249 research outputs found

    job satisfaction in operating-room nurses

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    Purpose : The purpose of this study was to investigate the operating environment, degree of operating-room nurses’, and to clarify the job satisfaction, experience, and emotions categorized characteristics operating-room nurses. Method : The study surveyed 1177 operating-room nurses. For 38 questionnaire items, a 5-point Likert scale was applied regarding job satisfaction, workplace environment, experiences, and emotions. Classification was performed by cluster analysis based on operating-room nurses’ job satisfaction. Results : Results of cluster analysis were classified into five groups with unique characteristics based on factors such as age, years of nursing experience, years of operating-room nursing experience, workplace environment, experience, and emotion. Conclusion: Results suggest providing support tailored to characteristics of each of the five groups to optimize their job satisfaction

    Iowa High Schools: Meeting the Challenges of Educating Limited English Proficient Students

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    iii, 132 leaves. Advisor: Kathy Fejes.The recent influx of immigrants and refugees in Iowa has caused an increase in the population of Limited English Proficient (LEP) students in the schools of Iowa. The condition of education of Iowa secondary LEP students in mainstream classrooms has not been studied extensively. Valid and reliable tools for studying the education of LEP students have not been developed. In this study, the author developed a survey tool that measures how much mainstream teachers perceive themselves to be following the best practices as suggested by research in the areas of school policies and organization, curriculum issues, and instructional techniques. The survey was sent to nine high schools in five school districts in Iowa. One hundred twenty-two teachers responded to the survey. The results of the survey indicated that the participating Iowa high school teachers perceive themselves to be making efforts to accommodate LEP students in the area of instruction, whereas some improvement needs to be made in the area of curriculum accommodation. Needed most in Iowa secondary schools are curriculum articulation and collaboration between mainstream and ESL teachers, staff development opportunities for mainstream teachers, and a school system and structure that allows for these practices. Content validity, parallel form reliability, and construct validity of the research tool were established in this survey. The results indicated that the survey tool is fit to be used for identifying the areas that need improvement in education of LEP students, and should be used in further educational research

    Model for the Architecture of Claudin-Based Paracellular Ion Channels through Tight Junctions

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    AbstractClaudins are main cell–cell adhesion molecules of tight junctions (TJs) between cells in epithelial sheets that form tight barriers that separate the apical from the basolateral space but also contain paracellular channels that regulate the flow of ions and solutes in between these intercellular spaces. Recently, the first crystal structure of a claudin was determined, that of claudin-15, which indicated the parts of the large extracellular domains that likely form the pore-lining surfaces of the paracellular channels. However, the crystal structure did not show how claudin molecules are arranged in the cell membrane to form the backbone of TJ strands and to mediate interactions between adjacent cells, information that is essential to understand how the paracellular channels in TJs function. Here, we propose that TJ strands consist of claudin protomers that assemble into antiparallel double rows. This model is based on cysteine crosslinking experiments that show claudin-15 to dimerize face to face through interactions between the edges of the extracellular β-sheets. Strands observed by freeze-fracture electron microscopy of TJs also show that their width is consistent with the dimensions of a claudin dimer. Furthermore, we propose that extracellular variable regions are responsible for head-to-head interactions of TJ strands in adjoining cells, thus resulting in the formation of paracellular channels. Our model of the TJ architecture provides a basis to discuss structural mechanisms underlying the selective ion permeability and barrier properties of TJs

    Development of care for minimization of after-effects on mothers who donate organ to their children for pediatric liver transplants

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    取得学位 : 博士(保健学), 学位授与番号 : 医博甲第1861号 , 学位授与年月日 : 平成19年3月22日, 学位授与大学 : 金沢大学, 審査結果の報告日 : 平成19年2月20日, 主査 : 稲垣 美智子 , 副査 :木村 留美子, 須釜 淳

    Characterization of sensitivity and responses of a 2-element prototype wavefront sensor for millimeter-wave adaptive optics attached to the Nobeyama 45 m telescope

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    We report the results of the performance characterization of a prototype wavefront sensor for millimetric adaptive optics (MAO) installed on the Nobeyama 45 m radio telescope. MAO is a key component to realize a future large-aperture submillimeter telescope, such as Large Submillimeter Telescope (LST) or Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (AtLAST). The difficulty of MAO is, however, real-time sensing of wavefront deformation with ~10 um accuracy across the aperture. Our wavefront sensor operating at 20 GHz measures the radio path length between a certain position of the primary mirror surface to the focal point where a 20 GHz coherent receiver is placed. With the 2-element prototype, we sampled two positions on the primary mirror surface (at radii of 5 m and 16 m) at a sampling rate of 10 Hz. Then an excess path length (EPL) between the two positions was obtained by differentiating the two optical paths. A power spectral density of the EPL shows three components: a low-frequency drift (1/f^n), oscillations, and a white noise. A comparison of EPL measurements under a variety of wind conditions suggests that the former two are likely induced by the wind load on the telescope structure. The power of the white noise corresponds to a 1sigma statistical error of 8 um in EPL measurements. The 8 um r.m.s. is significant with respect to the mirror surface accuracy required by the LST and AtLAST (~20-40 um r.m.s.), which demonstrates that our technique is also useful for the future large-aperture submillimeter telescopes.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures. Published in SPIE Pro

