1,276 research outputs found

    Verification Of Scalable Distributed Service Integrity For Software-As-A-Service Clouds

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    Cloud is providing 3 types of services IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. Software as a Service (SaaS) is a software distribution model in which applications are hosted by a vendor or service provider and made available to customers over a network, typically the Interne. However, due to their sharing nature, SaaS clouds are vulnerable to malicious attacks SaaS cloud systems enable application service providers to deliver their applications via massive cloud computing infrastructures.. In this paper, we present IntTest, a scalable and effective service integrity attestation framework for SaaS clouds. IntTest provides a novel integrated attestation graph analysis scheme that can provide stronger attacker pinpointing power than previous schemes. Moreover, IntTest can automatically enhance result quality by replacing bad results produced by malicious attackers with good results produced by benign service providers. We have implemented a prototype of the IntTest system and tested it on a production cloud computing infrastructure using IBM System S stream processing applications. Our experimental results show that IntTest can achieve higher attacker pinpointing accuracy than existing approaches. IntTest does not require any special hardware or secure kernel support and imposes little performance impact to the application, which makes it practical for large-scale cloud systems

    Assessment of growth and global developmental delay: a study among young children in a rural community of India

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    A cross-sectional study was done to assess the prevalence of growth and global developmental delay and the predisposing factors among children aged three years residing in rural communities of India. About 530 children at three years were assessed for growth and developmental delay. The Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) was administered to mothers by a trained interviewer. Growth measurements and hemoglobin estimation were done at the time of developmental evaluation. Socio-demographic characteristics of the families of children were ascertained. Prevalence of global developmental delay was estimated and association between development and maternal, child and household characteristics were explored. Physical growth was assessed by using WHO growth charts for weight for age, height for age and weight for height. Chi-square test was used to compare categorical variables. Differences were considered significant at

    Mid storage seed hardening: a mechanical method to maintain seed viability during long term jute seed preservation

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    Seed plays an important role in agricultural sector for both production and consumption purpose. Availability of vigour seed is one of the major constraints for maximizing crop production. However, healthy seed can also lose its viability during seed storage by changing different physio-chemical properties. Influence of environmental factors and seed containers during storage leading to seed deterioration. In this research, mid storage seed hardening treatment was applied in different aged seeds of jute species (C. Capsularis & C. olitorius) with two types of storage bags. Seed hardening treatment showed the less moisture content with better germination percentage compared to the untreated species of jute seeds. Seed packing in polythene bags during both short and long term seed storages had higher viable seeds compared to the cloth packing seeds. The effect of seed hardening treatment on seed oil content and pattern of oil degradation is distinct in early period of storage. The faster rate of oil degradation, soluble protein and free amino acids was found in seeds of un-treated stored seeds in cloth bag. Contrary, very slow rate of oil degradation was observed in harden seed and stored in polythene bag which indicated better storability of harden seeds

    Viscosity and thermal conductivity on magneto-hydrodynamic chemically reacting nanofluid over a vertical cone embedded in porous medium

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    The purpose of current investigations is to explore the impacts of variable fluid properties on the vertical cone embedded in a porous medium for reduced skin friction rates and enhanced mass transfer rates. The flow governing systems of highly nonlinear partial differential equations is obtained by using the Rivilin Erickson tensor along with the theory of boundary layer approximation. Buongiorno model is analyzed using the impacts of variable properties of the fluid based on the nanofluids characteristics. The present model has been numerically tackled using the boundary value problem technique in MATLAB and the criterion for convergence or tolerance is taken as 10−6. The outcome of present study shows the variable thermal conductivity, which is improved by using the heat transfer coefficient and reduces the skin friction based on the nanofluid. The Sherwood number is also increased under the Thermophoresis diffusion and the Brownian motion. Momentum boundary layer has expanded under the adjustable thermal conductivity along with the viscidity parameter. It is stated that these investigations have not been found by using the boundary value algorithm to solve the utilizing Buongiorno nanofluid model over the vertical cone based on the permeable medium. © 2023 The Author(s

    Guide for monitoring child development in Indian setting

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    A study to know the prevalence of neurobehavioral developmental delay among children aged three years residing in rural communities of India using Guide for monitoring child development (GMCD). About 530 children at three years were assessed for developmental delay. The GMCD was administered to mothers by a trained interviewer. Prevalence of neurobehavioral developmental delay was estimated and validity of GMCD screening tool was monitored in Indian children. Chi-square test was used to compare categorical variables. Differences were considered significant at

    Low back pain education and short term quality of life: a randomized trial

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    BACKGROUND: Different interventions can reduce the burden of the chronic low back pain. One example is the use of a 'Back School Programme'. This is a brief therapy that uses a health education method to empower participants through a procedure of assessment, education and skill development. This study aimed to evaluate to what extent the programme could improve quality of life in those who suffer from the condition. METHODS: This was a randomized controlled trial. One-hundred and two female patients with low back pain (n = 102) were randomly allocated into two groups, matched in terms of age, weight, education, socioeconomic status, occupation and some aspects of risk behavior. Group 1 (back school group, n = 50) but not group 2 (clinic group, n = 52) received the 'Back School Programme'. Then quality of life using the Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) was assessed at two time points: at baseline and at three months follow-up. The findings were compared both within and between two groups. RESULTS: The 'Back School Programme' was effective in improving patients' quality of life; significant differences were found on all eight subscales of the SF-36 for group 1. In the clinic group (group 2), improvement was observed on three scales (bodily pain, vitality and mental health) but these improvements were less than in group 1. The mean improvement over all eight subscales of the SF-36 was significantly better for the 'Back School Programme' group. CONCLUSION: The 'Back School Programme' is an effective intervention and might improve the quality of life over a period of 3 months in patients who experience chronic low back pain

