1,234 research outputs found

    Peranan Pengurusan Kontraktor Dalam Meningkatkan Keselamatan Dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Di Tapak Pembinaan

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    Akta Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan 1994 menyediakan rangka perundangan untuk memupuk, merangsang dan menggalakkan mutu keselamatan dan kesihatan yang tinggi di tempat kerja. The Occupational Safety and Health Act (Act 514) 1994 provides legislative framework to promote, stimulate and encourage high standards of safety at work

    Prevalence of ClFA and ClFB Genes in Staphylococcus Aureus Isolated from Patient with Urinary Tract Infection in Al-Diwaniya City/ Iraq

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    Background: Staphylococcus aureus is a major nosocomial pathogen responsible for a vast array of infections, including urinary tract infections (UTIs). Biofilm formation, mediated by factors like ClfA and ClfB proteins, contributes to S. aureus pathogenesis. This study aimed to investigate the occurrence of ClfA and ClfB genes alongside the antimicrobial susceptibility testing of S. aureus isolates from patients with UTIs. Methods: A total of 42 S. aureus isolates were recovered from patients diagnosed with UTIs attended to private clinics in Al-Diwaniya city/ Iraq during January to May 2023. Identification was confirmed using the VITEK-2 system. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was done by the Kirby-Bauer method against a panel of commonly used antibiotics. Conventional PCR was employed to detect the presence of ClfA and ClfB genes. Results: The study revealed high resistance rates were observed for Ampicillin (100%), Ampicillin/Cloxacillin (83.3%), Cefoxitin (78.6%), and Amikacin (73.8%) and Methicillin (71.4%). Conversely, resistance rates were lower for Meropenem (19.0%), Ciprofloxacin (21.4%), and Vancomycin (35.7%), indicating their potential continued use for UTI treatment. PCR analysis demonstrated a high occurrence of ClfA and ClfB genes within the S. aureus population. A significant majority (92.85%) of isolates harbored the ClfA gene while, 76.2% of isolates possessed the ClfB gene, highlighting its potential contribution to S. aureus pathogenesis in UTIs. Conclusion: ClfA and ClfB is highly distributed in S. aureusa, studies needed to evaluate molecular pattern of these genes and relationship with other virulence factors. Results of the present study highlight the need for continued invastigation of antibiotic resistance profile in S. aureus across in the country


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    Fahruddin Ali Sabri (Penulis, dosen STAIN Pamekasan, Jl. Raya Panglegur Km. 04 Pamekasan. Kontak 08521346464, e-mail [email protected])     Abstract Indonesian tourism sector has been developed rapidly and significantly. Hotels sector high income contribution indicates the significant development, so it influences public prosperity. Syari’ah Hotel is one of the hotel models offering certain facilities that matches Islamic values.  Its  development opens promising market chance that must be grounded on non-alcohol, drug-abused free and adultery prohibition concept. It facilitates the guests to have comfortable and safe stay. Kata-kata kunci Hotel, Pariwisata dan Syarî’a

    Choosing Friends to Help a Victim of Domestic Violence in Surabaya

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    State actors and non-State actors have an important role and contribution to solving acts of domestic violence.  These actors are given space through Law No. 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence. Legal protection and human rights are the main points for victims of domestic violence in protecting their dignity and dignity as human beings. Victims of domestic violence have the option to resolve it through both State and non-State actors, they seem comfortable with their choice of friends in resolving these acts of domestic violence. This article uses ethnographic methodology by observing the behavior, knowledge, beliefs, network of friends, and culture of the selection process for solving domestic violence in the city of Surabaya. This article is derived from data collected through documentation, semi-participant observation, and interactive dialogue. Friends as an institution where to complain, and seek resolution has been chosen by victims of domestic violence. They consider that friends play an important role as a preliminary institution rather than other actors such as nuclear relatives, police and courts who are State and other non-State actors

    The Effects of Political Parties on Women's Organization

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    The aim of this research is to analyze statistics to understand the effect of political parties on women organizations and the obstacles they create for these organizations as they work for gaining their members’ rights. In the research, the quantitative method was used for collecting data, using a questioner. The research participants were chosen through snowball sampling in Erbil Governorate. The size of the sampling was 195 persons that their level of education was different. For analyzing the collected data SPSS software was used. The findings show that politics to a very low extent were obstacles for women’s organization and thus these organizations were unable to effectively operate in obtaining their members’ rights. The results also show that women themselves were unable to play an effective role for gaining their rights. In addition, the findings show that not having their own sources of finance makes women’s organizations depend on political parties.  Key words: Women’s Organizations, Political Parties, Radical Feminist, Liberal Feminist


