13 research outputs found

    Prophylaxis and Early Detection for Breast Cancer

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    Abstract: Breast cancer is steadily increasing in number in Japan due to less child bearing, less breast-feeding, and more westernization of life style than ever. Cancer registration in Osaka reported the incidence of breast cancer in 1996 to 1998 to be 41.1/100,000, four-times higher than the value in 1966-1968. Avoiding overweight, animal fat intake and mental stresses is a basic and easy measure for prevention of breast cancer. A unique study performed in Japan shows that daily intake of 10 or more cups of green tea inhibits development of breast cancer. A large-scale study by National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP) revealed that 5-year tamoxifen administration to high-risk women decreased the incidence of breast cancer to 1/2 of the value for control women. Early diagnosis of breast cancer is most effectively achieved by fine needle aspiration cytology if the tumor is palpable with joint work with capable cytologists. More recently, stereo-tactic biopsy devices are available for non-palpable lesions. Mammography is more frequently used in mass screening system though its essential merit is yet to be investigated