    Flexible and dynamic nucleosome fiber in living mammalian cells

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    © Landes Bioscience, 2013. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Nucleus 4 (2013): 349-356, doi:10.4161/nucl.26053.Genomic DNA is organized three dimensionally within cells as chromatin and is searched and read by various proteins by an unknown mechanism; this mediates diverse cell functions. Recently, several pieces of evidence, including our cryomicroscopy and synchrotron X-ray scattering analyses, have demonstrated that chromatin consists of irregularly folded nucleosome fibers without a 30-nm chromatin fiber (i.e., a polymer melt-like structure). This melt-like structure implies a less physically constrained and locally more dynamic state, which may be crucial for protein factors to scan genomic DNA. Using a combined approach of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, Monte Carlo computer simulations, and single nucleosome imaging, we demonstrated the flexible and dynamic nature of the nucleosome fiber in living mammalian cells. We observed local nucleosome fluctuation (~50 nm movement per 30 ms) caused by Brownian motion. Our in vivo-in silico results suggest that local nucleosome dynamics facilitate chromatin accessibility and play a critical role in the scanning of genome information.This work was supported by a grant-in-aid for a MEXT grant, JST CREST, Yamada Science Foundation and Takeda Science Foundation. Nozaki T and Hihara A are JSPS fellows

    Density imaging of heterochromatin in live cells using orientation-independent-DIC microscopy

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    © The Author(s), 2017. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Molecular Biology of the Cell 28 (2017): 3349-3359, doi:10.1091/mbc.E17-06-0359.In eukaryotic cells, highly condensed inactive/silenced chromatin has long been called “heterochromatin.” However, recent research suggests that such regions are in fact not fully transcriptionally silent and that there exists only a moderate access barrier to heterochromatin. To further investigate this issue, it is critical to elucidate the physical properties of heterochromatin such as its total density in live cells. Here, using orientation-independent differential interference contrast (OI-DIC) microscopy, which is capable of mapping optical path differences, we investigated the density of the total materials in pericentric foci, a representative heterochromatin model, in live mouse NIH3T3 cells. We demonstrated that the total density of heterochromatin (208 mg/ml) was only 1.53-fold higher than that of the surrounding euchromatic regions (136 mg/ml) while the DNA density of heterochromatin was 5.5- to 7.5-fold higher. We observed similar minor differences in density in typical facultative heterochromatin, the inactive human X chromosomes. This surprisingly small difference may be due to that nonnucleosomal materials (proteins/RNAs) (∼120 mg/ml) are dominant in both chromatin regions. Monte Carlo simulation suggested that nonnucleosomal materials contribute to creating a moderate access barrier to heterochromatin, allowing minimal protein access to functional regions. Our OI-DIC imaging offers new insight into the live cellular environments.This work was supported by MEXT and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) grants (Nos. 23115005 and 16H04746, respectively), as well as a Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) CREST grant (No. JPMJCR15G2). R.I. and T.N. are JSPS Fellows. R.I. was supported by the SOKENDAI Short-Stay Study Abroad Program in fiscal year 2016

    Dynamic organization of chromatin domains revealed by super-resolution live-dell imaging

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2017. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Cell Press for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Molecular Cell 67 (2017): 282-293, doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2017.06.018.The eukaryotic genome is organized within cells as chromatin. For proper information output, higher-order chromatin structures can be regulated dynamically. How such structures form and behave in various cellular processes remains unclear. Here, by combining super-resolution imaging (photoactivated localization microscopy, PALM) and single nucleosome tracking, we developed a nuclear imaging system to visualize the higher-order structures along with their dynamics in live mammalian cells. We demonstrated that nucleosomes form compact domains with a peak diameter of ~160 nm and move coherently in live cells. The heterochromatin-rich regions showed more domains and less movement. With cell differentiation, the domains became more apparent, with reduced dynamics. Furthermore, various perturbation experiments indicated that they are organized by a combination of factors, including cohesin and nucleosome–nucleosome interactions. Notably, we observed the domains during mitosis, suggesting that they act as building blocks of chromosomes and may serve as information units throughout the cell cycle.This work was supported by MEXT and JSPS grants (23115005 and 16H04746, respectively) and a JST CREST grant (JPMJCR15G2).2018-07-1

    Examination in QOL of hemodialysis patient

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    In this study we examined how best to improve the quality of life (QOL) of hemodialysis patients by analyzing their nursing care. We administered the Kidney Disease Quality of Life^<TM> evaluation to 83 hemodialysis patients and identified the following four major factors affecting QOL: bodily function, functional ability, social ability, and support systems. Findings showed that strengthening a patient's support system is essential for improving their quality of life, and also suggested an overall need to improve nursing care interventions for managing patient's bodily condition.血液透析者のQOL向上を目的とした看護支援を検討するため,透析患者83名のQOLをKidney Disease Quality of Life (KDQOL^<TM>)にて評価し,QOL構造の明確化を図った。透析患者83名のQOLの構成要素は「身体側面」,「役割的な機能」汁社会的な機能」,「支持体制」の4因子であった。また,透析患者のQOLを高めるには,「支援体制」の強化が重要であり,「身体側面」への看護介入の質を高める必要性が示唆できた