193 research outputs found


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    Indonesian Language Teaching for Foreign Learners (BIPA) aims to improve the language skills of foreign students in Indonesia, including at the Sebelas Maret University. Therefore, learning must consist of four language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Based on some of the problems above, the use of cooperative learning Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) in which the working group will prioritize the individual's responsibility but still developed. The research was conducted at the Class of Academic 1 BIPA UPT2B UNS total 15 foreign students and its object is learning to write narratives based on experience. This research shaped the Classroom Action Research is a form of reflective inquiry conducted in partnership on specific social situations to improve the rationality and justice. Based on the analysis it can be concluded that there is an increase in quality of the learning process. The improvement can be seen from several indicators, namely (1) an increase in interest in students for learning, (2) an increase in student activity during learning, and (3)an increase in cooperation during the learning. The second conclusion is that there is an increase in learning outcomes. It can be seen from the increase in the value obtained from the students and the value reaches the specified standard

    The Discourse of Friday Sermon in Surakarta a Socio-pragmatic Study

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    This research aims to explain the Friday sermon by analysing the structure of its discourse, the selection and composition of its topics, the form and functions of its codes and code switching, the form of its speech acts, and the characteristics of its language and specific terms. The method used is descriptive and qualitative. This research considers the speech components of the sermon and approaches it contextually. The analysis of the speech acts is based on Kreidler's theory (1998), while that of the characteristics of the language is based on the Dell Hymes's theory. The data were collected in Surakarta and several of its mosques assuming the representativeness of the city and the location of the mosques. The analysis and presentation of the data have led to the following conclusions: the Friday sermon contains oral discourse which has regular and typical structure; the strategies of the composition of the topics include quotation, storytelling, and use of popular expressions; the forms of the codes and code switching involve Arabic, Indonesian, Javanese, and English languages; the utterances of the sermon contain all forms of speech acts; various terms appear in the sermons indicating that the Friday sermon functions as a register or USAge of language in a particular fiel

    Serat Suluk babaraning Ngelmi Makrifat Wasiyat Kala Kanjeng Nabi Kilir

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    Abstract: Suluk (mysticism or sufism) is a mystical world that isvery personal in terms of peace of mind and spiritual needs. Inshort, mysticism can be defined as the love of the Absolute (divine).Material object in this study is a single manuscript titled SeratSuluk Babaring Ngelmi Makripat Wasiat Kala Kanjeng Nabi Kilir(SSBM), the literature describes the knowledge of the ProphetKilir makrifat legacy (read: Khidhr) to Sunan Kalijaga or SyekhMelaya. Khidhr was a prophet who told in the Qur’an (al-Kahfi:60-82). In this study, researcher focused on two things: attitudesin SSBM and their relevance for society in the modern era. Thisresearch is a form of qualitative research that concentrates on theanalysis of text. Reading of the text is done in two ways: heuristicsand hermeneutics. The results showed that the fibers text SSBM anuanced Islamic religious literature belonging to Java popular.However, the expertise of the poets of the past in working-knowledgeliterature making such knowledge in a kind of text into knowledgethat seems real local wisdom and Java knowledge is not just theresult of acculturation

    Aspek budaya dalam buku ajar Bahasa Indonesia bagi penutur asing (BIPA) di Indonesia

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menyajkan aspek budaya dalam buku ajar BIPA di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, pertama materi tentang sistem religi dan upacara keagamaan meliputi tempat beribadah, tokoh agama, perlengkapan keagamaan, kegiatan keagamaan, dan sistem kepercayaan. Kedua, materi tentang sistem dan organisasi kemasyarakatan meliputi sistem kekerabatan, struktur sosial masyarakat Indonesia, sistem hukum, dan sistem perkawinan. Ketiga, materi tentang sistem pengetahuan penduduk Indonesia meliputi pengetahuan tentang jamu, pengetahuan tentang layang-layang, pengetahuan tentang pakaian tradisional, pengetahuan tentang makanan dan minuman, pengetahuan tentang perkawinan dan pengetahuan tentang musim. Keempat, materi tentang perilaku sosial berbahasa masyarakat Indonesia meliputi pengungkapan canda, penyebutan gelar, pertanyaan-pertanyaan pribadi, ungkapan-ungkapan khusus, dan komunikasi dalam keluarga. Kelima, materi tentang sistem kesenian Indonesia meliputi seni gerak, seni rupa, dan seni suara. Keenam, materi tentang sistem mata pencaharian penduduk Indonesia meliputi tenaga pengajar, penjual, penarik becak, tukang pijat, resepsionis penginapan, petani dan perawat. Ketujuh, materi tentang sistem teknologi dan peralatan hidup masyarakat Indonesia meliputi aspek peralatan dan teknologi


