59 research outputs found
The civil legal category of property rights in Ukraine in the context of ECtHR decisions: problems of theory and practice
For the moment, ECtHR is one of the most respected and effective human rights institutions, so its decisions have the potential to create a platform to optimize and improve the application of legal rules and legal relations in case of gaps in national law. The study of the civil law category of property rights in the context of ECtHR jurisprudence is a significant step towards modernizing the consciousness of modern Ukrainian society and unifying the regulation of issues related to property. The authors used the method of analysis and the synthesis method as well as the comparative legal method in this research. In conclusion, the authors highlighted that since ECtHR decisions are binding in the administration of justice in Ukraine, there are many problems regarding the correlation between the concepts of "property", "ownership", "intellectual property", etc. The Ukrainian legislator and the law enforcer need to adapt to the flexibility of these concepts to minimize the divergence of views on legal categories that play a decisive role in the exercise of the applicant's right to judicial protection
Mass Economy: The Labor Supply and Our Economic Future
Presents findings on the current health of the state's labor force and provides policy options for attracting and retaining workers, particularly older workers and immigrants
Contract law in the conditions of recodification: modernity and future prospects
The relevance of the research lies in the study and analysis of the impact of recodification on contract law and the determination of its future prospects. Recodification, which involves a systematic revision and unification of legislation, is necessary in connection with globalization, the development of electronic commerce, and new technologies. The change in social values also creates a need to revise the legal frame, in particular in the protection of consumer rights and compliance with ethical norms. The study proposes to identify problems, propose rational solutions, and contribute to forecasting the future development of the relevant field of law. The purpose of the study is to study the impact of the recodification process on the modern system of contract law and to determine the prospects for its development in the future. The methodological basis of the research is based on a combination of various scientific approaches and methods that allow for a comprehensive and comprehensive analysis of the research subject.
Some of the main methodological approaches that can be used in this work include comparative analysis, legal analysis, empirical research methods, theoretical analysis, and historical analysis. Actual problems and challenges faced by the modern system of positive law are identified; the advantages and disadvantages of various models of recodification and their impact on the modernity of the researched field are clarified; an idea was obtained about the possible directions of the development of contract law, in particular regarding unification and harmonization, protection of consumer rights and consideration of ethical norms; recommendations and proposals for improving relevant legal norms in the context of recodification are formulated
Diagnosis of radiation lung injury in patients with highdose stereotaxic radiation therapy of metastases of various tumors in light and primary lung cancer by hypofraction.
The article assesses the signs of hypofraction during stereotactic X-ray therapy in 25 patients diagnosed primary lung's tumor and their metastases with different lung's localization. Patients were examined at the Sverdlovsk Regional Oncology Health center from 2014 to 2018.Статья посвящена оценке метода гипофракционирования при проведении стереотаксической лучевой терапии у 25 пациентов с установленными диагнозами первичного рака легкого и метастазов первичных опухолей различной локализации в легких,которые были обследованы и пролечены в ГАУЗ СО «Свердловский областной онкологический диспансер» в период с 2014 по 2018 го
Aim. The optimal time for initiating of chronic dialysis remains unknown. The scale for mortality risk assessment could help in decision-making concerning dialysis start timing.Methods. We randomly divided 1856 patients started dialysis in 2009–2016 into developmental and validation group (1:1) to create and validate scoring system «START» predicting mortality risk at dialysis initiation in order to fi nd unmodifi able and modifi able factors which could help in the decision-making of dialysis start. In the series of univariate regression models in the developmental set, we evaluated the mortality risk linked with available parameters: age, eGFR, serum phosphate, total calcium, hemoglobin, Charlson comorbidity index, diabetes status, urgency of start (turned to be signifi cant) and gender, serum sodium, potassium, blood pressure (without impact on survival). Similar hazard ratios were converted to score points.Results. The START score was highly predictive of death: C-statistic was 0.82 (95% CI 0.79–0.85) for the developmental dataset and 0.79 (95% CI 0.74–0.84) for validation dataset (both p < 0.001). On applying the cutoff between 7–8 points in the developmental dataset, the risk score was highly