1,206 research outputs found

    Evaluating the efficacy of psychodynamic treatment on a single case of autism. A qualitative research.

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    Autism spectrum disorder refers to a group of diseases determined by multiple conditions and primarily defined on the basis of behavioral patterns. The literature and guidelines provide indications regarding adequate treatments, underlying how psychologically and behaviorally structured interventions, should be considered the best programs. Anyway, there is still a scarcity of studies evidencing the effectiveness of therapeutic and developmental approaches situated in a psychodynamic framework and researches aimed to evaluate the quality of psychodynamic interventions on autism are rare. The present study illustrate a qualitative research on the single-case intervention with an autistic adolescent, admitted to the Educational - Rehabilitation Centre Antenna 112. The Centre bases its intervention on a specific psychodynamic approach, Lacanian Psychoanalysis, named Pratique \ue0 Plusieurs. The efficacy of the psychodynamic intervention is evaluated by monitoring the therapeutic process with the adolescent from his admission. The evaluation took place in three different stages of the intervention: at the beginning of the treatment, after 6 months and after 12 months. In particular, the level of adaptive behaviors (Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale), Social Communication (Social Communication Questionnaire), and the seriousness of behavioral patterns, specific for the autism disorders (Childhood Autism Rating Scale) have been assessed. Results highlight that the psychodynamic setting of the Centre and the therapeutic intervention, which takes place in it, foster an improvement of adaptive behavior, such as life skills and socialization. Limitations of the present study and clinical implications regarding residential psychodynamic treatments in cases of autism disorders are discussed


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    This volume collects the papers presented at the “Mind, Language, and the First-Person Perspective” International Conference and School of Philosophy held at the Faculty of Philosophy, San Raffaele University, from 28th to 30th September 2021. The Conference was organized by the San Raffaele PRIN Research Unit within the “Mark of the Mental” (MOM) Research Project, with the collaboration of the San Raffaele Research Centre in Experimental and Applied Epistemology and the San Raffaele Research Centre in Phenomenology and Sciences of the Person. The Introduction is an overview of the debate about the mark of the mental and of the contents of the edited volume

    El estado del tiempo en Zavalla durante el corriente año

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    Las heladas en Zavalla : ¿Sufrieron modificaciones en los últimos años?

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    Resorbable conductive materials for optimally interfacing medical devices with the living

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    Implantable and wearable bioelectronic systems are arising growing interest in the medical field. Linking the microelectronic (electronic conductivity) and biological (ionic conductivity) worlds, the biocompatible conductive materials at the electrode/tissue interface are key components in these systems. We herein focus more particularly on resorbable bioelectronic systems, which can safely degrade in the biological environment once they have completed their purpose, namely, stimulating or sensing biological activity in the tissues. Resorbable conductive materials are also explored in the fields of tissue engineering and 3D cell culture. After a short description of polymer-based substrates and scaffolds, and resorbable electrical conductors, we review how they can be combined to design resorbable conductive materials. Although these materials are still emerging, various medical and biomedical applications are already taking shape that can profoundly modify post-operative and wound healing follow-up. Future challenges and perspectives in the field are proposed

    CaracterizaciĂłn de las precipitaciones en la localidad de Zavalla

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    El conocimiento del régimen de precipitaciones es fundamental para la planificación de todas las actividades agro-pecuarias, desde la preparación adecuada del suelo, hasta los procedimientos utilizados para el manejo postcose-cha. El objetivo de este trabajo es el análisis estadístico de las precipitaciones registradas en la estación Agrometeo-rológica de Zavalla. Se analizan en primer lugar las precipitaciones totales anuales, en ciclos de enero a diciembre y de julio a junio. Luego se analizan las precipitaciones mensuales y finalmente agrupadas por estación. Se encuen-tran diferencias entre las características estadísticas analizadas: tendencias, clasificación de Prohaska, según se considere el ciclo calendario o el agronómico. Se concluye que para fines agrícolas es conveniente planificar activi-dades en función del resultado del análisis del ciclo agronómico, y utilizar los valores de mediana en lugar de pro-medio, especialmente en verano

