840 research outputs found

    Causality Violation and Naked Time Machines in AdS_5

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    We study supersymmetric charged rotating black holes in AdS5_5, and show that closed timelike curves occur outside the event horizon. Also upon lifting to rotating D3 brane solutions of type IIB supergravity in ten dimensions, closed timelike curves are still present. We believe that these causal anomalies correspond to loss of unitarity in the dual N=4{\cal N}=4, D=4 super Yang-Mills theory, i.e. the chronology protection conjecture in the AdS bulk is related to unitarity bounds in the boundary CFT. We show that no charged or uncharged geodesic can penetrate the horizon, so that the exterior region is geodesically complete. These results still hold true in the quantum case, i.~e.~the total absorption cross section for Klein-Gordon scalars propagating in the black hole background is zero. This suggests that the effective temperature is zero instead of assuming the naively found imaginary value.Comment: 22 pages, Latex, uses JHEP.cls, 1 figure. v3: comments on unitarity in CFT and 2 references added. v4: changes in final remarks, final version to appear in JHE

    Mass in anti-de Sitter spaces

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    The boundary stress tensor approach has proven extremely useful in defining mass and angular momentum in asymptotically anti-de Sitter spaces with CFT duals. An integral part of this method is the use of boundary counterterms to regulate the gravitational action and stress tensor. In addition to the standard gravitational counterterms, in the presence of matter we advocate the use of a finite counterterm proportional to phi^2 (in five dimensions). We demonstrate that this finite shift is necessary to properly reproduce the expected mass/charge relation for R-charged black holes in AdS_5.Comment: 15 pages, late

    Variability of the soft X-ray excess in IRAS 13224-3809

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    We study the soft excess variability of the narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxy IRAS 13224-3809. We considered all five archival XMM-Newton observations, and we applied the 'flux-flux plot' (FFP) method. We found that the flux-flux plots were highly affected by the choice of the light curves' time bin size, most probably because of the fast and large amplitude variations, and the intrinsic non-linear flux--flux relations in this source. Therefore, we recommend that the smallest bin-size should be used in such cases. Hence, We constructed FFPs in 11 energy bands below 1.7 keV, and we considered the 1.7-3 keV band, as being representative of the primary emission. The FFPs are reasonably well fitted by a 'power-law plus a constant' model. We detected significant positive constants in three out of five observations. The best-fit slopes are flatter than unity at energies below 0.9\sim 0.9 keV, where the soft excess is strongest. This suggests the presence of intrinsic spectral variability. A power-law-like primary component, which is variable in flux and spectral slope (as ΓNPL0.1\Gamma\propto N_{\rm PL}^{0.1}) and a soft-excess component, which varies with the primary continuum (as FexcessFprimary0.46F_{\rm excess}\propto F_{\rm primary}^{0.46}), can broadly explain the FFPs. In fact, this can create positive `constants', even when a stable spectral component does not exist. Nevertheless, the possibility of a stable, soft--band constant component cannot be ruled out, but its contribution to the observed 0.2-1 keV band flux should be less than 15\sim 15 %. The model constants in the FFPs were consistent with zero in one observation, and negative at energies below 1 keV in another. It is hard to explain these results in the context of any spectral variability scenario, but they may signify the presence of a variable, warm absorber in the source.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 10 pages, 7 figure

    The Blackhole-Dark Matter Halo Connection

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    We explore the connection between the central supermassive blackholes (SMBH) in galaxies and the dark matter halo through the relation between the masses of the SMBHs and the maximum circular velocities of the host galaxies, as well as the relationship between stellar velocity dispersion of the spheroidal component and the circular velocity. Our assumption here is that the circular velocity is a proxy for the mass of the dark matter halo. We rely on a heterogeneous sample containing galaxies of all types. The only requirement is that the galaxy has a direct measurement of the mass of its SMBH and a direct measurement of its circular velocity and its velocity dispersion. Previous studies have analyzed the connection between the SMBH and dark matter halo through the relationship between the circular velocity and the bulge velocity dispersion, with the assumption that the bulge velocity dispersion stands in for the mass of the SMBH, via the well{}-established SMBH mass{}-bulge velocity dispersion relation. Using intermediate relations may be misleading when one is studying them to decipher the active ingredients of galaxy formation and evolution. We believe that our approach will provide a more direct probe of the SMBH and the dark matter halo connection. We find that the correlation between the mass of supermassive blackholes and the circular velocities of the host galaxies is extremely weak, leading us to state the dark matter halo may not play a major role in regulating the blackhole growth in the present Universe.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Ap