34 research outputs found

    Maudstey monograph: No. 31: The neuropathology of temporal lobe epilepsy : by C. J. Bruton. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988, 158 pp. Price: $47.00

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/29532/1/0000619.pd

    Clustering Approach to Quantify Long-Term Spatio-Temporal Interactions in Epileptic Intracranial Electroencephalography

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    Abnormal dynamical coupling between brain structures is believed to be primarily responsible for the generation of epileptic seizures and their propagation. In this study, we attempt to identify the spatio-temporal interactions of an epileptic brain using a previously proposed nonlinear dependency measure. Using a clustering model, we determine the average spatial mappings in an epileptic brain at different stages of a complex partial seizure. Results involving 8 seizures from 2 epileptic patients suggest that there may be a fixed pattern associated with regional spatio-temporal dynamics during the interictal to pre-post-ictal transition

    Zonisamide (CI-912) and Cognition: Results from Preliminary Study

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    Nine patients with refractory partial seizures were evaluated in a pilot study of a new anticonvulsant compound, zonisamide (l,2-benzisoxazole-3-methane-sulfonamide; CI-912). Cognitive functioning was evaluated prior to treatment with zonisamide and repeated after 12 and 24 weeks of treatment with zonisamide. At minimum steady-state plasma concentrations >30 jjug/ml, zonisamide appeared to affect specific cognitive functions such as acquisition and consolidation of new information. Previously learned material, such as vocabulary, and psychomotor performance were not affected. Verbal learning was affected, while visual-perceptual learning was unimpaired. These cognitive effects were observed in the absence of the usual clinical signs and symptoms of toxicity. A linear relationship was found between impairment of cognitive abilities and the minimum plasma concentration (r = -0.73; p < 0.05). Findings also suggest the development of tolerance to the adverse cognitive effects. RESUMEN En un estudio piloto realizado para valorar la eficacia de la zonisamida (1,2-Bencisoxazol-melanosulfonamida [CI-912]), un nuevo compuesto anticonvulsive se han evaluado unos 9 pa-cientes con ataques parciales refractarios al tratamiento. Se de-terminÓ la capacidad cognitiva anterior al tratamiento y se re-pitio 12 y 24 semanas despuÉs del tratamiento con zonisamida. Con concentraciones plasmÁticas mÍnimas estables per encima de 30 mcg/ml, la zonisamida afectÓ las funciones cognitives especÍficas tales como la adquisiciÓn y consolidaciÓn de nueva informaciÓn. El material aprendido previamente, tal como el vo-cabulario, y las funciones psicomotoras no se afectaron. El aprendizaje verbal se modificÓ mientras que el aprendizaje visuo-perfectivo no se modificÓ. Estos efectos cognitivos se ob-servaron en ausencia de los habituales signos y sÍntomas clÍnicos de toxicidad. Se encontrÓ una relaciÓn lineal entre la alteraciÓn de las posibilidades cognitivas y la concentraciÓn plasmÁtica mÍnima (r = -0.73, p < 0.05). Estos hallazgos tambiÉn sugieren el desarrollo de una tolerancia a los efectos cognitivos adversos. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 9 Patienten mit rezidivierenden Partial-AnfÄllen wurden in einer Pilotstudie mit einer neuen antiepileptischen Substanz: Zonisamide untersucht. Die kognitiven Funktionen wurden vor der Behandlung mit Zonisamide geprtÜft und nach 12 und 24 Therapiewochen mit Zonisamide wiederholt. Bei einem Min-destplasmaspiegel von 30 mcg/ml schien Zonisamide spezifische kognitive FÄhigkeiten wie Aufnahme und Speicherung neuer In-formationen zu beeintrÄchtigen. Vorher gelernte Inhalte wie sprachliche und psychomotorische Fertigkeiten wurden nicht beeinflußt. Verbales Lernen war ebenfalls betroffen, wÄhrend visuell, perzeptives Lernen nicht verschlechtert war. Diese BeeintrÄchtigung kognitiver Funktionen wurde bei fehlenden klinischen Intoxikationszeichen beobachtet. Eine lineare Bezie-hung zwischen Verschlechterung kognitiver FÄhigkeiten und Mindest-Plasmaspiegel konnte hergestellt werden (r = -0,73; p < 0,05). Allerdings lassen die Ergebnisse auch auf eine GewÖhnung an diese unerwÜnschten Nebenwirkungen schließen.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65995/1/j.1528-1157.1987.tb03624.x.pd