    Thermal performance of Oldroyd-B hybrid nanofluid in solar energy-based water pumping systems and entropy generation minimization

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    The growing need for reliable energy supply to enhance productivity in industrial and residential sectors underscores the importance of conserving solar energy. This can be achieved through measures such as optimizing solar collector coatings and optical heat processes. The environmental risks posed by fossil fuels, like coal and diesel, for electricity generation, further highlight the urgency of seeking alternative solutions. Solar energy has emerged as a highly promising option, capturing global attention for its potential to improve productivity and sustainability. The study focuses on examining aluminum alloy-titanium alloy/ethylene glycol hybrid nanofluid in the flow of non-Newtonian Oldroyd-B through a parabolic trough surface collector located in the solar water pumps (SWP). The Galerkin weighted residual method was utilized to solve the group of equations that describe momentum, energy, and entropy generation. The findings show that the hybrid nanofluid leads to better thermal radiative performance compared to the ordinary nanofluid. Therefore, the implications of these findings are substantial, particularly in the fields of thermal engineering and renewable energy. By offering insights into the efficient utilization of solar energy in water pumping systems and the reduction of entropy generation, this research has the potential to drive innovations that enhance the sustainability and performance of such systems. © 2023 The Author(s

    Burning out physical and emotional fatigue : evaluating the effects of a progamme aimed at reducing burnout amongst mental health nurses

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    Burnout is a common problem among mental health nurses. High levels of burnout result in job dissatisfaction, rapid turnover of staff, physical and psychological discomfort, and a reduction in the quality of patient care. While there is an abundance of research relating to burnout per se, research regarding the impact of burnout prevention programmes is lacking. This study aimed to measure the effects of a burnout prevention programme on mental health nurses working in Saudi Arabia (SA). A quasi-experimental design was used to test the effectiveness of a two-day burnout prevention workshop. The sample consisted of an intervention group (n=154) and a control group (n=142). Data collected using the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) measured the effects of the workshop at one, three and six month intervals after completion of the programme. Data were analysed using the latest version of SPSS. Means, standard deviations, frequencies and percentages were used to describe the sample and levels of burnout. A t-test, ANOVA, Multiple linear regression and chi squared were used to measure the effect of the workshop before and at the three time points after exposure. Findings indicate the program was effective with a significant reduction being reported one month after the intervention. However, although not returning to baseline scores, burnout scores had increased at six months. In conclusion, while the overall efficacy of the burnout reduction program is evident, mental health nurses would benefit from having opportunity to use some of the strategies on a regular basis

    Topical Application of Sadat-Habdan Mesenchymal Stimulating Peptide (SHMSP) Accelerates Wound Healing in Diabetic Rabbits

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    Objective. Diminished wound healing is a common problem in diabetic patients due to diminished angiogenesis. SHMSP was found to promote angiogenesis. The present study was carried out to examine the effect of this peptide in healing of wounds in diabetic rabbits. Materials and Methods. Twenty male New Zealand rabbits were used in this study. Diabetes mellitus was induced and the rabbits were randomly divided into two equal groups: control group and peptide group. A-full thickness punch biopsy was made to create a wound of about 10 mm on the right ears of all rabbits. Every day, the wound was cleaned with saline in control groups. In the peptide group, 15 mg of SHMSP was applied after cleaning. On day 15th, all animals were sacrificed, and the wounds were excised with a rim of 5 mm of normal surrounding tissue. Histo-pathological assessment of wound healing, inflammatory cell infiltration, blood vessel proliferation, and collagen deposition was performed. Results. There were no deaths among the groups. There was significant increase in wound healing, blood vessel proliferation and collagen deposition, and significant decrease in inflammatory cell infiltration in the peptide group compared to the control group. Conclusion. Topical application of SHMSP improves wound healing in diabetic rabbits

    Improving agricultural efficiency with solar-powered tractors and magnetohydrodynamic entropy generation in copper–silver nanofluid flow

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    This study examines the impact of solar-powered tractor on agricultural productivity and energy efficiency. The implementation of solar energy in tractors has the potential to reduce dependence on non-renewable energy sources, minimize carbon emissions, and promote sustainable farming practices. This research investigates the reduction of energy consumption and enhancement of productivity by evaluating magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) entropy production through the flow of nanofluids containing copper-engine oil (Cu-EO) and silver-engine oil (Ag-EO). The study also evaluates the effectiveness of thermal transport in solar-powered tractors through several properties such as solar thermal radiation, viscous dissipation, slippery velocity, and porous media. The investigation analyzed the thermodynamics of entropy generation in a non-Newtonian Williamson nanofluid, with the aim of assessing its energy equilibrium and the effects of diverse physical parameters. In order to enable numerical investigation, similarity variables were implemented to transform partial differential equations into ordinary differential equations, and the Chebyshev collocation spectral method was applied to solve the governing equations. It has been revealed that the Williamson nanofluid have a smoother flow compared to the mixture fluid. Furthermore, Williamson-nanofluid demonstrate superior thermal conductivity and heat transfer characteristics compared to the base fluid, making them appropriate for utilization in cooling systems and heat exchangers in various industries. The boundary layer exhibits the maximum temperature while employing lamina-shaped particles, whilst the lowest temperature is shown when utilizing spherical-shaped nanoparticles. The Ag-EO nanofluid an efficiency rate of approximately 2.64 % with a minimum efficiency rate of 3.22 %. The findings will help develop eco-friendly agricultural methods that promote economic development while mitigating harm to the environment