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    Dalam pandangan ulama ushul fiqih aliran Syâfi’iyyah, dilâlah terbagi menjadi dua macam, yaitu dilâlah manthûq dan dilâlah mafhûm. Dilâlah manthûq adalah petunjuk hukum yang terdapat dalam susunan lafazhnya dan dalam ucapan lafazhnya. Sedangkan dilâlah mafhûm  adalah petunjuk hukum yang terdapat dalam susunan lafazhnya tetapi tidak disebutkan dalam ucapan lafazhnya. Secara garis besar, dilâlah manthûq terbagi menjadi dua yaitu manthûq sharîh dan manthûq gairu sharîh. Sedangkan dilâlah mafhûm  juga dapat dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu mafhûm muwâfaqah dan mafhûm  mukhâlafah. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada kedudukan mafhûm  mukhâlafah dalam surat al-nisa’, apakah ada ayat dalam surat al-Nisa' ini yang mengandung mafhûm mukhâlafah? Jika ada, apakah mafhûm mukhâlafah dalam ayat tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai dalil dan dapat diambil hukumnya

    How Does Mass Immigration Transform the Destination Societies?

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    The phenomenon of mass migration is explained thoroughly in this paper. It explains how easy global transportation by air and sea in a technological advanced world has made mass migration much easier. Mass Migration has also been made easier by globalization in that borders and boundaries between countries are being eliminated. Mass migration is explained in the sense that it takes into account the immigrants effect on destination countries such as the European Union, the United States of America, and also Canada. It takes into account how destination countries integrate and absorb these migrants within their economic sectors. It also takes into account how global security has been threatened by mass immigration. This paper also explains how national identity is being maintained in destination countries as mass migration influences the culture and beliefs of a country. The content analysis as methodology was used to discover the issue in this article. Key words: Mass Immigration, 11th September, National Identity, Globalization, Content Analysis

    Islamic Insurance System: Tekaful Insurance

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    The insurance issue, which is one of the convention means of finance, is based on old times. The issue of insurance, which is highly criticized in the Islamic sense, is to be integrated into a holistic system by a methodology that will remain within the Scope of Islamic Finance. While the compansation of possible risks for a certain premium is defined as insurance; the aid system, which provides relief from the troublesome situations caused by undesirable situations, is expressed as Islamic insurance. The purpose of this study, the Islamic insurance concept, basic features and by reviewing the literature on the model, the financial system is one of the global players and Islamic finance interest known by the Muslim population of the legislation and its applications in Turkey. By this paper, it is clearified the difference between conventional insurance as its well known structure and Islamic insurance

    ADOPSI (Sebuah Tawaran Hukum Islâm menuju Kebaikan Masa Depan Anak Terlantar)

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    Abstrak: Konsep pengangkatan anak dalam hukum Islâm tidak mengenal pengangkatan anak dalam arti menjadi anak kandung secara mutlak, sedang yang ada hanya diperbolehkan untuk memelihara dengan tujuan memperlakukan anak dalam segi kecintaan pemberian nafkah, pendidikan atau pelayanan dalam segala kebutuhan yang bukan memperlakukan sebagai anak kandung. Dalam konsep Islâm, pengangkatan seorang anak tidak boleh memutus nasab antara si anak dengan orang tua kandungnya. Pengangkatan anak berdasarkan hukum Islâm adalah pengangkatan anak yang bersumber pada al-Qur’ân dan sunnah serta hasil ijtihâd. Memelihara anak terlantar merupakan salah satu dari kewajiban Negara, pemerintah hendaknya menyarankan kepada warga yang mampu untuk mengadopsi anak terlantar, hal ini dilakukan untuk melindungi dan mengangkat harkat dan martabat anak terlantar.   Abstract : This article higlights the concept of child adoption from the perspective of Islâmic law. It finds that claiming foster child as biological child is forbidden in Islamic law, it only allows the adopters to treat them in terms of expressing affection, giving basic necessities of life and facilitating the  education. Islamic law also states that child adoption must not delink the lineage between the foster children with their biological parents. Islamic law based adoption  is a child adoption which is based on al-Qur’ân, Sunnah, and Ijtihâd that is applied in Indonesia and they are formulated in any products of Islamic laws. They might be in form fiqh, fatwâ (binding ruling in Islamic matters), decretal, and official legal regulations, including Islamic Laws Compilation. Raising waif is also a country obligation, the government must recommend the wealthy citizens to adopt the waif to protect and to promote their prestige and dignity. Kata-kata Kunci: Adopsi, sadd al-dzarî’ah, dan anak terlanta


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    Abstract: Ushûl  fiqh has a significant role in Islamic science, since Islamic lawpartly regulates the essential problems not the detail ones. It became nature because Islamic law rules by the end of time. However in human being live there must always be change of social design, so that it always araises new problem in society. This article is to describe the Ibnu Rusyd’s method in deciding syar’i law. His capacity as fiqih expert is undoubtful. His masterpiece, Bidâyat al-Mujtahid wa Nihâyat al-Muqtashid is a comparison of fiqh book Key Words: Ibn Rusyd, ijtihâd, dan hukum Islâ
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