10 research outputs found

    Miscanthus – trawa niezwykła: charakterystyka biochemiczno--fizjologiczna: przegląd literaturowy

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    Miscanthus × giganteus (Giant Miscanthus) is one of the most promising plants cultivated for biomass production. In spite of its origin from south-east Asia and being warm adapted plant it grows well and produces high biomass in temperate latitudes. Miscanthus × giganteus is a C4 plant and hence this study presents a brief description of C4 photosynthesis and the enzymes involved in this process. On the basis of data from current literature, the biochemical bases of relatively high tolerance of miscanthus to cold temperatures (0–15 oC) were evaluated. Moreover, it was reviewed numerous ecophysiological features of Miscanthus × giganteus were reviewed (high productivity, low fertiliser and pesticides requirements, possibility to use in phytoremediation) which showed that it is a proecological and environmentally friendly crop. This causes that Miscanthus × giganteus might be recognize as a leading crop in non-food cultivations.Miscanthus × giganteus (Miskant olbrzymi) jest jedną z bardziej obiecujących tzw. Roślin alternatywnych uprawianych z przeznaczeniem na cele energetyczne. Pomimo że pochodzi z południowo- Miscanthus -wschodniej Azji i jest rośliną ciepłolubną, to bardzo dobrze rośnie i charakteryzuje się wysoką produktywności ą w strefie umiarkowanych szerokości geograficznych. Miscanthus × giganteus jest rośliną typu C4, dlatego w pracy przedstawiono krótki opis procesu fotosyntetycznego wiązania CO2 w tzw. szlaku C4 oraz uczestniczących w nim enzymów. Korzystając z najnowszych danych literaturowych, przeanalizowano podstawy biochemiczne stosunkowo dużej odporności tej rośliny na niskie temperatury (0-15 oC). Opisano również szereg ekofizjologicznych właściwości Miscanthus × giganteus (wysoka produktywność, niewielkie wymagania nawozowe, brak konieczności stosowania pestycydów, możliwość wykorzystania w procesach fitoremediacji), które sprawiają, że jest on określany jako roślina ekologiczna i szczególnie przyjazna środowisku. Opisane cechy rośliny sprawiają, że można ją uznać za lidera wśród roślin uprawianych na cele nieżywnościowe

    Impact of seed stimulation and foliar fertilization with microelements on changes in the chemical composition and productivity of sugar beet

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    The experiment was carried out in 2011-2013, under the climatic conditions of the Silesian Lowlands. It was set up in a split-plot design with three replications. The purpose was to analyse the effect of foliar fertilization with iron, copper, manganese on sugar beet plants grown from natural, standard seeds and from seeds conditioned through priming. Each year, seeds of sugar beet were sown between 10th and 20th of April, and harvested around 20th of October. The density of plants ranged from 95 to 98 thousand of specimens per ha and did not depend on the factors analysed throughout the experiment. Plants were fertilized with microelements in BBCH phases 15 and 18, and the content of N, P, K, Mg and Na was analysed in roots and leaves in BBCH phases 28, 35, 41 and 46. During BBCH phase 49, i.e. the phase of full maturity, the yield of sugar and some technological root quality characteristics, such as the content of sucrose, α-amino nitrogen and potassium and sodium cations, were analysed. Foliar fertilization with microelements such as iron, copper and manganese, and the stimulation of seeds by priming changed the level of concentration of nitrogen and mineral macro components of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and sodium during the vegetation season in the roots and leaves. In BBCH stages 28 and 35, plants grown from the primed seeds had a higher content of nitrogen, potassium, sodium and magnesium in leaves, and higher content of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in roots. Foliar fertilization with these trace elements in interaction with the pre-sowing stimulation of seeds (priming) had an impact on the chemical composition of the plant during the vegetation season, the content of sucrose in the roots, and plants’ performance

    Impact of seed stimulation and foliar fertilization with microelements on changes in the chemical composition and productivity of sugar beet

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    The experiment was carried out in 2011-2013, under the climatic conditions of the Silesian Lowlands. It was set up in a split-plot design with three replications. The purpose was to analyse the effect of foliar fertilization with iron, copper, manganese on sugar beet plants grown from natural, standard seeds and from seeds conditioned through priming. Each year, seeds of sugar beet were sown between 10th and 20th of April, and harvested around 20th of October. The density of plants ranged from 95 to 98 thousand of specimens per ha and did not depend on the factors analysed throughout the experiment. Plants were fertilized with microelements in BBCH phases 15 and 18, and the content of N, P, K, Mg and Na was analysed in roots and leaves in BBCH phases 28, 35, 41 and 46. During BBCH phase 49, i.e. the phase of full maturity, the yield of sugar and some technological root quality characteristics, such as the content of sucrose, α-amino nitrogen and potassium and sodium cations, were analysed. Foliar fertilization with microelements such as iron, copper and manganese, and the stimulation of seeds by priming changed the level of concentration of nitrogen and mineral macro components of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and sodium during the vegetation season in the roots and leaves. In BBCH stages 28 and 35, plants grown from the primed seeds had a higher content of nitrogen, potassium, sodium and magnesium in leaves, and higher content of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in roots. Foliar fertilization with these trace elements in interaction with the pre-sowing stimulation of seeds (priming) had an impact on the chemical composition of the plant during the vegetation season, the content of sucrose in the roots, and plants’ performance

    Phytochemicals in bioenergy crops

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