3 research outputs found

    Assessment of milk electrical conductivity as a detection tool of bovine mastitis: a field study in different farms in southern Morocco

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    Les mammites représentent une pathologie coûteuse en élevage laitier et leur diagnostic est l’une des clés pour limiter leurs effets. L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer le test de la conductivité électrique (CE) du lait pour le diagnostic des mammites sub-cliniques dans des élevages bovins de la région Souss-Massa au sud du Maroc. L’étude a été réalisée sur 191 vaches en lactation, dont 183 de race Holstein et 8 de race Montbéliard, appartenant à 11 élevages. Le test de la CE du lait, selon des seuils pré-établis, a montré que 67 % des quartiers sont sains alors que 20 % ont un risque à développer la maladie et 13 % sont infectés. L’effet du numéro de lactation (NL) sur la CE du lait a été étudié et a mis en évidence son influence sur l’infection par les mammites. Il est par conséquent non linéaire avec un maximum de 25,6% de quartiers infectés pour les vaches en cinquième lactation. Les mesures effectuées sur les vaches primipares montrent que les quartiers sont sains. On a également observé que l’âge des bovins a aussi un effet sur l’apparition de la maladie. Les données relevées ont indiqué que les mauvaises conditions d’hygiène constituent un des facteurs de risque. On a remarqué que les antibiotiques sont efficaces pour stopper la maladie et par conséquent, ils baissent les valeurs de la CE. La mesure de la CE du lait semble être un outil fort intéressant à développer dans la région pour un dépistage systématique et régulier dans un programme intégré de lutte contre les mammites. Mots-clés: Bovin, mammites, conductivité électrique du lait, dépistage rapide, Maroc.Mastitis is an expensive disease in dairy breeding and efficient early detection of this disease is one of the keys means to reduce its effects. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the electrical conductivity (EC) of milk as a subclinical mastitis indicator in dairy cattle, in the southern region of Souss-Massa, Morocco. The study was done on 191 cows belonging to 11 dairy cattle farms. The EC test using predefined thresholds showed that 67 % of quarters are healthy, 20 % have a risk to develop the disease and 13 % are infected. The analysis of 247 milk samples has highlighted the effect on the EC of lactation number and thereby 25.6% of infected quarters belong to cows on their fifth lactation number. The quarters of cows that are on their first lactation are healthy. It has also been observed that the age of cows had an effect on the disease appearance. Regular inspection of herds showed that inappropriate hygienic conditions constitute one of the risk factors to develop mastitis. Regarding treatment, we also noticed the high efficacy of antibiotic to stop disease development and decrease the EC values. The EC measurement seems to be an interesting tool that needs to be further developed in the region for routine and regular screening in integrated program against mastitis. Keywords: Cattle, mastitis, milk electrical conductivity, early screening, Morocco

    Kinetic and equilibrium isotherm studies for the removal of acid blue 113 dye by dried

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    Water pollution is an alarming problem in developing countries. Dried algae can be considered as potential and suitable bio-sorbents due to their fast and easy growth and high availability. The special surface properties of these algae allow them to adsorb different types of organic and inorganic pollutants from solutions. In this context, the removal of anionic acid blue 113 dye (AB113) from aqueous solutions by dried Corallina officinalis alga as low-cost bio-sorbent was chosen as a case study of a typical remediation process of water contaminants. The effect of various environmental and physicochemical parameters has been studied. The results show that the equilibrium adsorption was established within 120 min. The sorption phenomenon was investigated by determining the process kinetics at different concentrations and the adsorption isotherms at different temperatures. The kinetics results showed that the pseudo second-order kinetics model generates the best agreement with the experimental data. The modeling results showed that linear Langmuir and Freundlich models appear to fit the adsorption data better than Temkin model for the adsorption of AB113 onto dried C. officinalis alga. It can be concluded that C. Officinalis alga can be successfully used as adsorbent