    Pilot Study of Zonisamide (1,2-Benzisoxazole-3-methanesulfonamide) in Patients with Refractory Partial Seizures

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    A new anticonvulsant compound, zonisamide (1,2 benzioxazole-methanesulfonamide), was studied in 10 adults with medically refractory partial seizures. Following a single oral dose of 400 mg, peak plasma levels occurred an average of 2.8 h after dosing, and the mean clearance from plasma was 2.34 L/h. Whole blood concentrations were high than plasma concentrations because of red blood cell binding. steady-state plasma concentrations were high than predicted from a linear kinetic model. In most patients, seizure frequency was reduced after zonisamide was substituted for a standard antiepileptic drug. Dose-related reversible side effects in the central nervous and gastrointestinal system were observed. Most patients tolerated doses between 5.2 and 12.5 mg/kg/day. RÉSUMÉ Un nouveau produit anticonvulsivant, le zonisamide (1,2 benziosoxazole-methylsulfonamide) a ÉtÉ administrÉÀ 10 adultes atteints de crises partielles non contrÔlÉes par le traitement mÉdical. AprÈs une dose unique orale de 400 mg, le pic du taux plasmatique survient en moyenne 2 h 1/2 aprÉs l'ingestion, et la clairance plasmatique moyenne est de 2,34 litres par heure. les concentrations sanguines totales sont plus ÉlevÉes que les concentrations plasmatiques, en raison de la liaison aux globules rouges, les concentrations plasmatiques À l'État d'equilibre sont plus ÉlevÉes que celles que l'on peut dÉdurie d'un modÈle de cinÉtique linÉaire. Chez la plupart des patients, la frÉquence des crises a ÉtÉrÉduite par la substitution du zonisamide au traitement antiÉpileptique standard. Des effets secondaires doses-dÉpendants et rÉversibles ont ÉtÉ observÉs au niveau du systÈme nerveux central et du tube digestif. La plupart des patients ont tolÉrÉ des doses entre 5,2 et 12,5 mg/kg de poids par jour. RESUMEN En 10 adultos con ataques parciales refractarios a1 tratamiento mÉdico, se ha estudiado la acciÓn de un nuevo compuesto anticonvulsivo, la zonisamida (1,2 benzisoxazol-metanosulfonamida). Tras la ingestiÓn de una sola dosis oral de 400 mg., se alcanzaron los niveles pico en plasma en un promedio de 2.8 horas desputs de la dosis y el aclaramiento medio del plasma fuÉ de 2, 34 litros/hora. Las concentraciones en sangre fueron mÁs altas que las plasmÁticas debido a que la medicaciÓn se ligaba a los hematies. Las concentraciones plasmÁticas estables fueron mÁs altas que las previsibles de un modelo cinÉtico lineal. En la mayorÍa de los pacientes la frecuencia de los ataques se redujo despuÉs de cambiar la medicaciÓn antiepilÉptica standard por la zonisamida. TambiÉn se observaron los efectos colaterales sobre el tracto gastrointestinal y el sistema nervioso central que estaban relacionadas con la dosis y eran reversibles. La mayor parte de los pacientes tolerÓ dosis que oscilaban entre 5.2 y 12.5 mg/kg/dÍa. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Ein neues Antikonvulsivum, Zonisamid (1,2 Benzisoxazol-Methansulfonamid) wurde bei 10 Envachsenen mit therapieresistenten PartialanfÄllen gesucht. Nach einer oralen Einzeldosis von 400 mg wurden Plasmaspitzenwerte im Durchschnitt nach 2, 8 Stunden erreicht. Die mittlere Clearance aus dem Plasma betrug 2, 34 L/Stunde. Ganzblutkonzentrationen waren hÖher als Plasmakonzentrationen aufgrund der Bindung an die roten BlutkÖrperchen. Die steady-state Plasmakonzentrationen waren hÖher als bei einem linearen kinetischen Modell zu envarten. Bei den meisten Patienten konnte die Anfallsfrequenz nach Substitution eines Standardantiepileptikums durch Zonisamid reduziert werden. Es bestanden dosisabhÄngige, reversible, zentral-nervÖse und gastrointestinale Nebenwirkungen. Die meisten Patienten tolerierten Dosen zwischen 5, 2 und 12, 5 mg/kg/Tag.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65938/1/j.1528-1157.1985.tb05407.x.pd

