33 research outputs found

    Structure and performance of zeolite supported Pd for complete methane oxidation

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    The influence of zeolite support materials and their impact on CH oxidation activity was studied utilizing Pd supported on H-beta and H-SSZ-13. A correlation between CH oxidation activity, Si/Al ratio (SAR), the type of zeolite framework, reduction-oxidation behaviour, and Pd species present was found by combining catalytic activity measurements with a variety of characterization methods (operando XAS, NH -TPD, SAXS, STEM and NaCl titration). Operando XAS analysis indicated that catalysts with high CH oxidation activity experienced rapid transitions between metallic- and oxidized-Pd states when switching between rich and lean conditions. This behaviour was exhibited by catalysts with dispersed Pd particles. By contrast, the formation of ion-exchanged Pd and large Pd particles appeared to have a detrimental effect on the oxidation-reduction behaviour and the conversion of CH . The formation of ion-exchanged Pd and large Pd particles was limited by using a highly siliceous beta zeolite support with a low capacity for cation exchange. The same effect was also found using a small-pore SSZ-13 zeolite due to the lower mobility of Pd species. It was found that the zeolite support material should be carefully selected so that the well-dispersed Pd particles remain, and the formation of ion-exchanged Pd is minimized. 4 4 3 4 4 2+ 2+ 2


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    The article shows peculiarities of regional circulation of the blood in patients with acute pancreatitis during conservative treatment. Obtained data allows to estimate state of pancreas objectively and also to control adequacy of the treatment


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    The research is carried out on the field of Siberian Research Institute of Forages located in the central forest-steppe of Western Siberia. According to climate conditions, this is moderately warm, poorly hydrated agroclimatic district. The researchers analyzed crop yield and nutritional value of single crop sowings and mixed sowings of annual and legume grains in the forest-steppe of Western Siberia. The authors speak about the reasons and efficiency of storing green mass from multi-component mixtures of forage crops for haylage. These mixtures surpass the crop yield of single-crop sowings on 20-35 %. The highest crop yield of green mass was formed by three-component mixtures «barley 30% + pea 50% + oats 30%» - 43.9 t/hа, and «barley 30%+ pea 50% +wheat 30%» - 37.9 t/hа. Crop yield of green mass of two-component mixtures «barley 75% + pea 35%» was 39.0 t/hа. The haylage received conforms to the fodder of good quality (I-II class) where concentration 0.59-0.71 and 6.2-7.4 МJ of metabolic energy pro a kilo; it is equal to single-crop sowing of pea. According to grain fodder yield, two-component mixtures have more advantages and the following parameters: «barley 75 % + pea 35 %» - 28.9 centners pro ha and « barley 75 % + pea 35 %» - 26.5 centners pro ha, as well as three-component mixtures «barley 30 % + pea 50 % + oats 30 %» - 27. 0 centners pro ha. The part of bean component in these mixtures is 16-32 %, mixture nutrition value is 27-41 % higher than single-crop sowings. Fodder units yield from 1 ha is 26.3-32.4 centners pro ha, what is 15-30 % higher than that of single-crop sowings. Economic efficiency calculation shows that cultivation of mixed sowings is efficient as profit has been increased on 5250-9400 RUB pro ha in comparison with the control group and level of profitability – on 26-38 %.Исследования проведены на полевом стационаре Сибирского НИИ кормов, расположенном в центральной лесостепи Западной Сибири. По климатическим условиям это умеренно теплый, недостаточно увлажненный агроклиматический район. Представлены результаты анализа урожайности и питательной ценности одновидовых и смешанных посевов однолетних злаковых и бобовых культур в лесостепной зоне Западной Сибири. Показана целесообразность использования для заготовки на сенаж зелёной массы из поликомпонентных смесей зернофуражных культур, превосходящих по урожайности одновидовые посевы на 20–35 %. Наибольшую урожайность зеленой массы сформировали трехкомпонентные смеси «ячмень 30 % + горох 50 % + овес 30 %» – 43,9 т/га и «ячмень 30 %+ горох 50 % +пшеница 30 %» – 37,9 т/га. Выход зеленой массы у двухкомпонентной смеси «овес 75 % + горох 35 %» составил 39,0 т/га. Полученный сенаж соответствует качественному корму I – II класса с содержанием в 1 кг 0,59–0,71 к.ед. и 6,2–7,4 МДж обменной энергии, что равнозначно одновидовому посеву гороха. По выходу зернофуража преимущество имеют двухкомпонентные смеси: «овес 75 % + горох 35 %» – 28,9 ц/га и «ячмень 75 % + горох 35 %» – 26,5 ц/га, а также трехкомпонентная смесь «ячмень 30 % +горох 50 % + овес 30 %» – 27,0 ц/га. Доля бобового компонента в них составляет 16–32 %, питательность смесей на 27–41 % выше одновидовых посевов злаковых культур. Сбор кормовых единиц с 1 га посевов составляет 26,3–32,4 ц, что на 15–30 % больше, чем с одновидовых посевов. Расчёт экономической эффективности показал, что возделывание смешанных посевов экономически оправданно: по сравнению с контролем чистый доход увеличился на 5250–9400 руб /га, а уровень рентабельности – на 26–38 %


