2 research outputs found

    Critical Technical Issues with a Voltage-Source-Converter-Based High Voltage Direct Current Transmission System for the Onshore Integration of Offshore Wind Farms

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    Long-distance offshore wind power transmission systems utilize multi-terminal high voltage direct current (MT-HVDC) connections based on voltage source converters (VSCs). In addition to having the potential to work around restrictions, the VSC-based MT-HVDC transmission system has significant technical and economic merits over the HVAC transmission system. Offshore wind farms (OWFs) will inevitably grow because of their outstanding resistance to climate change and ability to provide sustainable energy without producing hazardous waste. Due to stronger and more persistent sea winds, the OWF often has a higher generation capacity with less negative climate effects. The majority of modern installations are distant from the shore and produce more power than the early OWF sites, which are situated close to the shore. This paradigm shift has compelled industry and professional researchers to examine transmission choices more closely, specifically HVAC and HVDC transmission. This article conducts a thorough analysis of grid connection technologies for massive OWF integration. In comparison to earlier assessments, a more detailed discussion of HVDC and HVAC topologies, including HVDC based on VSCs and line-commutated converters (LCCs), and all DC transmission systems, is offered. Finally, a selection criterion for HVDC transmission is advised, and its use is argued to be growing