    Active deformation evidence in the offshore of western Calabria (southern Tyrrhenian Sea) from ultra-resolution multichannel seismic reflection data: results from the Gulf of Sant'Eufemia

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    An ultra-resolution, multichannel seismic reflection data set was collected during an oceanographic cruise organised in the frame of the “Earthquake Potential of Active Faults using offshore Geological and Morphological Indicators” (EPAF) project, which was founded by the Scientific and Technological Cooperation (Scientific Track 2017) between the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Space of the State of Israel. The data acquisition approach was based on innovative technologies for the offshore imaging of stratigraphy and structures along continental margins with a horizontal and vertical resolution at decimetric scale. In this work, we present the methodology used for the 2D HR-seismic reflection data acquisition and the preliminary interpretation of the data set. The 2D seismic data were acquired onboard the R/V Atlante by using an innovative data acquisition equipment composed by a dual-sources Sparker system and one HR 48-channel, slant streamers, with group spacing variable from 1 to 2 meters, at 10 kHz sampling rate. An innovative navigation system was used to perform all necessary computations to determining real-time positions of sources and receivers. The resolution of the seismic profiles obtained from this experiment is remarkable high respect to previously acquired seismic data for both scientific and industrial purposes. In addition to the seismic imaging, gravity core data were also collected for sedimentological analysis and to give a chronological constraint using radiocarbon datings to the shallower reflectors. The investigated area is located in the western offshore sector of the Calabrian Arc (southern Tyrrhenian Sea) where previous research works, based on multichannel seismic profiles coupled with Chirp profiles, have documented the presence of an active fault system. One of the identified faults was tentatively considered as the source of the Mw 7, 8 September 1905 seismic event that hit with highest macroseismic intensities the western part of central Calabria, and was followed by a tsunami that inundated the coastline between Capo Vaticano and the Angitola plain. On this basis, the earthquake was considered to have a source at sea, but so far, the location, geometry and kinematics of the causative fault are still poorly understood. In this study we provide preliminary results of the most technologically advanced ultra-high-resolution geophysical method used to reveal the 3D faulting pattern, the late Quaternary slip rate and the earthquake potential of the marine fault system located close to the densely populated west coast of Calabria

    A New Frontier of Photocatalysis Employing Micro-Sized TiO2: Air/Water Pollution Abatement and Self-Cleaning/ Antibacterial Applications

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    This chapter presents the use of a commercial micro-sized TiO2 powder as an alternative to the traditional nano-powders as semiconductors in photocatalytic processes. Results of the photocatalytic efficiency towards the photodegradation of the traditional pollutant molecules both in gas phase (nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs)) and in water phase (phenol) are presented and compared to the results obtained with two nano-sized reference powders. Micro-sized TiO2 is also industrially coated at the surfaces of porcelain grés tiles (Active Clean Air and Antibacterial Ceramic™). The possibility to have a photocatalytic material, strongly stuck at the surface of a vitrified tile, increases the use of photocatalysis in real conditions: no problem of filtration of the semiconductor from the liquid medium after use and no risks of leakage of nanoparticles in the atmosphere. Tests were performed using reactors equipped with UV-A lamps and with suitable analytical systems, depending on the final purpose. Characterization data from both powders and coated tiles are put in correlation with the photocatalytic results to understand the semiconductor action during the photocatalytic process. Polluting molecules were chosen in order to cover all the common aspects of environmental pollution: NOx and some VOCs represent the model molecules to test the efficiency of the micro-sized TiO2 (degradation from the pristine molecule to CO2 or inorganic salts) in gas phase. As for the water pollution, phenol was chosen as common pollutant in worldwide rivers. Moreover, tests on self-cleaning and antibacterial properties are also reported. The positive results of micro-sized TiO2 both in powder and coated onto the surface of porcelain grés tiles open the way to new photocatalytic products that do not make use of nanoscale powders avoiding problems to human safety caused by the inherent toxicity of the nanoparticles