    Stepwise determination of multicompartment disposition and absorption parameters from extravascular concentration-time data. Application to mesoridazine, flurbiprofen, flunarizine, labetalol, and diazepam

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    When disposition is monoexponential, extravascular concentrationtime (C, t) data yield both disposition and absorption parameters, the latter via the Wagner-Nelson method or deconvolution which are equivalent. Classically, when disposition is multiexponential, disposition parameters are obtained from intravenous administration and absorption data are obtained from extravascular C, t data via the Loo-Riegelman or Exact Loo-Riegelman methods or via deconvolution. Thus, in multiexponential disposition one assumes no intrasubject variation in disposition, a hypothesis that has not been proven for most drugs. Based on the classical two and threecompartment open models with central compartment elimination, and using postabsorptive extravascular C, t data only, we have developed four equations to estimate k 10 when disposition is biexponential and two other equations to estimate k 10 when disposition is triexponential. The other disposition rate constants are readily obtained without intravenous data. We have analyzed extravascular data of flurbiprofen (12 sets), mesoridazine (20 sets), flunarizine (5 sets), labetalol (9 sets), and diazepam (4 sets). In the case of diazepam intravenous C, t data were also available for analysis. After disposition parameters had been estimated from the extravascular data the Exact Loo-Riegelman method with the Proost modification was applied to the absorptive extravascular data to obtain A T /V p as a function of time. These latter data for each subject and each drug studied were found to befitted by a function indicating either simple firstorder absorption, two consecutive firstorder processes, or zero order absorption. After absorption and disposition parameters had been estimated, for each set of extravascular data analyzed, a reconstruction trend line through the original C, t data was made. The new methods allow testing of the hypothesis of constancy of disposition with any given drug. There is also a need for new methods of analysis since the majority of drugs have no marketed intravenous formulation, hence the classical methods cannot be applied .Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/45040/1/10928_2005_Article_BF01061665.pd

    Phase Space Topography and the Lyapunov Exponent of Electrocorticograms in Partial Seizures

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    over a period of time (10 minutes before to 10 minutes after the seizure outburst) revealed a remarkable coherence of theabrupt transient drops of L* for the electrodes that showed the initial ictal onset. The L* values for the electrodes away from the focus exhibited less abrupt transient drops. These results indicate that the largest average Lyapunov exponent L can be useful in seizure detection as well as a discriminatory factor for focus localization in multielectrocle analysis. Key words: phase space; chaos; Lyapunov exponents; ECoG; partial epileptic seizures; epileptogenic focus localization. Introduction Long-term recordings of brain electrical activity recorded from scalp and sphenoidal electrodes, depth electrodes or subdural electrodes are employed in our clinical laboratories to localize the origin of seizure discharges in patients with partial (focal) seizures who are candidates for surgical removal of the seizure focus. Currently, in clinical practice, t

    Modelling of ECoG in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

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    Subdural recordings of the electrical activity of the human brain give electrocorticograms (ECoG) almost free of artifacts and distortions by the skull and other intervening material. This paper discusses the modelling of the ECoG during the pre-ictal, ictal and post-ictal phases of an epileptic seizure. Optimum order linear autoregressive (AR) models are formed and the movement of the poles of the models are traced with time. Nonlinear extension to the AR models (NAR) is formulated based on the assumption of existenceof nonlinear oscillations in the data. The optimum order of this model is determined and its performance is compared with that of the linear AR models. The analysis of the data with NAR resulted in the satisfaction of sufficient conditions for limit cycles in the ictal phase. KEY WORDS: Electrocorticography; focal epilepsy; nonlinear modelling; limit cycles. I. INTRODUCTION In this paper we are concerned with the building of models for discrete time domain ECoG data. Ou..