‡D(G)≀Δ(G)+1\chi_{D}(G)\leq \Delta (G)+1. We also obtain an upper bound for Ο‡D(G)\chi_{D}(G) where GG is a graph with at most one cycle. Finally, we state a relationship between the distinguishing chromatic number of a graph and its spanning subgraphs.Comment: 6 page

    More on the sixth coefficient of the matching polynomial in regular graphs

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    A matching set MM in a graph GG is a collection of edges of GG such that no two edges from MM share a vertex. In this paper we consider some parameters related to the matching of regular graphs. We find the sixth coefficient of the matching polynomial of regular graphs. As a consequence, every cubic graph of order 1010 is matching unique.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Distinguishing number and distinguishing index of natural and fractional powers of graphs

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    The distinguishing number (index) D(G)D(G) (Dβ€²(G)D'(G)) of a graph GG is the least integer dd such that GG has an vertex labeling (edge labeling) with dd labels that is preserved only by a trivial automorphism. For any n∈Nn \in \mathbb{N}, the nn-subdivision of GG is a simple graph G1nG^{\frac{1}{n}} which is constructed by replacing each edge of GG with a path of length nn. The mthm^{th} power of GG, is a graph with same set of vertices of GG and an edge between two vertices if and only if there is a path of length at most mm between them. The fractional power of GG, denoted by GmnG^{\frac{m}{n}} is mthm^{th} power of the nn-subdivision of GG or nn-subdivision of mm-th power of GG. In this paper we study the distinguishing number and distinguishing index of natural and fractional powers of GG. We show that the natural powers more than two of a graph distinguished by three edge labels. Also we show that for a connected graph GG of order nβ©Ύ3n \geqslant 3 with maximum degree Ξ”(G)\Delta (G), D(G1k)β©½min{s:2k+βˆ‘n=3snkβˆ’1β©ΎΞ”(G)}D(G^{\frac{1}{k}})\leqslant min\{s: 2^k+\sum^s_{n=3}n^{k-1}\geqslant \Delta (G)\} and for mβ©Ύ3m\geqslant 3, Dβ€²(Gmk)β©½3D'(G^{\frac{m}{k}})\leqslant 3.Comment: 13 page

    Distinguishing number and distinguishing index of neighbourhood corona of two graphs

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    The distinguishing number (index) D(G)D(G) (Dβ€²(G)D'(G)) of a graph GG is the least integer dd such that GG has an vertex labeling (edge labeling) with dd labels that is preserved only by a trivial automorphism. The neighbourhood corona of two graphs G1G_1 and G2G_2 is denoted by G1⋆G2G_1 \star G_2 and is the graph obtained by taking one copy of G1G_1 and ∣V(G1)∣|V(G_1)| copies of G2G_2, and joining the neighbours of the iith vertex of G1G_1 to every vertex in the iith copy of G2G_2. In this paper we describe the automorphisms of the graph G1⋆G2G_1\star G_2. Using results on automorphisms, we study the distinguishing number and the distinguishing index of G1⋆G2G_1\star G_2. We obtain upper bounds for D(G1⋆G2)D(G_1\star G_2) and Dβ€²(G1⋆G2)D'(G_1\star G_2).Comment: 15 pages, 11 figure
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