4 research outputs found
Los textos que presentamos para el debate. Son de un género muy diferente al que habitualmente trabajamos. Se trata de una serie de voces para un diccionario especializado, inscripto en el Programa de investigación Las palabras de la Ciudad, dirigido por un antropólogo y un sociólogo (Jean-Charles Depaule y Christian Topalov), por Helene Riviére d' Arc para América Latina La responsable por Argentina es Alicia Novick. En la medida que fue un esfuerzo colectivo de muchos investigadores del Instituto, que los resultados fueron objeto de varios referatos y que los objetivos, se fueron reformulando sobre la marcha, pensamos que eran susceptibles de ser debatidos dentro de nuestro Seminario de crítica
Illness experiences in women with oral dryness as a result of Sjögrens’s syndrome: The patient point of view
Background Sjögren's syndrome and the associated dryness can have multiple consequences. The aim of the present qualitative study was to give an in-depth account of the life experiences of women with primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS) and health-related behaviours, and to summarize these experiences in an integrated model. Methods Twelve women diagnosed with pSS who regularly attended the Hospital of the University of Chile participated in detailed interviews. The data were analysed using qualitative methods based on the principles of grounded theory. Results Selective coding identified three categories: illness experience, social interaction and psychological response. An integrated model was developed connecting these dynamic aspects and suggesting how they could lead to a life cycle crisis in cases of maladjustment. We found that problem-solving strategies, reconstruction of identity, acceptance and a social support may prevent this life cycle crisis. Discussion Xerostomia and other consequences of pSS can have a profound influence on daily life. However, the severity of the consequences depends on individual experiences with the illness, social influences and the psychological responses of the patient. Physicians, dentists and other healthcare professionals can help the patient by listening to their problems and exploring solutions based on a psychological approach