sensitive 81.1% and specifi c 67.9%; for validation dataset, the sensitivity was 78.9%, specifi city 67.9%. We confi rmed the similarity in survival prediction in the validation set to developmental set in low, medium and high START score groups. The difference in survival between three levels of START-score in validation set remained similar to that of developmental set: Wilcoxon = 8.78 (p = 0.02) vs 15.31 (p < 0.001) comparing low–medium levels and 25.18 (p < 0.001) vs 39.21 (p < 0.001) comparing medium–high levels.Conclusion. Developed START score system including modifi able factors showed good mortality prediction and could be used in dialysis start decision-making. Цель. Оптимальное время начала лечения гемодиализом (ГД) остается неопределенным. Создание шкалы для оценки рисков для пациента, начинающего диализ, поможет в принятии решения о сроках его начала.Методы. По данным регистра пациентов на заместительной почечной терапии проанализированы результаты лечения 1856 пациентов, начавших диализ в 2009–2016 гг. Случайным образом их разделили в соотношении 1:1 на группу разработки и группу подтверждения для создания прогностической шкалы оценки вероятности летального исхода при лечении программным гемодиализом (шкала START). При этом учитывали модифицируемые и немодифицируемые факторы риска. В серии регрессионных моделей с одной переменной в группе разработки шкалы мы оценивали риски смерти, связанные с доступными для анализа модифицируемыми и немодифицируемыми параметрами. Среди них значимыми оказались возраст, расчетная скорость клубочковой фильтрации (рСКФ), уровни фосфатов, общего кальция, гемоглобина, индекс коморбидности Чарлсон, наличие сахарного диабета, экстренность старта диализа. Пол, уровни натрия, калия, артериального давления не оказали влияния на выживаемость. Близкие по величине риски были преобразованы в баллы шкалы.Результаты. Шкала START продемонстрировала высокую предсказательную ценность в отношении риска смерти: AUC 0,82 (95% ДИ 0,79–0,85) для группы разработки шкалы и 0,79 (95% ДИ 0,74–0,84) для группы подтверждения (для обеих p < 0,001). Для точки отсечения 7–8 баллов чувствительность метода составила 81,1%, специфичность 69,9% для группы разработки и 78,9 и 67,9% соответственно – для группы подтверждения. Мы подтвердили близкие значения выживаемости пациентов в обеих группах для низких, средних и высоких значений шкалы START. Различия в выживаемости для подгрупп с тремя уровнями шкалы были близкими для групп разработки и подтверждения: критерий Wilcoxon = 8,78 (p = 0,02) vs 15,31 (p < 0,001) при сравнении выживаемости подгрупп низких и средних величин шкалы и 25,18 (p < 0,001) vs 39,21 (p < 0,001) при сравнении выживаемости подгрупп средних и высоких величин шкалы.Заключение. Разработанная шкала START, включающая модифицируемые факторы риска, продемонстрировала хорошую предсказательную ценность в отношении 5-летней летальности и может использоваться при принятии решения о времени старта диализа.
Studies toward the total synthesis of lydiamycin A
2011 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.The isolation of lydiamycin A from Streptomyces lydicus (strain HKI0343) was reported by Sattler and coworkers in 2006. Lydiamycin A showed potent activity against slow-growing and pathogenic mycobacteria, suggesting a novel mode of action in comparison with existing therapeutics. In addition to having no assigned absolute configuration at C-2 and C-3, the interesting structural complexity of the thirteen-membered cyclodepsipeptide makes it an attractive synthetic target. To this date there has been two synthesis reported-- lydiamycin B (Ma 2009) and lydiamycin A (Xu and Ye 2010) but none of the synthetic compounds matched the reported isolation data suggesting incorrect assignment of stereocenter(s) in the ring portion of the lydiamycins. Current work has been focused on closing the macrocyclic core of lydiamycin A using standard coupling conditions. Once the method for effective cyclization is developed, synthesis of diastereomers would be approached to aid in the correct assignment of natural lydiamycin A. Once we have identified the correct structure of natural lydiamycin A, we plan to use the macrocyclic core to make a series of side-chain analogs of the lydiamycins with the goal of improving potency against drug-resistant strains of Mycobacteria tuberculosis in collaboration with Prof. McNeil's laboratory. The ultimate goal is to synthesize dozens of analogs of lydiamycin to be assayed for in vitro activity against non-pathogenic, pathogenic and drug-resistant strains of Mycobacteria sp
Проблеми Відповідальності Юридичних Осіб Публічного Права За Невиконання Грошових Зобов’язань
This article focuses on comparison of the provisions of the Civil Code of Ukraine and the Budget Code of Ukraine with the European Court of Human Rights on the state’s responsibility for the obligations of its legal entities of public law. Exemption from legal liability is forbidden.Ця стаття присвячена порівнянню положень Цивільного кодексу України та Бюджетного кодексу України з практикою Європейського суду з прав людини щодо відповідальності держави за зобов’язаннями створених нею юридичних осіб публічного права і неприйнятності випадків звільнення від цивільно-правової відповідальності юридичних осіб публічного права
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