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    Penelitian tentang khotbah Jumat ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan 1) struktur wacana, 2) pemilihan dan pengolahan topik, 3) bentuk dan fungsi kode dan alih kode, 4) wujud tindak tutur, dan 5) karakteristik bahasa dan istilah-istilah khusus. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif. Penelitian ini bersifat kontekstual dengan mempertimbangan komponen tutur. Tindak tutur berdasarkan teori Kreidler dan karakteristik bahasa berdasarkan teori Dell Hymes. Data diambil berdasarkan keterwakilan wilayah di Kota Surakarta dan keberadaan lingkungan masjid. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan pemaparan data-data yang ditemukan dalam wacana khotbah Jumat dapat disimpulkankan sebagai berikut: 1) Khotbah Jumat termasuk wacana lisan yang mempunyai struktur wacana teratur dan khas; strukturnya terdiri dua bagian wacana yang membangun satu wacana, 2) Pengolahan topik dalam khotbah Jumat dapat berupa pengutipan, penceritaan, pemanfaatan ungkapan populer, 3) Bentuk kode dan alih kode yang dominan dalam khotbah Jumat adalah dari bahasa Arab, Indonesia, Jawa, dan Inggris; bahasa Indonesia dominan karena data yang digunakan adalah khotbah Jumat dengan pengantar bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Arab pemakaiannya dominan karena khotbah Jumat merupakan salah satu ibadah dalam agama Islam, 4) Tuturan khotbah Jumat terdapat semua wujud tindak tutur; tindak tutur direktif yang paling dominan, dan 5) Banyak istilah-istilah yang muncul dalam khotbah Jumat. Hal ini bertolak dari keberadaan khotbah Jumat sebagai sebuah register atau pemakaian bahasa dalam bidang tertentu. Kata kunci: wacana, khotbah Jumat, Kota Surakarta, dan sosiopragmatik

    A Modified Tri Level Cascaded NPC Inverter Topology for Grid Connected PV System

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    This works expresses that an 1Φ help buck converter related with 3 levels negative point clipped inverter with fair DC source converged with the heavenly bodies that could improve the non-stable circumstances normally made with the unprejudiced universes. The extended plan will simultaneously guarantee the MP-point following each close planetary system and the yield waves with high caliber. As examining with the customary 2 level sun powered reversing framework, the extended NPC brought close planetary system with required voltage and the dc interface stockpiling gadgets. Also the presentation and solidness were talked about and confirmed by the MATLAB device and model of the equipment framework is exposed to the 3L NPC modifying framework


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    Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan dan mendeskripsikan maksud-maksudyang terkandung di balik tuturan direktif dalam novel Bidadari-Bidadari Surgakarya Tere Liye, serta mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan nilai-nilai pendidikankarakter yang terkandung di dalamnya. Kajian ini merupakan kajian deskriptifkualitatif dengan objek penelitian semua tuturan dalam novel berjudul BidadaribidadariSurga karya Tere Liye. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan denganteknik purposive sampling sesuai dengan pokok permasalahan yang dikaji. Teknikanalisis data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan model mengalir, yaitu (1)pengumpulan data, (2) reduksi data, (3) penyajian data, dan (4) penarikansimpulan. Kesimpulan dibuat dengan teknik deduktif, yaitu dari penjelasanumum menuju fakta-fakta khusus sebagai kesimpulan akhir. Hasil analisis  dansimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1) maksud-maksud yang terkandungdibalik tuturan direktif dalam novel Bidadari-Bidadari Surga karya Tere Liye,antara lain: menyuruh, memerintah, memohon, mengimbau, menyarankan  dan(2) nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter yang terkandung di dalam novel tersebutadalah religius dan toleransi;  disiplin; jujur, bertanggung jawab, rela berkorban;kerja keras; kreatif dan rasa ingin tahu; menghargai prestasi, kompetensi, danotonomi; demokratis; kepedulian sosial; peduli lingkungan, dan memiliki nilaikarakter menghargai/menghormati orang lain

    The Discourse of Friday Sermon in Indonesia: A Socio-Cultural Aspects and Language Function Studies

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    This research attempted to explain the Friday sermon by analyzing the structure of its discourse, the selection and composing of its topics, the functions of its codes and code-switching, the function of its speech acts, and the characteristics of its language and specific terms. By using descriptive and qualitative, this study found that the Friday sermon contained oral discourse which has a regular and specific structure. The strategies of the composition of the topics consisted of quotation, storytelling, usage of popular expressions. Whilst the forms of the codes and code-switching involve Arabic, Indonesian, local languages [Javanese], and English languages. In addition, the utterances of the sermon contain all forms of speech acts and various terms appeared in the sermons indicating that the Friday sermon functions as a register or usage of language in a particular field
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