23 research outputs found

    Local redox environment beneath biological membranes probed by palmitoylated-roGFP

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    Production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and consequent glutathione oxidation are associated with various physiological processes and diseases, including cell differentiation, senescence, and inflammation. GFP-based redox sensors provide a straight-forward approach to monitor ROS levels and glutathione oxidation within a living cell at the subcellular resolution. We utilized palmitoylated versions of cytosolic glutathione and hydrogen peroxide sensors (Grx1-roGFP2 and roGFP2-Orp1, respectively) and demonstrated a unique redox environment near biological membranes. In HeLa cells, cytosolic glutathione was practically completely reduced (EGSH/GSSG = â 333 mV) and hydrogen peroxide level was under the detectable range. In contrast, the cytoplasmic milieu near membranes of intracellular vesicles exhibited significant glutathione oxidation (EGSH/GSSG > â 256 mV) and relatively high H2O2 production, which was not observed for the plasma membrane. These vesicles colocalized with internalized EGFR, suggesting that H2O2 production and glutathione oxidation are characteristics of cytoplasmic surfaces of the endocytosed vesicles. The results visually illustrate local redox heterogeneity within the cytosol for the first time

    Visualization of the Redox Status of Cytosolic Glutathione Using the Organelle- and Cytoskeleton-Targeted Redox Sensors

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    Glutathione is a small thiol-containing peptide that plays a central role in maintaining cellular redox homeostasis. Glutathione serves as a physiologic redox buffer by providing thiol electrons for catabolizing harmful oxidants and reversing oxidative effects on biomolecules. Recent evidence suggests that the balance of reduced and oxidized glutathione (GSH/GSSG) defines the redox states of Cys residues in proteins and fine-tunes their stabilities and functions. To elucidate the redox balance of cellular glutathione at subcellular resolution, a number of redox-sensitive green fluorescent protein (roGFP) variants have been developed. In this study, we constructed and functionally validated organelle- and cytoskeleton-targeted roGFP and elucidated the redox status of the cytosolic glutathione at a subcellular resolution. These new redox sensors firmly established a highly reduced redox equilibrium of cytosolic glutathione, wherein significant deviation was observed among cells. By targeting the sensor to the cytosolic and lumen sides of the Golgi membrane, we identified a prominent redox gradient across the biological membrane at the Golgi body. The results demonstrated that organelle- and cytoskeleton-targeted sensors enable the assessment of glutathione oxidation near the cytosolic surfaces of different organelle membranes