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    We present the study of outcomes of PCR-diagnostics directed on detection of DNA of herpes-family viruses in donor’s corneal tissues taken during penetrating keratoplasty (PK). In total, there were 46 patients, who under- went PKs. They were followed up from 14 days till 12 months. PCR-research of fragments of a donor cornea re- vealed existence of DNA in 21.7%. The retrospective analysis showed that in the presence of herpes-virus DNA in donor’s cornea is the risk factor of postoperative complications development and increases the rejection rate 2–3 times, reaching 100% – 70%. Thus the high risk of graft failures remains associated not only with the system immunosupressive therapy which is usually considered as the precondition of activization of chronic infections, but also in the absence of that. It gives the ground to conclude that preoperative preparation of a donor material, especially «fresh» corneas, should include expanded PCR-diagnostics on herpes-viruses and its obligatory dis- carding in cases of positive tests. В работе представлены результаты ПЦР-диагностики, направленной на обнаружение ДНК вирусов груп- пы герпеса (ВГЧ 1,2, ВЭБ, ВГЧ 6,7) ткани донорской роговицы, взятой во время операции сквозной кера- топластики (СКП). Под наблюдением находились 46 больных (глаз), перенесшие операцию сквозной ке- ратопластики (СКП). Сроки наблюдения больных после СКП – от 14 дней до 12 месяцев. ПЦР-исследование фрагментов донорской роговицы выявило наличие ДНК вирусов группы герпеса в 21,7%. Ретроспективный анализ показал, что при наличии ДНК вирусов группы герпеса в роговице до- нора риск развития послеоперационных осложнений и помутнения кератотрансплантата повышается в 2–3 раза, достигая 100 и 70% соответственно. При этом высокий риск неблагоприятных исходов сохра- няется не только на фоне системной иммуносупрессивной терапии, которая обычно учитывается как предпосылка активизации хронических инфекций, но и при отсутствии таковой. Это дает основание за- ключить, что предоперационная подготовка донорского материала, особенно «свежих» роговиц, должна включать расширенную ПЦР-диагностику на вирусы группы герпеса и обязательную его выбраковку в случаях положительных тестов.

    Отзывчивость сои на внесение органических удобрений на основе птичьего помета

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    Organic fertilizers based on chicken manure have a diverse composition of basic nutrients and microelements, which is their advantage over mineral fertilizers. The introduction of organic fertilizers obtained based on chicken manure improves the biological activity of the soil. The study aims to determine the effectiveness of using bird droppings as an organic fertilizer to conserve soil bioresources and increase soybean productivity. In the course of the work, the authors tested new organic fertilizers based on chicken manure obtained using a cavitationvortex heat generator by processing semi-dry manure. Their influence on soil microbiological indicators, growth, development, and biometric characteristics of soybean plants, phytosanitary condition of crops, productivity, and product quality was revealed. The authors also found that fertilizers based on chicken manure help to improve the microbiological characteristics of the soil, which increases the availability of nutrients for plants. The authors note a change in the number of mycomycetes at the beginning of the growing season: a decrease of 68% with the use of Preparation 1 and an increase of 35.6% with the use of nitrogen fertilizers. Pre-sowing introduction of preparations into the soil and processing during the growing season activate the vegetative development of plants and contribute to an increase in the yield of green mass and grain. The greatest effect was obtained when preparation 2 was applied under soybean. The increase in soybean grain yield was 0.2–0.3 t/ha or 8–14% of the control. The authors also found that treatment with drugs improves the structural parameters of soybean plants: the number of beans per plant increases by 6–8%; by 18–23% - the mass of grains from one plant; the safety of plants for harvesting increases by 2–4%.Органические удобрения на основе куриного помета имеют разнообразный состав основных элементов питания и микроэлементов, в этом их преимущество над минеральными удобрениями. Внесение органических удобрений, полученных на основе куриного помета, улучшает биологическую активность почвы. Цель исследований – определить эффективность использования птичьего помета в качестве органического удобрения для сохранения биоресурсов почвы и повышения продуктивности сои. В процессе выполнения работы были испытаны новые органические удобрения на основе куриного помета, полученные при использовании кавитационно-вихревого теплогенератора методом переработки полусухого помета. Выявлено их влияние на микробиологические показатели почвы, рост, развитие и биометрические характеристики растений сои, фитосанитарное состояние посевов, урожайность и качество продукции. Установлено, что удобрения, полученные на основе куриного помета, способствуют улучшению микробиологических характеристик почвы, что повышает доступность элементов питания для растений. Отмечено изменение численности микомицетов в начале вегетации: снижение на 68 % при использовании Препарата 1 и увеличение на 35,6 % при применении азотных удобрений. Предпосевное внесение препаратов в почву и обработка по вегетации активизируют вегетативное развитие растений и способствуют повышению урожайности зеленой массы и зерна. Наибольший эффект получен при внесении под сою Препарата 2. Прибавка урожайности зерна сои составила 0,2–0,3 т/га, или 8–14 % к контролю. Установлено, что обработка препаратами улучшает структурные показатели растений сои: на 6–8 % увеличивается количество бобов на растении и на 18–23 % – масса зерен с одного растения. На 2–4 % возрастает сохранность растений к уборке