    The use and beauty of ultra-high-resolution seismic reflection imaging in Late Quaternary marine volcaniclastic settings, Bay of Naples, Italy

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    A Nápolyi-öbölben felvett ultra nagy felbontású egycsatornás (IKB-Seistec™) reflexiós szeizmikus szelvények korábbi geológiai és geofizikai vizsgálatok eredményeivel együtt kivételes, eddig soha nem látott felbontású szeizmikus leképezését nyújtják a Flegrei-mezők és a Somma-Vezúv felszín alá süllyedt késő-pleisztocén–holocén rétegtani felépí - tésének. A szeizmikus szelvényeken látott geometria és gravitációs magvevővel nyert üledékek adatainak összevetéséből Campania partközeli kontinentális talapzatán számos olyan üledékes és vulkáni szerkezet, valamint hidrotermális jelenség került leképezésre, melyek a legutolsó glaciális maximum (kb. 18 000 év) óta keletkeztek. A Pozzuoli-öbölben mért Seistec szelvények jól mutatják a beomlott kaldera gyűrűs vetőjét, a kb. 15 ezer éves Nápolyi Sárga Tufa (NYT) lerakódáshoz vezető kitöréskor felújuló boltozatot, és alátámasztják a deformáció későnegyedidőszaki korára és stílusára vonatkozó hipotéziseket. A szeizmikus szelvényeken látható a NYT rétegeinek töréses szerkezete, valamint hidrotermális fluidum-feláramlások és vulkáni/szubvulkáni intrúziók a gyűrűs vetők mentén. A Somma-Vezúv rétegvulkán előterében a kontinentális talapzat felett mért szeizmikus szelvények leképezték a Vezúv i.sz. 79-es kitörésekor Herculaneum városát elpusztító piroklaszt-ár tengervízbe érésekor keletkező, gravitációsan összeomló homokhullámok szerkezetét is. A Somma-Vezúv és a Pozzuoli-öböl közti, buckás felszínű Banco della Montagna területén mért szelvények és fúrómagok vulkanoklasztos diapírok sorát tárták fel. Ezeket a konszolidálatlan horzsakőből álló testeket a fluidum - feláramlás és aktív kigázosodás hatására kialakult mélybeli túlnyomás hozta fel a tengerfenékre.Very high-resolution, single channel (IKB-Seistec™) reflection seizmic profiles acquired in the Bay of Naples, com - plemented with geological and geophysical data from the literature, provide unprecedented, superb seismic imaging of the latest Pleistocene–Holocene stratigraphic architecture of the submerged sectors Campi Flegrei and Somma-Vesuvius volcanic districts. Seismic profiles were calibrated by gravity core data and document a range of depositional systems, volcanic structures and hydrothermal features that evolved after the onset of the Last Glacial Maximum (~ 18 ka BP) over the continental shelf on the Campania coastal zone. Seistec profiles from the Pozzuoli Bay yield high-resolution images of the shallow structure of the collapse caldera-ring fault — resurgent dome system associated with the eruption of the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (NYT) (ca 15 ka) and support a working hypothesis to assess the timing and the styles of deformation of the NYT resurgent structure throughout the latest Quaternary. Seismic images also revealed the nature of the fragile deformation of strata along the NYT ring fault system and the occurrence of hydrothermal fluids and volcanic/subvolcanic intrusions ascending along the ring fault zone. Seismic data acquired over the continental shelf off the Somma-Vesuvius stratovolcano, display evidence of gravit - ational instability of wavy bedforms representing the submarine prosecution of pyroclastic flows originated from the Vesuvius during the eruption that destroyed the Roman city of Herculaneum in 79 CE. At the Banco della Montagna, a hummocky seafloor knoll located between the Somma-Vesuvius and the Pozzuoli Bay, seismic profiles and gravity core data revealed the occurrence of a field of volcaniclastic diapirs formed by the dragging and rising up of unconsolidated pumice, as a consequence of fluid overpressure at depth associated with active degassing and fluid venting at the seafloor
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