    The effect of Si/Al ratio of zeolite supported Pd for complete CH4 oxidation in the presence of water vapor and SO2

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    The catalytic properties of palladium supported on H-beta and H-SSZ-13 zeolite with different silica to alumina ratio (SAR) have been evaluated for complete CH 4 oxidation in the presence and absence of water vapor and together with SO 2 . Different SAR was successfully obtained by dealumination of the zeolites in an acidic solution at elevated temperature. Flow reactor experiments showed that the SAR of the zeolite support greatly impacts the catalytic activity, especially in the presence of water vapor. Pd supported on a highly siliceous beta zeolite expressed high and stable CH 4 conversion in the presence of water vapor, whereas the activity for Pd supported on zeolites with low SAR or Al 2 O 3 decreased over time due to accumulative water deactivation. Hence, an increased SAR of the zeolite support clearly correlates to a lower degree of water deactivation. We suggest that this is a result of the high hydrophobicity of the siliceous zeolites. The results also imply that the catalytic activity in the presence of water vapor is influenced more by the SAR than the type of the zeolite framework. The CH 4 oxidation activity was also enhanced with increasing SAR under dry conditions. This was addressed to the formation of more Pd particles in relation to ion-exchanged Pd 2+ species and changes of the oxidation-reduction behavior of the Pd. The high number of acidic sites in zeolites with low SAR provided higher dispersion of Pd particles and formation of more monoatomic Pd 2+ species, whereas almost exclusively Pd particles of larger sizes were formed on the highly siliceous zeolites. The monoatomic Pd 2+ species, mostly formed on zeolites with low SAR, were oxidized and reduced at significantly higher temperatures than Pd in the particle form. Hence, complete reduction or oxidation of the Pd supported on highly siliceous zeolites can be achieved at lower temperatures. Moreover, compared to Pd/Al 2 O 3 , the zeolite supported Pd expressed higher sensitivity to SO 2 . However, the major part of the catalytic activity could be regenerated more easily using siliceous zeolites as supports compared to Al 2 O 3 . We suggest that this is an effect of the lower SO 2 adsorption on the zeolite supports than on the Al 2 O 3 support, which results in the formation of more PdSO x species upon SO 2 exposure. On the other hand, the low SO 2 adsorption on the zeolites also results in less spillover of sulfur species from the support to the active PdO, which explains the facilitated regeneration

    The influence of gas composition on Pd-based catalyst activity in methane oxidation - inhibition and promotion by NO

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    The individual influence, as well as the combined effect of H2O and NO on the activity of Pd/Al2O3, PtPd/Al2O3 and PtPd/CeAl2O3 catalysts in complete methane oxidation under lean conditions were investigated. Under temperature-programmed ramping experiments the activity was severely inhibited in the presence of 5 vol.% H2O in the reaction mixture. We propose that this is due to blocking by both water and hydroxyl species. Under the influence of NO without water in the gas flow, it was found that the methane oxidation activity was partly suppressed, due to blocking of active sites. Indeed TPD performed after ramping experiments showed NOx storage on the catalyst. Contrary to the negative effect of NO in the dry case, the promotional NO effect on the activity was observed when water was co-fed, comparing the case with only water presence. The promotional NO effect was confirmed with isothermal experiments, where e.g. the methane conversion decreased from initial 96% to 25% after 10 h of exposure in CH4-O-2-H2O mixture at 450 degrees C over the Pd/Al2O3 sample, while the decrease was only from 88% to 60% when catalyst was exposed to CH4-O-2-H2O-NO mixture. We propose that the reason is that the NO reacts with the hydroxyl species to form HNO2, which reduces the water deactivation effect